The symptoms of pregnancy and PMS are very similar, have you noticed? Sometimes it can be so real that it really confuses a woman! PMS or pregnancy? How to differentiate one thing from the other?
You can confuse it, because the symptoms are caused by the same hormone, progesterone! Symptoms can start right after ovulation , this is due to the considerable increase in progesterone. It increases the temperature , can cause irritation and even nausea! Then the woman thinks: I feel cramping but menstruation doesn’t come, what’s going on? So it is worth knowing the signs that the body gives well. The most common symptoms of PMS that can be confused with ovulation are:
PMS and Ovulation Symptoms
- Sickness
- Headaches and migraines
- Abdominal pains in the lower abdomen
- Breast sensitivity
- Dizziness
- Hooks
- Salivation
- Low blood pressure
- Stomach pains and feelings of hunger or loss of appetite
The point is that, for many women who want to become pregnant, these symptoms become a torment. How do you know if it is a sign of ovulation, menstruation or pregnancy? The body gives signals that we do not always perceive. Then we can begin to distinguish by the symptoms themselves that in pregnancy can be subtle compared to the very strong PMS of some women.
IMPORTANT: Before going out celebrating your pregnancy, make sure that the symptoms are not due to your menstruation that is about to arrive. Only celebrate after taking a pregnancy test and positive!
Differences in PMS for Pregnancy?
Point 1 – Cramps: These can be very common in PMS, a few days before menstruating the woman feels abdominal pain , but in cases of pregnancy, they persist even during menstrual delay . So it is easy to determine that there is a difference in menstrual colic from pregnancy colic.
Point 2 – Nausea: They tend to reduce as soon as the period arrives, that is, when the woman bleeds. Although they are more uncommon in PMS, they can happen and intensify when pregnant.
Point 3 – Progesterone: Just like estrogen can cause discomfort in the breasts and especially in the nipples. With the arrival of the menstrual period , the symptoms reduce, but in pregnancy just as nausea can intensify.
Point 4 – Sleep: This can be one of the main signs of pregnancy! Although it is also one of the symptoms for PMS, pregnant women are the biggest sleep victim! This symptom can last until the 12th week while in pre-menstruation it is up to 2 or 3 days before the bleeding.
Point 5 – Hunger: This symptom can be controversial from body to body because, each organism would react in a different way. Some women may lose their appetite entirely, another may have increased it with PMS, but one thing is a fact for all, in pregnancy the appetite tends to increase even though the sickness insists on staying.
Point 6 – Feelings: These can be very confusing for women looking for answers between PMS or pregnancy. In the premenstrual period, the woman may feel irritated and angry while in pregnancy much more sensitive and crying.
Abdominal pain can occur in both cases because menstrual cramps are very similar to the colic that the corpus luteum provides. However, the corpus luteum would take cramps on only one side just at the height of the ovaries while PMS would bring a homogeneous colic in the lower abdomen.
The fact is that in order to distinguish PMS symptoms from those of pregnancy you must know your body very well and even if there are doubts about an unusual cycle, wait for the delay and then perform a confidence test. Usually 5 days late in regular cycles or 20 days after the fertile period for irregular cycles , they would already be able to detect HCG in the woman’s blood or urine. There are pregnancy tests with greater sensitivity to HCG and with this they are able to detect pregnancy even before the delay, such as the Famivita brand pregnancy test, which has a sensitivity of 10 mUI. You can buy it here in our store.
PMS or pregnancy? Pay attention to the signals that your body gives!
Questions from Readers:
When does PMS occur?
The symptoms of PMS can vary from woman to woman as well as when they appear. Normally, the uncomfortable signs of PMS occur between 5 to 11 days before menstruation starts and the most obvious signs are mood changes such as irritability, cravings for sweet foods such as chocolate, abdominal bloating , tenderness in the breasts and seizures. migraine.
Pregnant have PMS?
PMS (premenstrual tension) does not occur in pregnant women, but some symptoms of pregnancy are very similar to PMS, such as crying for no reason, intense mood swings, breast tenderness and even the desire for certain foods . These symptoms occur due to the large hormonal variation that women experience both on PMS days and throughout pregnancy.
Who takes contraceptives has PMS?
The use of contraceptives to control the symptoms of PMS has grown more and more each day. There have been many cases and a great improvement in discomfort after the use of synthetic hormones. With the use of contraceptives, many women noticed improvement in irritability, swelling and even in headaches , but there were also cases of intensification of symptoms after using the contraceptive method, so every treatment must be followed under the prescription of your gynecologist.
Is there a remedy for PMS?
In addition to birth control pills, natural tranquilizers, herbal remedies, manipulated and even subcutaneous implants can be indicated. Some doctors may recommend the use of controlled calming remedies and should only be taken at the recommended dosage and under medical guidance. No treatment should be started without having your case evaluated by a specialist.
Just a note for our readers and experimenters, in our online store at Changing Diapers you will find ovulation tests and the vitamin for fertility FamiFerti that has helped many women to achieve their positives. You can buy them here.
See also: When Ovulation Occurs – Having Relationships Exactly on the Fertile Day
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.