Throughout life we experiment with diets and more diets and weight loss plans, or even make...

Breastfeeding Tips – How to Prepare, Positions and Feeding
Most women dream of breastfeeding their baby and when they get pregnant they are already preparing...

Stoned Milk – And now?
In addition to being indicated as the main means of feeding babies up to 6 months of age,...

Breast Milk Milking – How to do it?
Many moms dream of breastfeeding! But there are times when it is necessary to withdraw milk,...

First Papinha – Transition, Tips and Recipes
This moment is unique! After 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding or 4 months of artificial...

Introduction Food before 6 Months, Can you?
All of us mothers know the importance of breastfeeding and the indication of the first six months...

Gagging – Mariana Ferrão Went Through This Scare And Me Too!
I was walking on the net and I saw in Revista Caras , that the presenter of Globo's Well Being,...

Breast Milk – Donate Life!
A woman's biggest dream is to generate a life, after that she can feed that life with her own milk...

Breastfeeding is Pure Love – Ana
Six months ago, before I gave birth to you, I had to give birth to many pains and fears. I needed...

Breastfeeding with Fever – In Most Cases Authorized by Doctors
Many women often have doubts about breastfeeding in case of illness and fever. First of all, it...