Milk Teeth – How They Are Born, Cared For and Die

The baby’s teeth when they appear are cause for joy and also of some concerns. Although this phase is a celebration because, from then on, your baby could already bite some food, it also brings with it a series of discomfort and discomfort related to the exit of the teeth.

When Are Teeth Born?

The appearance of the first baby tooth can vary from baby to baby, but it usually appears between the 7th and 8th month of the baby’s life . Some children may have early teething and about 4 to 5 months already have a baby tooth. The first tooth to grow is the lower frontal ones, followed by the upper frontal ones. Which baby doesn’t look cute with two teeth? From the 11th month of life onwards, the remaining teeth begin to emerge and complete the birth cycle of infant teeth with about two and a half years of life.

The rash of the baby tooth can be noticed by the swelling of the gums, excessive salivation and also the discomfort of the baby. Usually with the growth of the baby tooth, the child becomes restless and visibly irritated. This phase can bring physical problems such as:
Alteration of feces: The baby’s poop can become more pasty and with a different odor, or with constipated intestine.
Unstable sleep: The baby cannot sleep as smoothly as before.

Fever: The temperature can rise relatively little but in some cases the fever can reach 39 ° C.
Lack of appetite: Suddenly the baby no longer wants to eat or suck, because the swollen gums are sore and bothers swallowing or chewing.
All of these symptoms may last for some time, but the important thing is to periodically take the child to the doctor in cases of high fevers for further evaluation. We can say that the baby tooth causes discomfort for the baby and mom at this stage.

How to Care for Baby Teeth?

For the vast majority of parents, teeth care should only be started after they appear or only when they start solid foods where residues are left. Which is a big mistake, as teeth must be cleaned and cared for even before they are born .

Since they are born, babies are fed through breast or artificial milk and milk residues stick like plaques inside their mouths and need to be removed by cleaning with gauze or even a cloth diaper wet with filtered water.

In addition to this hygiene being adequate, the baby will get used to the care of the teeth getting used to when brushing time comes. The act of brushing from the first tooth, acts directly to prevent possible infections in the region and cavities , in addition to helping the birth of teeth that with brushing accelerates the eruption of the gums.

There are some products suitable for babies, which can be easily found in pharmacies, supermarkets and specialized stores for children who help with the care of teeth. For minors who do not yet have teeth or only those in the front, there is the option of a fingertip that must be fitted on the mother’s index finger and the cleaning carried out with the help of filtered water.

The procedure does not necessarily require a finger, and can be performed with the help of gauze and a moistened diaper as long as it is done properly. For older adults who already have teeth in the back of the mouth, care already requires a toothbrush so that they can be reached correctly and any kind of waste is removed.

The First Toothbrush

The baby’s first toothbrush should have a small head and soft bristles, usually on the packaging they have information about the indicated age, and you can find brushes appropriate for your baby’s age group.

Suitable Toothpaste

In addition to the toothbrush you will need the help of a toothpaste appropriate for the age group as well. Preferably those that do not contain fluoride, as babies usually end up swallowing toothpaste, when they do not learn to eat it precisely because of the pleasant taste they have.

Teach the baby to spit out all the foam and toothpaste right after brushing and to rinse the mouth with water, this practice can take some time, maybe even years to get used to. Only when you are able to carry out without swallowing the paste residues, which should be exchanged for pastes that have fluoride in their composition .


Ingestion of excess fluoride can damage permanent teeth, staining and changing tooth color. A visit to the dentist is recommended as soon as the baby’s first teeth appear. Keeping good hygiene, even after feedings or bottles your child will be away from cavities and dental discomfort early.

Milk Tooth Trauma

During falls many injuries can happen and it is extremely important for parents to know how to proceed mainly with their teeth. Since immediate care after trauma to the baby tooth will make all the difference in the extent of the trauma and the damage that can be caused. Many are the parents who do not give importance when a baby tooth is damaged or receives a blow, because they are unaware of the importance of the health of the lens tooth so that the permanent also comes healthy and strong.

Milk teeth have a root that connects a channel with vessels and nerves that connect to the exact point where the permanent tooth is being formed. Therefore, when any trauma occurs in the baby tooth, less than it is necessary, a clinical analysis accompanied by radiography to see if it has been compromised or not. The follow-up can take around 1 year and a half or until the birth of the permanent, where it will be completely certain that the tooth was not affected.

What to do after a tooth trauma?

