Pregnancy is such a dreamed and expected moment for most women and when they receive the news of the long-awaited arrival of the heir, where is the joy? Unexpectedly a sadness takes over your body , your thinking and the dream becomes a nightmare, and depression in pregnancy comes to your face.
What is Pregnancy Depression
Pregnancy depression is a psychological disorder that occurs during pregnancy, for reasons as varied as daily stress, fears, insecurity, hormonal variation and even being experiencing personal problems.
In ancient times they believed that being pregnant meant being immune from psychological problems , but unfortunately it is not true. Because in this phase of life the woman is even more sensitive, going through millions of transformations in her body and her hormone levels looking more like a roller coaster which leaves the woman more exposed to having these types of disorders.
And even more nowadays being the routine of women even more agitated than in the old days, they work outside and work tiresome hours and are still responsible for the care of the house and children.
Symptoms of Depression in Pregnancy
Variations in a woman’s mood during pregnancy are inevitable due to the large change in hormone production at this stage, but if these variations remain for many weeks, a specialist should be sought to analyze the case. During a depression crisis in pregnancy, it is common for women to experience the following symptoms:
- Extreme anxiety
- Sadness for no reason
- Insomnia
- Crying for no reason
- Suicidal thoughts
Changes in diet may also occur, causing the pregnant woman not to eat properly, including affecting the development of the fetus. The feeling of guilt in relation to everything around him is also very common in this situation, especially everything related to the birth of the child.
There are cases where the obstetrician may request the mother’s work away , because absolute discouragement and fatigue can disrupt her daily routine, reducing her productivity and causing even more frustrations.
Many of the cases of women with depression during pregnancy are related to a problematic pregnancy, with risks which can further affect the psychological of the woman, causing and developing this disorder at this stage, and if not treated correctly, in addition to causing damage to the development of the fetus and bring risks of premature birth, can extend even after the birth of the baby occurring to postpartum depression.
How to Treat Depression in Pregnancy
The best treatment for depression at any stage of life is the support of family, friends and those we love, but medical monitoring is also essential. The follow-up with psychologists and psychotherapy sessions can help in a powerful way in this step, bringing higher confidence, overcoming fears and returning the woman to her true reality.
Well-indicated and sought after alternatives are acupuncture and the practice of physical exercises such as yoga that can calm the mind and body . Along with a good diet, a peaceful life and only in cases of extreme severity will antidepressants be indicated.
Many are the cases of families that simply ignore the fact that the pregnant woman is down, name it as freshness or that are trying to attract attention. But the situation is more serious than you think and the closest friends and family have a fundamental role in helping you at this time.
How to explain to the world what you are feeling if not even the person understands? It is this feeling that invades the soul, which becomes desperate for having no desire to do anything, much less to enjoy a moment that should be so happy.
Family Support
Family support during the period of depression during pregnancy is essential for the woman to feel protected, well assisted and welcomed during this moment of total sensitivity. The affection, the attention, the support besides keeping the distance from judgments helps in the treatment and makes the treatment response occur in less time.
The use of antidepressants during pregnancy brings risks to the baby’s development, but if necessary, the condition will be evaluated by a specialist who will analyze the risk-benefit of the situation by offering a totally accompanied treatment.
Sometimes women just need time for themselves to put their ideas in place and have peace of mind to think and act on everything that is living at the moment. Take a deep breath, try to go over the bad thoughts and enjoy this moment, resolve things calmly and try to do activities that cause you well being, it will be just a phase.
Pregnancy is a moment of transition and total transformation for women. It is time to prepare to take on one of the biggest responsibilities of her life and she only has 9 months to do so. How not to worry about tomorrow? How can the head not work at full throttle?
In these non-stop thoughts, some women are screwed and the family enters. Love is the best medicine for the soul and at any stage of our life, so a good lap for the depressed pregnant woman can be all she needs right now.
See Also: Postpartum Depression – Celebrities Who Suffered From This Illness
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.