Baby in the Pelvic Position, Now What?

Since when the future mom receives the news that she is pregnant, the first worries that keep hammering in her head have started all the time. There are doubts, concerns, questions even regarding the baby’s position. Much is said about the pelvic position, but what are the difficulties for the baby to be born when it is in it?
Each pregnancy is unique and there are no magic formulas to have the best pregnancy, nor the recipe for success to have the most peaceful delivery of all. Ah! The childbirth . This is one of the themes that most take the sleep of pregnant women.

Pregnancy Concerns

Imagine if the baby will be born at the right time, if the delivery will be normal , if the baby will be seated at the right time or he will decide to stay in the pelvic position (sitting) just at the time he should be with his head down . These are questions and more questions that do not end when the pregnancy ends!

Being a mother is forever, and even after you are already small in your lap, in each phase that he goes through, new concerns will arise and it will be like this for many, many years (or literally for all the following years). Perhaps all this swirl of doubts and concerns is really training to prepare you for the strong emotions of motherhood.

Even if it is not possible to predict everything, it is always good to keep us informed and try to at least solve as many doubts as possible. We will help you with some important information about the baby’s position for delivery, especially how to act if your baby is sitting in the pelvic position . Good reading!

How to Know if the Baby Is Docked at the Time of Delivery

Around the 36th week the baby starts to prepare for delivery , positioning itself with the head or butt down, fixed on the pregnant woman’s pelvis . It is not enough just for the baby to be upside down as many people think, even because he may be in this position, but to be higher up for example, and so it is not considered fitted, the ideal position for delivery.

When Does Baby Come?

This position is expected at this stage of pregnancy, however it does not always happen this way. Many babies, even at this early stage of pregnancy, remain seated in the pelvic position. Although it is not the ideal position, there is no need to be afraid , it is still possible for him to turn until delivery.

As the baby develops and gains weight and size, the lower part of the uterus increases in width, exactly where it accommodates the baby’s head or butt, depending on its position. When this happens, you will certainly feel easier to breathe and the feeling of heartburn will improve a lot.

On the other hand, going to the bathroom will be even more frequent because the urge to pee increases and you may feel more discomfort when walking. It is precisely at this point that people begin to comment that their belly is low.

When the baby remains in the pelvic position, you will certainly not notice these changes. But don’t worry, in your last consultations, the doctor will check the baby’s position, and he is able to confirm, just by touching the belly, if it is seated, sitting or in another position.

Can Baby Fit at the Time of Childbirth?

But you need not worry if you are already in the 8th month and the doctor finds that your baby is in the pelvic position. In many cases babies are only positioned in the pelvis, at the time of delivery , with the help of contractions, and this is perfectly normal.

Still, if the big time comes and your baby insists on being in the pelvic position and not fitting, it is possible to have a peaceful and safe delivery. Trust your doctor that he will be prepared to bring your treasure to the world in the best possible way.

The Baby is Sitting, what to do?

The baby moves a lot during pregnancy and it is natural for him to adopt different positions throughout this process. From the 8th month onwards, he begins to prepare for childbirth and the vast majority enters the head position, upside down, although it is considered the appropriate position for delivery, many babies are born until normal birth, even in the pelvic position.

But if the time is coming and nothing of the baby fits? What if he is sitting? Do not despair , after all the baby already has his will … And regardless of his position, whether he is in the pelvic or cephalic position, the delivery will occur on the date that has to be.

Whether by natural routes or with Cesarean. Of course, some precautions will be taken if he is in the pelvic position, but still everything can go smoothly.

Massage For Baby To Flip

There is a maneuver called: “external cephalic version”, you can also hear it by the acronym “VCE”. It is a kind of massage that the doctor does on the belly to change the baby’s position. It is a good alternative to take the baby out of the pelvic position, for example, and turn him upside down to continue the normal delivery without any major concerns.

But this massage can only be performed by the doctor, at the hospital and with the baby’s monitoring, so that if necessary an emergency delivery can be performed. It is a very common technique in other countries, in Brazil it is still not well known and there are few doctors trained to perform it.

If your baby is in the pelvic position and the delivery is approaching, talk to your doctor about this maneuver.

Normal Childbirth or Cesarean Indication?

When the baby is seated, with his head down, it is considered the ideal position for normal delivery because the baby’s head is the part of his body with the largest diameter , she being the first to pass through the canal, ensures that the whole body will pass smoothly. That is why cesarean section becomes the most recommended for cases where the baby is in the pelvic position. But it is not a rule!

Even if the baby is in the pelvic position, it is still possible to have a normal delivery , but with some precautions. Some criteria must be considered to make a decision without major risks.

In addition to an experienced professional, the ideal is that normal childbirth in these conditions occurs when labor is spontaneous, the mother’s pelvis is favorable and that she has not had any cesarean section or other recent uterine surgery. The size of the baby and the position of the umbilical cord are also important for this assessment.

If time is running out and your baby insists on sitting still, very relaxed in the pelvic position waiting for your time to come, the doctor will need to evaluate the possibilities of delivery, of course, together with you. Normal delivery is always the best option, but the priority is above all to ensure your well-being and that of the baby.

Remember that each pregnancy is unique and exclusive , it is difficult to know exactly how everything will happen. For first-time moms, everything is more intriguing, the worries and the desire to predict how everything will happen when the long-awaited time arrives.

Know if the baby is not at risk of being born premature , if the baby will be fit at the time of delivery, the concern if the baby remains in the pelvic position in the last weeks of pregnancy.

For the veterans, despite having already gone through this experience, contrary to what the newcomers might think, it doesn’t change much. No pregnancy is the same as another , in this aspect of already knowing everything that will happen, the experience does not contribute much.

See Also: The Normal Delivery Positions That Can Be Explored

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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