Having a child is a dream of many women, no matter the age. And many times certain conditions of life make this dream have to be postponed again and again until the moment when you realize that this is what you want.
There are also women who have other priorities throughout their lives, but who nevertheless have had that dream. The fact is that the number of women who start trying to conceive older is growing more and more.
Whether due to cultural change about the role of women in society that we are experiencing recently or a will of their own. But can being tempting at 40 bring difficulties? What precautions should be taken? Are there any risks? That is exactly what we are going to talk about in today’s text.
What is Late Pregnancy?
Many doctors consider the age between 20 and 30 years to be the ideal age to have a pregnancy, however many women are choosing to have it after 35 years old, which can characterize a late pregnancy.
However, it all depends on the health of each woman. As we said, there are countless factors that can lead to this decision, be it the fact that there are currently several contraceptive options, a personal search for financial stability, enjoying adult life in another way.
The point is that late pregnancy has become more and more common and that is why it is very important to know that getting pregnant after a certain age requires extra attention , after all the woman’s body is already entering a new phase.
Getting pregnant at this age starts to become more difficult and, in addition, it is necessary to deal with other problems during pregnancy such as abortions , premature births and malformation .
However, late pregnancy will not only bring difficulties, there are many benefits to being tempted at 40. The most important thing is to know your body if you are planning this late pregnancy, talk to a specialist doctor. Take all the necessary exams and enjoy all the benefits and pleasures of a pregnancy.
The Fertility Problem at 40
It is natural that over the years the number of eggs present in the woman’s body decreases and still suffer from the loss of quality
, after all they also age. This directly influences the fertility process of women who seek to conceive older.
There is no right age for this to start to become more difficult, after all it varies from body to body, but it is known that after 35 years of age the chances of becoming pregnant may start to decrease.
Parallel to this, the woman’s body begins to undergo other changes, mainly related to sex hormones and the first signs of menopause may appear, making it even more difficult for those trying to be 40 years old.
Smoking, alcohol-related problems and the continued use of some medications can accelerate this process of infertility.
Harmful Factors of Pregnancy at 40
The woman’s age can be linked to several problems that can appear during pregnancy such as high rates of miscarriage and malformation . In addition, it can also cause complications for the health of the pregnant woman, such as increased blood pressure, heart and lung diseases and even gestational diabetes .
It is worth mentioning that all of these are considered serious diseases during this period, regardless of age, and it may be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.
Older women who choose and become pregnant need to do a more intense monitoring and take some extra care, especially with food and day-to-day activities.
Alternative Treatments
With the decrease in fertility in older women, many look for alternative treatment options, which with the advancement of clinical technology has become more effective and sought after by couples who face problems to conceive.
One of the most suitable treatments is the freezing of eggs . The younger the woman, the greater the chances of her becoming pregnant, because the eggs are younger and working better, so when choosing to become pregnant later on, the woman can resort to freezing her young eggs, so the chances of getting pregnant will stay the same when she decides that the right time to have a pregnancy has arrived.
This investment can cost more than 10 thousand reais, but it can guarantee the success of fertilization years later.
For women who cannot afford to freeze the egg, special body care is recommended. Abandoning cigarettes, reducing stress and leading a healthier life, in addition to regular medical follow-up are essential to ensure fertilization when older.
Benefits of Late Pregnancy
It is understood that those trying at 40 are more mature to face motherhood. In addition, the chances of having planned this moment are greater, so they are even more prepared not only financially, but also psychologically.
The chances of postpartum depression tend to decrease with time, the greatest evidence occurring in women between 15 and 25 years old. Pregnancy, despite the difficulties of the age, tends to be more peaceful since they are more attentive to the necessary care, consequently they tend to deal better with the emotional oscillations and with all the changes that occur in the body during this phase.
So the greatest benefit of late pregnancy is precisely the age, the maturity of the older woman. Being tempting at 40 can be ideal.
Pregnancy Care at 40
As we said, getting pregnant after 40 is not necessarily a danger . There are several benefits as well, however it is necessary to be aware that there are risks and care must be redoubled.
In addition, it is necessary to take normal care during a pregnancy, such as having a balanced diet, practicing physical activities always respecting the period of pregnancy, avoiding heavier exercises and rest when necessary.
Older women who are in good health, eat properly, do not smoke or drink are more likely to have a smooth and trouble free pregnancy than a younger woman who is not up to date, and it is important to know this, as late pregnancy is not a problem, it just requires more care.
The feeling of carrying your baby on your lap is unique and inexplicable, no matter how old you are. Of course, when you are a temptress at 40, many additional precautions have to be taken and medical follow-up must be done even more rigidly, but the truth is that it is possible to get pregnant at this age and have your baby.
Research very carefully about all the risk factors and everything that can happen to your pregnancy when you are 40 years old or more. It is necessary to keep your feet on the ground, to know that it is not going to be so easy and to understand what consequences this can bring to both your physical and psychological health.
Be sure to try, but always keep your foot on the ground and do not rule out alternative treatments. That way you will surely be able to make that dream come true too.
See also: How I got pregnant after 3 years by lidyane melo
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.