It is very common for us to be upset when we notice when a person has bad breath or even when we realize that we have this problem. The first thought that comes to mind is the person’s lack of hygiene, but it is important to know that this problem is not always directly related to hygienic habits and cannot always be solved overnight. In order to better understand this issue, let’s talk in today’s text about the main causes of bad breath , as well as their treatments. Do you want to better understand how to deal with this problem? Read to the end and find out!
What is Bad Breath?
Bad breath can be defined as an unpleasant smell that comes out of a person’s mouth, and may be stronger or weaker, even imperceptible to those who have it, in some cases. The causes of bad breath are diverse, ranging from simple everyday habits to more serious illnesses that deserve more attention.
Halitosis, for example, is a condition that causes people to have bad breath, although bad breath is not always synonymous with halitosis. This problem is diagnosed when a person has constant bad breath, usually with a substance called lingual coating, which contains bacteria, scaly cells in the mouth and tiny food residues that form a white layer on the tongue, generating the stench.
Causes of Bad Breath
As we mentioned earlier, the causes for bad breath can be the most diverse and, therefore, it is important to investigate them to understand what is the source of the problem. We have separated some of the main ones here, which are:
- Dry mouth
- Dental Problems
- Food Particles
- Medical Conditions
- Smoking
- Use of Medications
Let’s talk a little more deeply about how each one can contribute to bad breath.
Dry mouth
When the mouth loses moisture for a long time, it can end up causing bacteria to clump more quickly. This can vary from person to person, as some produce more saliva than others. In addition, when sleeping with your mouth open, it is very common for it to become drier. In any case, it is always important to keep your mouth hydrated.
Dental Problems
Caries and gum and mouth infections are some of the main causes of bad breath and halitosis, especially when these problems are not treated properly. Therefore, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene so that this type of problem does not appear.
Food Particles
When a person does not brush their teeth properly or even flosses, it is common for some food particles to clump together. In addition to causing the bad smell themselves because of the onset of digestion that already occurs in our mouth, it also attracts bacteria that help to cause even more bad breath.
Medical Conditions
Certain diseases can cause bad breath, such as lung, esophageal problems and even certain types of cancer. In these cases, the most important thing to do is to cure the disease, since bad breath is just a side effect of an even bigger problem.
The use of cigarettes in excess or for a long time causes the person who smokes to develop bad breath that is often constant. In this case, the solution is to stop smoking, which in addition to getting you rid of bad breath, brings several other benefits.
Use of Medications
Depending on the type of medicine a person uses, they can cause him to develop bad breath. If that is the case, you should never stop taking it. Talk to your doctor to find out what the best alternatives are and to prevent this problem from affecting you.
Treatments for Bad Breath
The treatments for bad breath, as well as the origins of the problem, can be diverse and depend on what causes this condition. Therefore, we have separated here some of the main ways to deal with bad breath. They are:
- Best Oral Hygiene
- Deal directly with the Origin of the Problem
- Best Life Habits
We will also talk about each one separately.
Best Oral Hygiene
The main way to fight bad breath is relatively simple. Just maintain a mouth hygiene, brushing your teeth several times a day, using dental floss and also mouthwash. In addition, visiting a dentist every 6 months , at least, is also important to prevent any other type of problem from occurring with your teeth.
Deal directly with the Origin of the Problem
As we said earlier, bad breath can often be caused by other illnesses. Because it is a side effect, once these diseases are cured, bad breath tends to disappear as well. The treatment of these diseases should be your priority, as many of them can pose a great risk to your health.
Best Life Habits
It is certain that a healthier diet helps to reduce the bad smell caused by food. In addition, when a person has better lifestyle habits such as regular physical exercise and not using alcohol, tobacco or illicit drugs, the chances of them developing a disease that can cause bad breath are less .
Possible Consequences
Bad breath usually does not have serious health consequences, but it can be a big problem for you to bond with other people, since the bad smell is usually unpleasant and causes a not very good impression of your presence. This can extend to professional, academic and even more personal and intimate environments, which makes some people feel lonely and excluded . Therefore, taking care of bad breath is also ensuring that you will not have this type of problem.
As you can see, although bad breath is often a health problem, it is also related to a social issue, which makes many people ashamed to seek treatment, which can make this condition even worse. The main recommendation, therefore, is to see a doctor or dentist so that you can investigate the causes of bad breath and treat them in the right way. This way, you prevent other types of problems from arising , as well as being a form of social relief. It is not just an aesthetic issue and, whenever something involves your health, it needs to be treated seriously.
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.