For us mothers, we look forward to each step of our children’s development, each new discovery and evolution. Learn to roll in bed, crawl, walk and speak the long-awaited first words and during that time why not learn to identify what the little one means? Through gestures it is possible to communicate with them and allow them to express themselves even before speaking. For this the sign language for babies was developed. Baby sign language started in the United States by child development experts. Where the behavior and development of babies born to deaf and dumb people was analyzed and it was concluded that these babies acquired a capacity to communicate differently from others in the same age group.
The research also pointed out the difference in behavior between these babies, where the children of the hearing impaired present themselves in a more calm and quiet way by being able to express themselves leaving aside that old story that babies communicate through crying , after all they cry because they don’t they can say what they are feeling and want. It was in this way that the development of sign language was born to facilitate communication between parents and children with a focus on understanding what they feel, what they want and thus have a more harmonious relationship.
What many parents fear when applying the sign language method to babies with their children, is to hinder speech development . But it is the other way around, because when making communicative gestures the mother must speak the word of what it refers, making the baby understand what he is doing and learn the word more quickly. As it can take a while to get the pronunciation out, you can ask for what you want without being annoyed that no one understands.
Even studies carried out by the National Institute of Health have shown that babies who use this method in their homes have higher qualifications in tests of linguistic expression and understanding than those who have never used the method. For not only learn the gestures and the words, but the meaning of each one of them.
The sign language method for babies is indicated from 6 months of life, where they begin to have more control of the hands and even babble small words gesturing with their little hands. Obviously in this period the response will take a longer time for them to understand, but the persistence, patience, affection and teaching of the parents will make that around 9/10 months the baby will be able to communicate and express himself clearly through the hands .
Why Use Baby Sign Language?
In addition to improving the relationship between parents and child, it is possible to create a greater affinity with the baby, showing that it is possible to understand him and better communicate with him. The method goes beyond communication, perfecting other learning points such as the visual, where it is necessary for the baby to pay attention to each gesture. In the auditory, who listen to the pronunciation of words learning in this way not only to memorize the syllables but what is the gesture and kinesthesia, which is when they put into practice what they are learning and feel the return of the gestures.
The sign language method assists in the development of speech, increases the baby’s concentration levels , invests in vocabulary, reduces stress and nervousness of not being understood and best of all, it’s super fun. The signs are as simple as shaking your head when you want to say no or lifting your arms when you want to be held. The indicated thing is that the parents speak the word while making the sign and the constant repetition will make the baby understand that that gesture means a certain thing. Every moment, even during the day-to-day routine, it is possible to perform sign language for babies, whether reading a book, feeding the baby and during play hours.
Being patient is the first step in teaching the method to the baby, remembering that each child has time to learn a certain subject, so one should not be charged if he cannot. With great affection, fun and respect for the baby’s time, new horizons will be opened and they will experience a new world, the world of discoveries.
See also: Babies and Children Speech Development
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.