The natural process of all human beings is to grow, to become fertile and to reproduce, and this whole process seems very simple to happen, when it is decided that the time has come to have a child. But unfortunately it is not so with all couples, and some mishaps can occur along the way and it is necessary some methods and treatments to realize this dream, as is the case with IVF.
What is IVF?
IVF is the acronym for the human reproduction method of In Vitro Fertilization , widely used as an option for couples who have some fertility problem, be it simple to the most complex. Or even because they have some difficulty in getting pregnant by natural methods.
The method consists of laboratory-assisted fertilization, where the woman’s egg receives the fully prepared sperm. After complete fertilization, the embryo is transferred to the woman’s uterus , where its development will be monitored.
The method, in addition to the entire laboratory process, needs an early treatment, in addition to preparation through the monitoring of the assisted reproduction specialist so that everything happens in a healthy way and within the expected.
Step by step from FIV
The entire process of the IVF method is initiated through the first consultation with the assisted reproduction specialist. During the consultation, all doubts will be answered about the method and annotations will be made on the history of diseases and the couple’s entire health.
Tests to assess the couple’s fertile health will be requested, such as sperm, blood tests and antimullerian. After analyzing the results, the need for the procedure will be confirmed or if another method fits the couple’s need.
Once the IVF indication for the couple is confirmed, ovulation induction will begin. The induction treatment will take place within 5 to 10 days and will be carried out through hormone injections that must be applied to the abdominal area.
During this process of ovarian stimulation, ultrasound will be performed to monitor the evolution and confirm the appearance of ovarian follicles . When they rupture, giving way to mature and dominant eggs will be collected to continue the fertilization procedure.
In some cases, the help of another medicine can be used to assist in the maturation of the eggs , ensuring that they are ready enough to be collected and fertilized in the healthiest way possible.
At the time of egg collection in the IVF process, the removal of 2 to 12 eggs is indicated, which will be taken immediately for storage and preparation of the laboratory. In parallel to all this treatment and monitoring of the woman, semen collection will also be carried out. In the laboratory, the best sperm, with greater mobility to be fertilized, will be examined and selected.
With mature eggs already collected and sperm already selected, the IVF process is carried out. The sperm will be injected into the egg, where the embryo will be generated.
After 5 days of IVF, the embryos generated will be evaluated and those considered strongest and healthiest will be transferred to the mother’s uterus.
IMPORTANT: At the moment of embryo separation, up to 3 are chosen for uterine transfer
After the transfer of embryos in the IVF process, it is necessary for the woman to continue the treatment based on progesterone , which will guarantee the strengthening of the endometrium . With the endometrium reinforced, the chances of the embryo being implanted and continuing to develop in a healthy way are greater.
After the completion of the IVF, an average of 10 to 12 days should be waited to confirm the success of the procedure. By conducting a beta HCG blood test , it will be confirmed whether the pregnancy is progressing.
Are there any chances of the IVF not working?
Like any medical procedure or assisted reproduction, there is a possibility that it will not work. Obviously, all care, exams and follow-up will be done to ensure greater possibilities.
Women aged between 30 and 35 years old and couples considered healthy through fertility exams, have a great chance of getting pregnant already in the first attempt of IVF.
Remembering that there are no limit numbers for making IVF attempts. As many as the couple wants and can afford, they will be carried out, as long as the specialist agrees.
After separating the best eggs to be fertilized, those that have not been used are not discarded. They are frozen for future use , even as a possibility of failing in the first attempt of IVF.
For women over the age of 40, the chances are slightly reduced, due to their ovarian reserve . But with the proper treatment of the specialists and the proper follow-up you have a great chance of achieving it.
And When Is Any Ovulation or Sperm Problem Detected?
During the performance of fertility exams, it is possible that some problem will be detected, both in the exams of women and men. In the case of women, if the inability to use their own eggs is found, the use of donated eggs may be indicated , whether from anonymous donors or even using a donor from the family or acquaintance.
In the case of men, the process is similar. If the impossibility of using sperm for IVF is confirmed, the semen bank can be indicated and everything will be done with the greatest discretion and care.
There are several ways to solve the problem and make the dream of motherhood a reality. This, if the couple is open to all possibilities for this, even using donor material.
The ovum and semen banks are fully specialized and suitable for control , storage and also care to indicate the material expected for the couple. Several factors are considered before the choice.
Egg Bank
It is still very difficult to find egg banks, but some clinics and laboratories already offer this type of service, egg storage by donation. Normally, candidates offer their eggs to help other families or even to share at the cost of their own treatment with another recipient woman who is also undergoing treatment. This process is known as shared donation.
IMPORTANT: The sale of eggs is strictly prohibited, considered a crime.
Egg collection is carried out through a careful sequence of recruitment and care. It is necessary to go through an ovarian stimulation process and the indication for donation is that the woman is up to 35 years old , due to the quality of the eggs and the low risk of genetic problems.
The process for using donated eggs is similar to that of the woman herself. Ovarian stimulation, ultrasound monitoring and collection in the ideal period will be necessary to collect the mature eggs to be fertilized.
Semen Bank
Just like egg donation, there is also semen donation. In this case, much easier to find, as there are semen banks in several locations. Usually, when the couple is already being followed up with an assisted reproduction specialist and has opted for IVF, they can already be directed to a semen bank already registered by the clinic.
To be a donor, it is necessary to undergo rigorous screening and health assessment. All donor data and information will also be collected, including to serve as information for couples who are looking for the donation.
In the process of choosing the ideal donor, the name of the donor is completely anonymous . The only information offered is physical, genetic, professional and hobbies, which will facilitate selection and choice.
Who can do IVF?
Any woman or couple considered healthy and able to undergo IVF can perform the procedure. As long as it is in full condition to undergo all treatment, induction of ovulation and embryo implantation.
Only a specialist in assisted reproduction can request exams and assess the conditions of both and indicate the appropriate treatment , as well as assist and monitor the evolution of the method.
If in doubt, talk to your gynecologist who will refer you to a specialist or clinic you trust. Always look for specialists registered with the Federal Council of Medicine.
Photo: DrKontogiannilVF
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.