Methods such as tubal ligation and vasectomy are definitive forms of contraception. They are different methods and have completely different procedures and different recovery times. Tubal ligation is nothing more than a removal or tying of the tubes. Vasectomy surgery is about cutting the connection between the sperm producing and exiting channels. Men over 30 who have 2, 3 or more children can do this procedure without any problem. Although simple, the surgery requires authorization from the couple, so if the man and his partner are legally married, they must sign a contractual term provided by the urologist responsible for the surgery.
Vasectomy surgery is done in a channel called an epidymus, which is at the back of the testicles. This channel takes the sperm made in the testicles to the vas deferens which takes it to the urethra to exit the penis at the time of intercourse. The man continues to produce seminal fluid , however, without the sperm contained in it before the vasectomy surgery.
Vasectomy Surgery Procedure
The vasectomy surgery procedure is relatively simple, it is an outpatient practice in almost all cases. Fasting, the man goes to the site when performing the vasectomy surgery and thus receives local anesthesia and in some cases mild sedation as in endoscopy procedures or the like. The cut is made in the scrotum, usually one on each side and has a size of approximately 1cm. Through these openings, the doctor finds the epidymis and makes a cut with stitches at each end where the disconnection occurred. In another step, the doctor cuts and separates the vas deferens as well. At this stage of vasectomy surgery, the man may experience brief discomfort but nothing much. This last step finishes the process of the vasectomy surgery and then the man is ready to go home.
Recovery is easier than the process, sexual abstinence during the postoperative period and ice packs are advised to ease the pain of cuts and anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid complications in recovery. There are reports of one or the other case of discomfort during the first weeks of the vasectomy surgery, but the recovery is usually quite fast and within 1 or 2 days normal activities may be resumed. There are men who return to work the day after the procedure.
Myths and Truths About Vasectomy Surgery
Some fears still surround many men when it comes to vasectomy surgery, but most of the factors that can prevent this simpler form of sterilization from happening are a myth or a pure excuse for fear of the patient.
Will vasectomy surgery make me difficult to erect?
No, let’s say that a vasectomy is 100% safe against impotence. Vasectomy surgery is performed by specialists who have training and study for this purpose. We can also say that the cut channels have nothing to do with the ducts that bring blood to the penis for a complete erection.
Is it still possible to become fertile after vasectomy surgery?
Yes, in some rare cases the regeneration or natural rewiring of the channels can happen or a leakage of sperm is possible. Another more common factor is the couple having unprotected intercourse in a short time of surgery, usually the time for the total absence of sperm is 90 days after the procedure. Some sperm remaining in the upper vas deferens may be left behind and then the pregnancy happens. After 60 days of vasectomy surgery, the man must undergo a sperm test to verify the success of the surgery.
Can men who have a problem with their testicles have a vasectomy?
Yes, but the doctor must study case by case in order to indicate or not the procedure, so talk to a urologist before any decision. Problems like varicocele for example, are amenable to vasectomy without problems. Scenes from a vasectomy surgery are relatively easy to watch, but if you are easily impressed, refrain from playing.
Does vasectomy surgery reverse?
Yes, but nothing is 100% guaranteed. There are cases in which neither vasectomy reversal surgery can work because of problems that can affect the male organ where sperm is produced. Some examples are the production of antibodies to sperm. Another problem is the difficulty of recanalizing the pathways, so looking for a good specialist in case of regret of vasectomy surgery is ideal. Some cases are more delicate, when there is no possibility of reversing the procedure, an in vitro fertilization should be considered. For this purpose, there are procedures that make the sperm pulsate directly from the source and then generate a baby is made possible for the couple.
Couples who have chosen not to have more children should consider vasectomy as it is much simpler than sterilization surgery. While vasectomy is simple to perform, tubal ligation is much more invasive. Both vasectomy and tubal ligation are methods that can be reversed, however, as they are invasive procedures, the decision must be made by the couple and very well thought out due to the risk of regret. Sitting and talking if this is the attitude to be taken is very important to avoid future regret.
Can Vasectomy Fail?
When we talk about stopping having children, we soon attach to women the responsibility to avoid pregnancy, but in fact, men are also one of the protagonists of the event – pregnancy. In addition to contraceptive methods, in addition to male and female condoms, sterilization, there is a vasectomy. However, not all men accept to undergo this procedure, either out of fear, fear of becoming impotent, of not admitting this type of procedure (cultural issue), even for fear of not working out, of the vasectomy failing …
It is known that vasectomy is a great resource for the couple who do not even want to have more children, even because the procedure in men is much simpler than in women . Since to perform a permanent sterilization surgery, as is the case of tube sterilization, the organism suffers much more, because for the woman many more layers are cut and much more post-procedure rest time is needed. After all, there are 5 layers cut, even through laparoscopy, 3 more cuts than in the vasectomy. Not to mention that anesthesia is more aggressive than for men. Anyway, 9 out of 10 doctors recommend vasectomy as a permanent sterilization method, due to its ease.
