Childbirth is an extreme situation for the female body, no matter if it is normal or cesarean and the period afterwards requires special care. In the 40 days after the baby is born, the so-called quarantine, the uterus needs to heal again. This phase is also commonly known as guarding.
The main question for most couples is about when they can have sex again. On the one hand, the libido of both increases, especially those who could not have sex due to health risks during pregnancy. On the other hand, there is a fear of interfering with the body’s recovery. Sex in Reguardo is not considered taboo, but in fact it practically is.
Usually it is the husbands or partners, however understanding they may be, who push the bar to have postpartum sex, even though they know the risks and with the woman still having postpartum menstruation . But there are also women whose will speaks louder and who need to decide what to do, after all they know the limits of their bodies better.
Sex After Episiotomy
It is only worth alerting the postpartum care that can be different during sex even outside the guard. If you had a normal delivery with an episiotomy (cut in the perineum), it can be more painful in that region and penetration before the healing time can delay recovery.
Sex After Cesarean
But postpartum cesarean intercourse is the most delicate . Remember that the stitches are new and cesarean is a surgery like any other. There are cases where recovery is slower and there is no point in risking an inflammation or even an infection in the stitches. The relationship despite the will, you can wait a little longer.
But come and agree and sometimes the libido speaks louder in the couple! If your pregnancy was of high risk and for this reason, the couple had to remain abstinent for a long period of time, there is no way to avoid it. If the desire exists between the couple, there are alternative ways to penetrate the pregnancy, just use your imagination!
How long should the guard last?
Doctors indicate a 40-day postpartum care ward , the famous quarantine. In the past, women spent 40 days in isolation without leaving home, without washing their hair, without walking barefoot and many other unnecessary nonsense created by myths. Today we know that none of this is necessary, but it is worthwhile to warn of the risk of complete sexual intercourse in the postpartum period and ahead of time.
I went to search the sink and found out that there are countless cases in which the woman “breaks” the guard and then the worries begin. First, we have to realize that the postpartum period is a period of body care. In pregnancy, the change in the body is radical and needs time to return to its previous state. Especially the uterus, because it grows far beyond what it was originally and this requires a minimum recovery time , the so-called 40 days. And we know that if a woman breastfeeds, the maximum period without ovulating is 3 months. Other than that, even not menstruating, you can get pregnant because you can ovulate before menstruating.
But let’s focus on the first postpartum relationship. Does she tend to be more painful and do you know why? Because the vaginal humidity is lower. Right after delivery, oxytocin and prolactin take over the woman’s body, and this leaves the private parts drier than they usually are. I have seen cases of 9, 12, 15 days in which the woman had her first sexual intercourse and nothing happened, other cases in which even after 60 days of postpartum care the pain was the same. This sensation was compared to the first sexual intercourse . It is nothing out of the ordinary, but it is a different feeling, just passing by to know how it is.
A Mother’s Experience
Right after I had Melissa, I sat down in the office and talked to the obstetrician about the matter and his answer was as simple as possible. Do it with caution! It is best to wait, but if you have had a smooth delivery and you are recovering well, why not try? Of course, I’m not encouraging anyone to break the guard, but if it’s inevitable, don’t go so thirsty to the pot. Relieving the situation before the act itself is a great solution for couples who have had to stop relating for some time. Or even if not, it is best to always take it easy.
Care to Take
Doubts? Talk to your doctor! As soon as you pass the screen it is a good idea to start immediately with appropriate contraceptives like Cerazette. Although weaker and suitable for stage of breastfeeding woman, they help and to prevent a pregnancy in the guard.
We know that nobody is made of iron, but if you can maintain this postpartum care, recovery can take place more quickly and without sequelae. Waiting can provide a more pleasurable postpartum sex for women, without trauma and fears in the future. And men, be calm at this time! Coitus can become very painful! Be calm and patient with your partner . If necessary, use lubricant, it helps a lot! Great resumption of sexual life and with all the necessary care!
We cannot forget the other postpartum care, after all life is not just about sex, is it? Care for the breasts that will be in full breastfeeding, taking care to avoid cracking and always keeping them hydrated. You can use your own breast milk to clean and moisturize them or specific ointments recommended by the doctor. Care with mastitis ( blocking of milk ) is also essential, as it causes a lot of pain and discomfort for the woman, in addition to suffering from a high fever.
Scar Care
Caring for the scar of both a cesarean section and an epsiotomy if it was necessary during normal delivery also requires a lot of attention. The scar must be properly cleaned with water and mild soap and the place must always be kept dry. Following medical recommendations such as avoiding physical exercise as well as efforts help healing to occur more quickly.
Talk to your obstetrician about painkillers that you can use during the recovery process or symptom of swelling, redness or even secretions and increased local temperature . If you notice something different, see your obstetrician immediately!
How Long After Ligation Can I Have a Relationship?
Tubal ligation is a definite female sterilization surgery, where the tubes are cut or tied in order to block the passage of sperm. Because it is a surgery, questioning is inevitable? “How long after sterilization can I have sex?” And in fact there is no certain deadline since it will depend on the procedure and technique used and which can vary from one week to three months of care. It is best to follow your doctor’s recommendations and respect your body’s limits.
Questions from Readers:
Pain in the relationship after cesarean section, is it normal?
Sexual intercourse after childbirth, whether normal or cesarean, should only occur when the woman feels prepared, safe and above all with the desire to happen. In the sexual act after childbirth, there is no pain itself, but due to the fear of hurting or even hurting the stitches, it may not flow as it should and you may feel slightly uncomfortable. So take it easy, no positions that require more physical effort.
It is normal after childbirth for a woman to experience vaginal dryness, due to hormonal disruptions during that period. In order to have a more peaceful and pleasurable sexual intercourse, intimate lubricants can be used that will increase pleasure, such as the FamiGel lubricating gel . The FamiGel lubricating gel, in addition to increasing the pleasure of imitating female mucus, also controls the vaginal PH providing greater control of the vaginal flora. You can purchase your lubricating gel here in our online store.
Bleeding during intercourse after the arrest, what happened?
The bleeding from the famous quarantine has already stopped and the couple decides to resume their sexual life, but during intercourse or after bleeding occurs again, what could have happened? This is a constant question among readers and bleeding can actually happen as the uterus is not fully healed. Therefore, when resuming sexual intercourse, it is good to take it easy, without much physical effort and with less thirst for the pot, respecting the limits of the body.
A tip for our readers and tempters, Patricia Amorim in partnership with the company Famivita developed a line of products aimed at fertility and replacement of important vitamins for health. You can purchase them here in our online store .
See also: Sexuality in Pregnancy
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.