How about leaving your kids in writing lessons that only a mommy could teach? Juliana took this initiative and shared the letter with her son Enzo with us.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what your adult life will be like. And just thinking, I miss the now (if it is possible to miss something you still have in your arms!). Where will you be in 20 years? How will your life be, what will you be working with, will you be in love with? Will you, my buddy, be dating? I am not referring to those silly flirtations, typical of a teenager , who swear eternal love in one week and the following month they are over, but rather, that more serious courtship, when we are sure that we found the person and only thought about sharing the life with her.
When we get to that future, I probably won’t be the mother who knows everything, the super heroine, the one you call thousands of times a day. Quite the contrary, at this age you are likely to think yourself the smartest and most knowledgeable guy in the world. That’s why I’m writing, with a fresh memory and just imagining the future. It will be easier to read the words of a young mother, than to listen to the speech of an old mother hehe. So, Enzo, I wanted to talk today about the woman in your life. Yes, I hope she appears! It may be that you recognize her as soon as you find her, for that to happen I hope you don’t pull your mother’s stubbornness, because if that happens, I bet it will take about ten years or more to admit that she is the right person haha. Jokes aside, I wanted to give you tips, advice, so that you don’t let her go when you find her.
The first date will say a lot about you. I hope you are not the guy who looks at the bill and thinks “so, you’re not ready to share?” I hope you are kind! I know that you can even question it, calling me conservative or outdated, but I think that at the first exit it is the man who has to pay the bill (even if the girl offers to pay her part, NEVER accept). I don’t say that to show you that you have money, or something like that, but just to make this woman feel special, to know that there is a gentleman with her and that she deserves it!
I hope you keep in mind that the best gift to offer a woman during dating is not expensive perfume, jewelry or designer clothes (although pampering is always welcome), but listening to her, because if you know listen, son, you will be very happy! Because it is not enough to like the other, it is necessary to have the same purpose in life, to know if you really want to walk the same way. Or that she shows you a path so beautiful that it convinces you to go with it
The woman in your life will respect and love you for who you are, not for what she would like you to be. And vice versa. Learn, nobody changes anyone, at most the person changes alone, after understanding that there is a better way to be and live. When looking into her eyes you will be sure that you have found the companion who will share the good and bad moments of your life, the one who will be your great friend, who will be able to count on her in the best and worst moments, the one who will be on your side always and that you will feel very happy with your victories because you will feel part of them too.
The woman of your life can be anywhere. It may be that longtime friend, that “ugly” girl at school or the one you run into on the street at the end of the night. When you find it, son, listen to your heart… if you are sure, don’t run away, run to her, love her and let her be loved! What I want most in this life, is for you to be very happy. Be a dignified man, a gentleman and one who is not afraid. Enjoy life in the best possible way! And don’t listen to me when I appear silly jealous, don’t worry, because your happiness will be mine too … Always!
Juliana Gabardo, Curitiba / PR
Addicted to serial and Mother of Enzo… the great love of my life!
See also: A Grace Achieved – Andreza
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.