Today’s theme is a bit “sloppy”, but somewhat common in the children’s universe: is a child with a finger in the nose normal? What’s more, because in addition to stirring, does she still eat the snot she removed?
An Expert’s View
The finger on the nose is a nasty little habit that most parents try to keep away from their children. Recent research by Scott Napper, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan – Canada, says that children who eat their own mucus may end up building stronger immunity compared to other children who have never tasted such a delicacy.
According to Napper, the snot, as it is often called, is a mixture of protein and water with cellular debris and tends to harbor bacteria that, when eaten, help to strengthen the body’s own natural immune system .
“Medically, it makes a lot of sense and it is perfectly natural to eat it,” argues Napper. In terms of the immune system, the nose is a filter in which a large amount of bacteria is collected, and when this mixture reaches the intestines it works as a medicine.
It acts as a vaccine , teaching the immune system, which pathogens are present in the environment. The immune system can be prepared and ready to fight the specific bacteria that are found regularly.
In any case, it is a much safer method than vaccines approved for delivering small doses of bacteria that have already been covered with protective mucus. With the advantage of not having to inject them into the body through a needle. We all know how children hate needles!
With regard to the happiness aspect, the teacher believes that the child with a finger in the nose is completely happy doing this.
Children are not bothered by tags, they are also creatures that react to their environment. That is, if they have an itch, no matter where they are, they will itch, if they have to use the bathroom, they will and, if it feels itchy in the nose or as if something is stuck they will put their finger on it. Just because adults think it is rude, it does not mean that the child will agree. In fact, they are just reacting to something they feel.
“With your finger you can reach places you simply cannot reach with a handkerchief, keeping your nose very clean,” adds Professor Napper. However, a child with a nose finger may often be suffering from allergies.
How to Prevent the Child from Putting the Finger to the Nose?
Even if eating snot is not so bad, a child’s dirty fingers are a big problem. A child with a nose toes spreads and acquires infectious diseases , especially viruses such as the flu and the common cold.
She needs to learn that poking her nose is not a socially acceptable behavior . But then, what can parents do to make their children lose the habit of wiggling their nose?
Tips to Get the Finger Off the Nose Habit
- Find out why the child moves the nose – Know if it is a nervous habit or if it just feels good. Does she have a cold or allergies?If it is a nervous habit, try to replace it with another habit that is more acceptable. A good tip is to give something that occupies the hands, so they will stay out of the nose.
- Don’t count on the handkerchiefs – Most of the time the child with a finger in the nose is uncomfortable with something inside. The handkerchiefs are weak enough to take what is pestering you. It is important to teach children how to blow and use handkerchiefs, especially if they have a cold or allergies, but handkerchiefs generally do not do much for a child with a nose finger who tries to remove something. And, she will still need to wash her hands after using the handkerchiefs, anyway.Instead of handkerchiefs, teach the child to wipe the nose in a private space, such as the bathroom, and then wash your hands.
- Gel alcohol will be your best friend – Really, proper hand washing does not always happen to a child with a nose finger. Gel alcohol is effective in killing the vast majority of common viruses like flu and colds.
- Treat allergies – What do children do when they have an itch in the back of their nose? So it is! Allergies are a major contributor to a child with a finger in the nose, but chronic itching can be treated.For seasonal allergies that cause itchy nose, runny nose and congestion, there are medications that treat and relieve symptoms. However, it is important to highlight that the doctor should always be consulted.
- Avoid nasal dehydration – Dry secretions almost always require cleaning with a finger, as they simply do not come off with a handkerchief. The best way to avoid dry nasal cavities is good hydration. Saline spray solutions and an air humidifier can also help.
- Do not be punitive – Punishment for the child with a finger in the nose is ineffective and only results in frustration and shame. Sometimes parents (including me) are tempted to punish their children because they are frustrated by explaining that this habit is not legal and that she still has a finger in her nose. Instead, the ideal is to try to discover the root of the problem and address it.
- Keep nails short – Long nails are a breeding ground for germs and are difficult to keep clean. They can also cause bruises that cause nosebleeds.
- Avoid nosebleed – A child with a nose finger is more likely to have a nosebleed. Nasal fossae constantly attacked by nervous fingers can become extremely fragile causing the rupture of small vessels that irrigate the nose, causing bleeding that can be mild, moderate or severe, and may require cauterization.
See also: Child with Dyslexia
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.