The 5 Most Beautiful Births on the Internet!

Guys, when I was pregnant I loved watching birth videos and what I looked for most in them was a...

Thanks For All!

I loved it, I loved it! Guys, the first experience with a contest we will never forget! Despite...

My Childbirth Report – Analice

Friday, 10/02/2012, I was already hoping for something to happen, because on Sunday the 12th it was...

A Grace Achieved – Andreza

My name is Andreza, mother of 03 Beautiful children, Thainá, born on 28/09/1999, Thaíssa, born on...

A Childbirth of Pain – Queli

Queli experienced both types of delivery, both cesarean and normal delivery. Learn her experience...

He was already leaving – Janaína

Life is like that, regardless of religion, when God wants ... It is and ready! And He wanted...

The Birth of Mariana – Daniela

Mariana's pregnancy was normal. At work, I felt sleepy and sick at first, but nothing serious. On...

Cesarean delivery – I did it!

So, I know that the subject is somewhat controversial because there are those who argue hard for...

From Pregnancy to Birth of Dudu or Childbirth

We went to the maternity hospital where I intended to have a baby, I already felt a lot of pain...

How was pregnancy? – Marcia’s Birth

Today I came to report the birth of my sister, she is older than me and I won't even say how much...