In the second trimester of pregnancy the changes can already be noticed! After 12 weeks of gestation, what is most expected by the woman is the appearance of the belly. However, for some pregnant women, this long-awaited apparition takes longer!
Belly Size
It is not difficult to see reports of women who do not have the belly of dreams, the big one they imagined they would flaunt in the first weeks of pregnancy. The problem is that each physical type and organism is unique, so you ca n’t talk about patterns when it comes to belly .
We can say that if the baby is well, gaining weight properly, it is enough for the pregnancy to be healthy. Belly size is not a sign of health! In fact, the second trimester starts at the beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy and runs until the 27th week of pregnancy.
Discovery of Sex
For most pregnant women, the expected time of the second trimester of pregnancy is the discovery of sex. For a few who have already had fetal sexing, it remains to confirm sex, but for the vast majority, the 16th week, it is the most expected to do the ultrasound and finally have the news: Girl or boy?
At this point, one can also think about starting preparations for the arrival of the baby and also choosing the possible names. It is also necessary to prepare for morphology. Usually doctors recommend that it be done from the 20th to the 24th week of pregnancy.
Baby’s First Moves
The second trimester of pregnancy still holds many surprises, the baby’s first movements begin to be felt very lightly. They even look like pets walking inside the belly . They start out very light, and become stronger over time.
There are pregnant women who cannot clearly notice these movements and may be concerned. Usually in the first pregnancy, it is more difficult to feel these small initial signs, but they become quite noticeable after the 18th week of pregnancy. By the 20th, it is almost certain that you already feel the baby move completely .
Explanatory Video
Now with a slightly bigger belly, it is also possible to feel some pain in the spine. They are normal! In fact, pain is the word for a pregnant woman. From the beginning, she can feel them in different places and proportions. Cramping, pain in the belly, pulling, cramping, back pain , and even other parts of the body such as neck, legs and arms . All this effect of the hormones that pregnancy produces to accommodate the new being that is being formed.
A tip for pregnant women: do you want to improve the pleasure of sex during the gestational phase? Use water-based lubricating gels that play the role of cervical mucus and still control vaginal pH, reducing the chances of proliferation of fungi and bacteria responsible for infections. Famivita has developed the perfect lubricant for pregnant women and pregnant women, the FamiGel . You can buy it here in our online store.
Urinary Frequency
In addition, the urinary frequency can increase a lot. With the weight that the uterus and baby make on the bladder, it is possible to have a full bladder sensation all the time. With that, the frequencies to the bathroom during the day and also at night, are much higher! Sleeping starts to be a privilege.
Speaking of sleep, some pregnant women may experience insomnia for no apparent reason. Pregnancy can cause this phenomenon, and also the opposite. Most of the time, you may notice very drowsiness.
It is common to see an account of women who are asleep until they are seated during the day. Excess or lack of sleep can get in the way, I know that. I went through both extremes.
If you have not yet chosen your prenatal doctor, it is best to resolve this detail now in the second trimester of pregnancy! Some women have had difficulties in finding a good professional, especially when they are seen by a health plan.
The vast majority of obstetricians do not deliver with payment for the health plan and charge for the private procedure. Sometimes, the amount can reach up to R $ 12 thousand! Do you have that money? Excellent! But those who cannot pay have to have a plan B. Either they have their baby with an on-call doctor, or they find a doctor from the health insurance company who will deliver the baby .
Most health plans have outpatient clinics for pregnant women, and these doctors deliver. Consult your health plan for more information.
When to Worry?
For the pregnant woman, frequent trips to the bathroom can be a normal sign, but when the urge appears without the pee, then the yellow light should come on. Urine tests solve the problem, as there is sometimes a urinary tract infection that must be treated .
Loss of liquid
It is also recommended to pay attention to the amount of liquid that appears in the panties. The humidity is normal, but it should not be exaggerated. If a ruptured pouch is suspected , contact your doctor immediately or go to the maternity hospital for an examination and require an ultrasound to detect possible fluid drops.
Glycemic Curve Examination
At this stage the doctor should also order blood glucose tests. The glycemic curve for pregnant women is essential! It will detect any possible gestational diabetes, and in the second trimester of pregnancy it is common to have any changes.
Even if there are no signs of accelerated fetal growth (large GIG for gestational age), it is necessary to investigate. Also the baby’s low weight (small SGA for gestational age). The flow of blood and nutrients from the placenta to the baby should be monitored. The exam that detects these changes is the doppler ultrasound. If there is any type of change, your doctor will advise you what to do and also be alert.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is a key point in the second trimester of pregnancy. For hypertensive women it is possible to have changes such as peaks, and therefore the ideal medication should be prescribed by the doctor.
We must also remember that maternal weight gain has nothing to do with the baby’s weight. Controlling food and eating healthy is the best choice, however, getting out of the diet every now and then does no harm to anyone!
Taking advantage of the space, I would like to tell a novelty to our pregnant readers. Famivita and I, thinking about the nutritional needs and also difficulties of women during the gestational phase, developed a complete gestational multivitamin with all the vitamins and minerals important for fetal development with a differential of the other vitamins, the size of the capsule. As it is very difficult to swallow capsules and tablets during the period of nausea and nausea, which in some cases can extend throughout pregnancy, we produce the vitamin FamiGesta in small capsules that are easily swallowed, the size of an MM’s. You can purchase it here our online store.
See also: Amniotic Fluid – Low or Excessive Does it have a Problem?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.