All women are born with their eggs , unlike men who manufacture their sperm periodically, whose production cycle takes approximately 3 days. But do you know how ovulation occurs and how is it possible to know that we ovulate?
Egg release
Normally, the body can show signs of ovulation . The eggs are released monthly, one or two at a time, and you can fertilize or not. Once fertilized, it can become an embryo or simply be eliminated by menstruation without us women being aware of it. Only women who are very attentive to their cycle and to the signals that the body gives can perceive ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs once during the cycle and, in addition, the fertile period can change from organism to organism and even from cycle to cycle. An important tip is to include in the routine the use of ovulation tests to facilitate the detection of ovulation to become pregnant. Famivita ovulation tests are easy and accurate and you can purchase themhere in our online store.
The ovary creates follicles that become a kind of shell to house the egg and protect it so that it can mature and be released. During this period, there is a variation of hormones within our body. In the first phase estrogen is excreted, and in the second phase it is the turn of progesterone. Both hormones are stimulated to be excreted by the pituitary gland – a gland in the brain – and exert a major influence on ovulation .
Egg Ripening Phases
After the egg matures, the follicle ruptures and, thus, releases the egg so that it goes to the tubes where fertilization will occur, the process of which is called nesting . This is an image of the exact moment when ovulation occurs , which was captured by a doctor who was undergoing surgery to remove the uterus of a 45-year-old woman.
After this event, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum , and thus, it proceeds to maintain the progesterone that is necessary for the endometrium to thicken to receive the zygote (fertilized egg).
If the zygote attaches itself to the endometrium, which should be around 5, 6 cm thick, pregnancy will happen and, thus, the zygote will divide into two parts : one becomes the placenta , and the other part the much-loved baby . If this does not happen, the zygote is eliminated during menstruation without the woman even realizing it.
Pregnancy Symptoms
Some women may experience symptoms of pregnancy as soon as ovulation occurs, as progesterone is a common hormone in both pregnancy and post ovulatory. To know if they are really symptoms of pregnancy, you need to wait for the delay and then do a pregnancy test to be sure. It is important to use tests from trusted brands, such as the Famivita pregnancy test, which has a sensitivity of 10 mUi and can detect HCG levels up to 2 days before menstrual delay. You can purchase it here in our online store
See also: Ovulation symptoms and their signs.
Photos: Info School, Natural Sciences, VilaMulher
Key Information Box:
- All women are born with their eggs , unlike men who manufacture their sperm periodically, the production cycle takes approximately 3 days.
- The ovary creates follicles that turn into a kind of shell to house the egg and protect it so that it can mature and be released.
- After the egg matures, the follicle ruptures and releases the egg so that it goes to the tubes, where fertilization occurs, called nidation.
- If the zygote is attached to the endometrium, which should be around 5, 6 cm thick, pregnancy will occur and thus the zygote will be divided into two parts, one becomes the placenta, and the other part the much-loved baby.
- Some women may experience symptoms of pregnancy as soon as ovulation occurs because progesterone is a common hormone in both pregnancy and post ovulatory.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.