Anxiety can hinder a woman who wants to get pregnant fast. And how to do, besides of course, dating on fertile days? How to lend a helping hand to nature and how to get pregnant fast? As these tips are precious, so from now on we will have a manual for those who want to get pregnant. This manual is intended for tempting women and can make pregnancy happen much faster in a woman who ovulates normally and a man with a good amount and conditions of good health and active sex life. What are the positions for getting pregnant fast? Which ones work for you?
Pre Pregnancy Tests
Before thinking “how do I get pregnant”, we must know that pre-pregnancy tests are essential. They can help a lot to detect possible hormonal problems and prevent many unsuccessful attempts. They can detect any setbacks that may occur during attempts such as polycystic ovaries and problems with hormonal imbalance that may make it difficult to get pregnant fast. Remembering that the pregnancy belongs to the couple, then the exams have to be done by both.
How to Get Pregnant Quickly: Position Counts at the Time of Sex
Yes, the position helps a lot when making the baby. A woman can have the uterus in one of these positions: anteversoflexion (entrance facing forward), retroverted (entrance facing backward) or in medioversion. Depending on the position of the uterus, some positions can make it easier for sperm to be deposited as close to the cervix as possible, which can facilitate pregnancy.
Women with uteri in anteversoflexion may find it easier to get pregnant in the daddy and mommy position (man on top of the woman). That’s because the man can ejaculate right at the entrance to the uterus and shorten the path of the sperm to the cervix.
In women with a retroverted uterus, the most indicated position is that in which the man can ejaculate in front of the cervix. That is, any position of 4 or even lying on your back like mom and dad.
The woman on top is also a great option to get pregnant. It facilitates female orgasm, which helps conception! Some studies indicate that if a woman has an orgasm a short time before or after ejaculation, the sperm is retained longer inside her body. In addition, the woman can obtain a deep penetration but in a comfortable way, since she has total control.
Preliminaries and Vaginal Lubrication
Speaking of positions to get pregnant fast, we cannot stop talking about libido. A fertile couple can get pregnant in a quickie, but when there is affection and a connection, the chances of getting pregnant are greater.
The vaginal lubrication is critical, so preliminary well done can result in lubrication better. This helps sperm get into the cervix and improves their motility on their way to the tubes.
If you want to give extra strength to fertility and pleasure, add the lubricating gel to the moment. It is necessary to remember that it needs to be specific for fertility, like FamiGel, since it is water-based and does not contain spermicide like most. In addition to improving vaginal lubrication, it plays the role of cervical mucus, facilitating the arrival of sperm, in addition to improving their survival. You can buy your gel here in our online store.
Do you know that day when you feel that lust and desire to have sex? It is probably a call from nature and can become a sign that the woman is ovulating or in the fertile period ! Enjoy these moments if possible and give yourself body and soul. A beautiful lingerie, a good perfume and a romantic mood is perhaps the most precious tip in this manual on how to get pregnant fast.
How to find out the uterine position?
How do you know what your uterine position is? By ultrasound ! Any routine transvaginal ultrasound can detect, and appears in the report: AVF or RTV. The uterus varies during the cycle so following the stages of mucus and cervix is important as well.
Questions from Readers:
Is there any food that helps you get pregnant faster?
Some foods have the power to regulate the body’s glycemic indexes and even increase ovulation such as: yams, sweet potatoes, mandioquinha, corn, chickpeas, tuna and fruits such as apples, pears and plums. So if you are tempted to include these foods on your menu to give your fertility a boost. If you are unable to include the yam in your meals, either for practicality or because you don’t like the taste, it is possible to ingest it through yam capsules . They provide the same effect, in a more practical way for everyday life. You can find the yam capsules in our online store.
Do alcoholic beverages reduce fertility?
Yes, alcoholic beverages reduce fertility for both men and women . In the case of women, alcohol intake compromises hormonal production, reduces or prevents ovulation and interferes with female gametes. In men, alcohol acts to compromise seminal quality, as well as its quantity.
See also: Ovulation Symptoms and Their Signs and Fertility Calculator
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.