It is impossible to ask for calm when you see a child hurt and crying in pain. But in this case it is necessary to be calm to reason and remember the initial care that will be essential to save your child’s tooth. If you have a dentist you trust, it is even better and immediately afterwards, contact him for guidance. But remember:

  1. If bleeding occurs, try to stop it with a towel, gauze or cloth until you can see the trauma site.
  2. If the tooth is “softened” it is possible that the root has been fractured, an X-ray will be needed to confirm it. That is why the service must take place as soon as possible.
  3. If the trauma to the baby tooth has caused it to be completely extracted, the tooth will not be replaced, however the dentist will analyze whether the permanent has been affected. If it were already a permanent tooth, agility in care would give greater chances of replacing the tooth and recovering it. Remembering that the permanent tooth when it is extracted by trauma must be kept in a container with milk, saliva or saline until it reaches the hand of the dentist who will perform the replantation.
  4. If with the trauma only a piece of the tooth has broken, immediately place the loose piece in a container with milk, saliva or saline and take it to the dentist. The size of the fragment will be analyzed and if it is possible to paste in place
  5. In some cases after the trauma, the tooth may simply disappear. If this occurs it is possible that the tooth has entered the gum bone, also called an intrusion. Through radiography it will be possible to determine the appropriate treatment.

It is quite common for teeth that suffer trauma to gain a new color due to pulp hemorrhage that means the rupture of the existing vessels in the tooth canal. The baby tooth can be grayish, dark yellow, brown or even purple. If it is not properly monitored, this small hemorrhage can become a necrosis in the tooth spare where you will need an even more complex treatment.

Childhood trauma is very common, even if parents are not prepared for these scares. But one thing is a fact, it is always good to know how to act when an accident happens, especially since first aid is essential for a better recovery. Baby teeth, like permanent teeth, are real pearls and must be taken care of with extreme care and care, not only in case of emergencies.

Consequences of the Broken Tooth

Each case is different and should be evaluated by a child orthodontics specialist. In cases where the tooth falls out completely, but it is a baby tooth, there is no need to worry as the permanent will be born soon. In the case of a permanent tooth fall, the care already mentioned above is essential for its reimplantation without major problems or if it is not possible a tooth used for implantation can solve the situation.

In some cases, the injury may be large and it may be necessary to give some points to resolve the issue. In others, the tooth may enter the gingiva , receiving the name of dental intrusion and complementary exams are necessary for proper treatment, as is the case with radiography or dental tomography that will indicate beyond the size of the tooth damage as possible other internal fractures of the face.

If the problem is simpler and only a piece, usually the tip of the tooth has broken with the blow, the problem is more easily remedied. The dentist will restore it with the help of a resin or take another appropriate measure to reduce the pain and sensitivity of the tooth in question, until he can perform the final restoration of the affected tooth .

In other cases no damage apparently occurs, but internally the injury has affected the health of the tooth and over time the problem begins to appear, hence the importance of taking it to a dental office for analysis before the problem arises. With the blow, the tooth may weaken and end up loosening itself or even the blackening of the tooth in question, resulting from a hemorrhage in the tooth. In the latter case, the problem can be remedied by performing a dental canal.

For minors, a broken tooth may have no effect, let alone affect their self-esteem. Some even show it as a trophy as a result of the size of the art they made. But when they start to grow if the problem is not solved, it can affect a lot in self-esteem. Besides, it is always good to warn that the lack of teeth can interfere with the development of children’s speech beyond chewing, especially when they are in the learning phase. That is why every care is little and avoiding accidents is always the best medicine, even though some are inevitable!

When Does Milk Tooth Fall?

The baby teeth soften overnight and when you least expect it, here comes the amazing little window! Years ago I remember that the normal age for falling the baby tooth to start was seven years, but today the reality is different.

Children with 4, 5 years old have already started to change their children’s teeth for permanent teeth. The tooth becomes soft because the new tooth is pushing out. Usually, this process of exchanging milk teething for permanent teeth takes place completely until the age of 12. After 18 years of age, wisdom teeth are born, which is why they are called judgment teeth.

Dudu when he lost his second tooth

It is very important to encourage the child to take care of these teeth early on , as they, which they will carry throughout life and good oral health is essential. At this stage parents can encourage brushing with playful music and also with cool accessories such as different brushes and toothpaste with taste that would please the child.

It is important to know if these children’s toothpaste has fluoride, this substance makes your teeth much stronger and free of cavities. In the market there are also specific mouthwashes for children, and it is also important to encourage their use as much as the paste and also the dental floss daily.

See also: How to Lower Children’s Fever?

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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