It is a fact that childbirth is a totally feminine process and depends entirely on the mother for it to happen, but it is also true that there are many parents who participate in the whole pregnancy, giving support and caring for their partner so that the pregnancy occurs in the best way possible. We cannot fail to emphasize that security is a very important role at this moment.
A question that arises, then, is whether and the father’s participation in childbirth can make him also calmer to help the woman. In order to analyze this issue, it is important to talk about the role that each one should play during pregnancy, about the real influence that an outsider can have in childbirth and about the father’s rights at that moment.
What is the Role of Man During Pregnancy?
Little is said about this, but the role of men during pregnancy is often fundamental and can directly influence women’s health. It is the partner who can, for example, serve as mental support for the woman, relieve her frustrations, her fears, her disappointments and all the anxiety that surrounds a pregnancy , making her not keep it inside and does not transform this issue psychological problem.
It is also the role of the partner, to perceive when the pregnant woman is exaggerating in physical effort, and to intervene and perform various tasks to prevent her from making all this effort and saving energy, helping her in whatever way possible.
All the companionship, all the attention and emotional support that the man offers during his partner’s pregnancy contribute to make the pregnancy more peaceful and healthy for both the woman and the baby.
Childbirth Monitoring Law
Since 2005, a law has been in force that allows the presence of a companion in all labor and delivery. Many people are unaware of this law or do not know exactly how it works and therefore end up making the father’s participation in childbirth not exist. This is law 11,108 , of April 7, 2005.
Some facts are: All hospitals and maternity hospitals are obliged to accept this companion, who must be indicated by the pregnant woman before delivery begins. There is also no requirement for kinship or affinity, that is, the woman is not obliged to be married to her partner if she wants him inside the delivery room.
There are still cases where hospitals do not respect this law or try to argue against it to prevent other people from being at the time of delivery. It is precisely because this type of location exists, that it is important that you have knowledge of the law and require that your partner be with you during delivery, if you wish.
The hospital needs to know that it is obliged to accept and you need to show that it knows how the law works . It is often just this way that you will be able to not be alone in this delicate moment.
Father’s Participation in Childbirth Really Makes a Difference
Everything that helps the woman to be calmer and more confident during childbirth ends up helping. Therefore, if the husband was present throughout the pregnancy, fulfilled his role of emotional support well and knows how to deal with the woman, it is clear that his presence at the time of delivery will make a lot of difference, because with him the woman will not only feel more confident.
The father’s role in childbirth is to help the woman to be less anxious and stressed , which will end up contributing a lot in this very important and delicate moment and that the woman needs to maintain total control.
As we have said before, the role of the father can be fundamental and all of this starts even during pregnancy. The father’s support only at the time of delivery probably won’t make much of a difference, since all the support given during pregnancy is what creates this connection that gives strength and confidence to the woman.
How Can the Father Help in Postpartum?
And just as the father’s role is important before and at the time of delivery, in the postpartum period he can also play a fundamental role. The emotional bond that the couple builds needs to be consolidated in order to act together after the baby is born.
In addition to the issues that directly involve the child, it is also necessary to think about the woman’s recovery , that is, the extent to which she can physically strive, how long she can stay with the child, how long she needs to be alone and do the basic things in your daily life, like eating well and bathing, for example, among many other things.
They seem like simple things, but without their father’s help they can be very difficult and that is when their presence can become so important.
And when is the couple separated?
Even when the couple is separated, it is still possible that this connection between the parents is created and the father is a good companion during pregnancy and childbirth. For that, it is necessary that there is a lot of respect from both parties . In this way, the man can help with everything necessary for the woman to have a good pregnancy and can also be a great partner at the time of delivery, if the woman so wishes, of course.
This is not always possible, not least because the issues of separation involve many other things, but a man needs to pay attention to the woman who is carrying her child, whether she is his wife or not. It also depends on him whether the child will reach the world well and he can make a difference.
The father not only has the right to see his son being born, but he has a duty to be at the mother’s side and to actively participate in her upbringing in all aspects, even if the couple does not live together.
It is important and healthy for the child that this participation of the two always occurs and, of course, very important for the parents as well. For this reason, the father’s participation in childbirth is only the beginning of his participation in the life of the son and the woman and he must always be present, in one way or another.
Therefore, value the participation of the two elements of the couple at all times, from pregnancy to the child’s growth. In the end, this is what makes the difference.
See Also: Father’s Postpartum Depression – Does It Happen?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.