In ancient times, many postpartum cares were mentioned that were considered essential for the health of women, which today are discarded. One of the main ones was about when to wash your hair after giving birth and about the intense symptoms if this rule was not kept.
It was said that if the hair was washed after delivery, women could go “crazy,” due to intense headaches, which could occur for the rest of their lives. Another version is that heavy postpartum bleeding could even go up to the head, being responsible for severe head pain. But obviously over the years, these stories have been unraveled and clarified.
Some women still fear for the legends told by their mothers and grandparents, and still prefer to follow this “care” to the letter to ensure that nothing happens. Outside the pressure of the ancients when they accompany the novice mother, mainly in the maternity ward. But after all, can or cannot you wash your hair after giving birth?
Can I Wash My Hair While in Maternity?
And the answer is: of course you can! Obviously taking all the necessary precautions to ensure your health, after all you just got a baby and whether you like it or not, your body is very fragile and deserves some extra care.
You can wash your hair after giving birth while still in the maternity ward, but it is good to ensure that it does not get cold or even lie down with wet hair. After years of following this myth, today it is proven that there is no reason for women to change their hygiene habits due to childbirth.
If you still have doubts, ask your obstetrician and clarify any questions that are still probing your head. It is better to sin because of too many questions, than to do something for fear of the consequences.
Quarantine Myths and Truths
When it comes to postpartum , it is a very delicate subject since it involves the protection of the woman’s body and health. Of course, there are many cares that are somewhat exaggerated, but others must be strictly followed as a guarantee of women’s well-being.
Constipation: (TRUTH) some foods do cause a greater accumulation of intestinal gases, causing great discomfort. Add foods rich in fiber that will help your intestinal work, such as papaya and oranges, remembering to hydrate yourself a lot.
Carrying weight: (TRUTH) after delivery, the body takes a certain period to fully recover from all the transformations of pregnancy. Not carrying any weight at this stage will not only ensure that the stitches (if you have taken them) will not open, but the body will recover safely.
Sexual intercourse : (TRUTH) after the birth of your child, it is recommended to wait until the end of the quarantine to have sexual intercourse with your partner. Breaking this indication can cause infections, severe abdominal and vagina pain, as well as pain on penetration. So it is recommended to wait 40 days for healing to occur and 100% recovery of the body.
Slimming during breastfeeding: (TRUTH) Exclusive breastfeeding of the baby, accelerates the woman’s metabolism. The accelerated production of breast milk and all the substances it contains are compared to 30 minutes of running, which is equivalent to approximately 400 calories eliminated.
Intense Hair Loss : (TRUTH) with the large increase in hormones during pregnancy it is normal to experience an acceleration in hair growth. In the postpartum period, this hormonal variation (fall) causes the opposite effect, causing the hair to fall out. Of course, in large quantities, the doctor should be consulted for evaluation.
While the mother is breastfeeding, the chances of becoming pregnant do not exist : (LIE) the woman can get pregnant while breastfeeding and that is why prevention is indicated so that this does not happen. They are indicated as methods: contraceptive pills suitable for breastfeeding and intimate condom. Talk to your gynecologist to find the best contraceptive.
Woman not being able to wash her hair after giving birth : (LIE) there is no risk and it is only stories of the ancients. Hair can be washed as soon as the woman is allowed to get up after giving birth.
Doing physical exercises without any problem : (LIES) the practice of physical exercises after childbirth is prohibited. The body needs to recover from all the transformations of pregnancy and this takes a certain period. To return to practice any physical activity after childbirth, it is necessary to have your gynecologist release.
Breastfeeding leaves the breast sagging: (LIE) The issue of sagging breasts depends a lot on the woman’s genetics, in addition to the bra model she chooses to use at this stage. There are bra models that better support breast augmentation and are more comfortable for that moment.
Vagina changes after vaginal delivery : (LIE) some women report that after normal birth, sexual relations are no longer the same, since their vaginas have ended up enlarging. But make no mistake, childbirth does not change the structure of the vagina, as it fully returns to its previous state after childbirth. But it is worth warning that it is indicated to wait 40 days to have sexual intercourse, guaranteeing the intimate health of the woman.
Weak breast milk for the baby : (LIE) there is no weak breast milk and much less that it does not support the baby. What can happen is that it is difficult for the baby to breastfeed (incorrect breast holding) and therefore the production of breast milk is influenced, since the more breast the more milk is produced. Just align the difficulties that the mother has to breastfeed, that the milk is produced again in the exact amount and guaranteeing all the nutrients for the baby.
See Also: Why Does Postpartum Hair Loss Happen?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.