In general, vasectomy surgery takes 20 minutes, with rest on the first day, and normal life thereafter. The cut is very small and the anesthesia is local, and can be done in an outpatient or doctor’s office. It must be taken into account that the surgery takes time to take effect , so, a few months or ejaculations later, it is necessary to have an exam to check the success of the procedure performed.
However, the big question that does not want to remain silent: can vasectomy fail? Can a man become pregnant after a woman with a vasectomy? Yes, vasectomy can fail , but these are extreme cases that are due to the way the procedure was done. The older way of simply cutting off the vas deferens, which takes manufactured sperm to semen, is more prone to failure since the tips can reconnect and fertility re-establish. The most recent (and also most used) technique, that of cutting and connecting the ends, is much more efficient. The chances of this method going wrong are very small, but there is still a small margin of error (0.5 to 1.0% of going wrong).
How To Know If It Worked Or Not?
After a vasectomy, the man must have some ejaculations (about 30) to eliminate all sperm from the vas deferens. In the meantime, the couple must be careful, protect themselves with condoms or contraceptives. After the period given by the doctor or 30 ejaculations after the surgery, the man should have a sperm test to check if the procedure was successful.
However, today, with the evolution of the diagnostics market, there are homemade tests made with the semen of the man, to detect the presence of a certain amount of sperm in the ejaculated sample. The male fertility test, or semen test, is already easily found in the Brazilian market. The company Confirme, brought this facility to men who want to check if the procedure worked. The sample must be taken the test done according to the instructions. It can be done at home even with complete privacy. The test will be negative for the presence of sperm when only one line, the control line appears on the test. If you give two lines, then the sample still has more than 15 million sperm in the sample. A sign that it has not yet cleared or that there is something wrong with the procedure. When in doubt talk to the doctor, he will help with your doubts.
Interview with Urologist Diego Delgado
Urologist Diego Delgado gave an interview about vasectomy and vasectomy reversal. The doubts that could hover those who want to have a child after the procedure, can be clarified both with the written material and with the video that kindly Dr granted.
What exactly is a vasectomy?
Dr Diego Delgado: Vasectomy is a surgery performed on men in order to prevent pregnancy! It is a simple procedure performed in the clinic itself. It takes about 30 minutes and is virtually painless.
Who can have a vasectomy?
Dr Diego Delgado: According to Brazilian law, vasectomy is allowed for all men over 25 and men under 25 with at least two children.
How difficult is it to reverse the vasectomy in order to become pregnant again?
Dr Diego Delgado: Vasectomy reversal is a surgery that does not have 100% guaranteed success, which is why we recommend vasectomy to men who really do not want more children. Another factor of difficulty in performing the vasectomy reversal is the financial value because it is a surgery that costs 10 times more than the vasectomy.
How is this vasectomy reversal made and what is the success rate for this procedure?
Dr Diego Delgado: Vasectomy reversal is performed in a specialized surgical center with a microscope, the procedure takes a few hours and the postoperative period requires more caution than in the case of vasectomy. It is important for the patient to keep in mind that vasectomy reversal is a completely different surgery than vasectomy with a longer surgical time.
Is there any factor that hinders the reversal?
Dr Diego Delgado: The way the vasectomy was performed can facilitate or hinder the reversal. An important fact when making your vasectomy is to make sure that the surgeon also performs the reversal because this way he will perform the vasectomy in the most appropriate way. The time period between vasectomy and reversal should be less than 15 years. The shorter this period of time the greater the chance of success.
Which doctor should the couple see if they want to get pregnant after a vasectomy?
Dr Diego Delgado: The couple must first see the urologist who will check if there is a need for an evaluation of female fertility with the gynecologist.
Where to do vasectomy reversal for free or find a trusted professional in your area?
Dr Diego Delgado: There is the option of some federal public hospitals to perform this surgery, but the queues are very long. If the couple wants more information about the surgery, they can contact CBU – Centro Brasileiro de Urologia by calling 11 2338-3600 or by calling 11 94479-6009.
What do you advise anyone who is thinking about having a vasectomy and reversal?
Dr Diego Delgado: The vasectomy reversal is not just a simple surgery, the period to make the sperm positive (return to having sperm in the ejaculate) can take up to one year. Once the decision has been made to have a new child, the couple should seek a doctor from the Brazilian Society of Urology – SBU duly registered to carry out an initial assessment from which they will be guided individually.
Dr Diego Delgado’s Contacts: Dr Diego Delgado’s Website / Office Telephone: (11) 2338-3600
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.