On a beautiful day you discover that you are pregnant! Some get a real fright and millions of thoughts pass through their head, while others feel such a joy to invade their soul that they can’t think of anything else, except to celebrate !!
However, as the days go by, the euphoria and nervousness will calm down and the plug will fall and then the fear of an abortion will come. After all, almost everyone knows that a miscarriage is considered normal in the first months and at any sign we are worried. But honestly what are the symptoms of miscarriage? When to worry?
Spontaneous abortion is considered a common occurrence in pregnancies up to the 20th week . There are several reasons responsible for the fact, for example, the malformation of the fetus where the body itself expels it.
Causes of Miscarriage
There are many cases where a woman suffers a miscarriage even before she knows she is pregnant or simply doesn’t even know it happened. In 80% of cases of spontaneous abortion, pregnancy termination occurs before the first 13 weeks, decreasing the risks as each week passes.
Even though it is pointed out with a common factor of occurring, it is not a simple thing to face and experience , since disappointment, sadness and the feeling of loss are inevitable. Most of the time it is not possible to specify the reason and cause of the abortion, as there are several reasons for occurring in the first weeks.
A molar pregnancy or an anembryonic pregnancy where the embryo does not even begin to develop, as well as uterine infections or some change in the placenta are reasons for spontaneous abortion. Another very common reason for occurring is cervical failure , where the cervix cannot support the development of the fetus and does not remain closed until the end.
Main Symptoms of Miscarriage
The miscarriage symptom perhaps most evident is af North colic accompanied by bleeding, but not always occurs bleeding announcing the event and in some cases when it occurs and the woman is not aware of the pregnancy still believe that is the period that was late . Other very common symptoms are:
- Smelly vaginal discharge
- Vaginal bleeding with clots
- Severe pain in the head
- Strong colic
In the presence of these symptoms, a hospital or your doctor should be contacted immediately for an ultrasound to assess the fetal heartbeat and the mother’s health conditions.
Other symptoms that can be noticed are the absence of morning sickness and the tenderness of the breasts , if they suddenly disappear or diminish something may be happening. In case of bleeding do not despair and seek a hospital.
Bleeding is also common in the first few months and does not mean that the miscarriage has already occurred, but it is indicated that the cause be analyzed to calm down and initiate precautions to remedy the problem or stabilize it. Many women, even suffering from bleeding in the first trimester, continue their pregnancy normally.
How to Confirm Miscarriage
The first exam to be performed will be a pelvic exam to analyze the cervix and if dilation is occurring . The second will be the ultrasound where the baby’s heartbeat will be checked as well as the presence or absence of movements and the development of the baby will be evaluated.
The third indicated test is the blood test that will check the amount of the HCG hormone in the blood, the drop in the levels will indicate the possible abortion or if the placental residues have already been expelled completely.
The last test performed and if you think it is necessary or requested is the tissue test that can be performed in case of spontaneous abortion. The expelled tissue is collected and sent for analysis in a laboratory that will analyze the causes of what happened, thus ruling out problems that hinder future pregnancy.
See also: Miscarriage – Causes and My Experience
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.