This phase is certainly a milestone in the life of a baby, when the first sounds start to appear, it makes the whole family drool even more. Speech development is very important and shows the progress of the child’s growth. Some babies may take longer to reach this stage, that of speech development. Most babies start babbling between the 4th and 5th months. It is still a bit unintentional, and it is the agus, anguan , screams that enchant everyone. About the 8th to 10th month of life, syllables like papa, mama, ubu and some others, giving the impression that the baby is talking about mom and dad .Most of the times it is the beginning of a development of words that will form even after the first year of life. This is where he can express himself more firmly and to a specific person.
Even before he starts babbling, the baby starts to get a sense of the language and language that everyone around uses. Even at birth, in childbirth, the demonstration that everything is fine is through the first cry as if to say: hey , I am really here! All the movement around stimulates these sounds . Before this stage, the main way the baby communicates in the world is crying. And which mother was not moved by her baby’s first cry? In addition, crying is like the words for the newborn baby, there he says what he needs with different tones of sounds.
How to Help Speech Development
Talking to the baby helps a lot so that he starts to make sounds earlier, this already at 3, 4 months of age. The babies’ own dialect is very interesting and another phase of speech development at 6 months begins to happen. He really starts to interact with people close to him, on a daily basis he can start loosing little words that are their language and that enchant those around him.
Until the age of 2, the child is in the stage of speech development and from then on they will improve what has already been learned and certain precautions must be taken from the baby ‘s first babble to avoid future problems. Precautions like infantilized dialects all the time, that tatibitate.
“Bebe ti nindo di mamãe”
This is one of the main mistakes of those who live with the baby. Speech is based exclusively on what the baby learns from those who stay and live together. So speaking normally most of the time is essential for more correct speech. Not that it is extremely forbidden to speak with a loving tone to your child, in fact, most parents or those around the children do this, but knowing when to do it and how to do it is important not to limit the child to hearing only this type of communication. The development of speech depends on what she hears and stimulating to speak correctly is necessary .Do you know those children who speak so well and who even look like mini adults talking? Well-articulated speech has its secrets and one of them is to always speak the right words, never to repeat to the child or baby what he said wrong.
- Float = Wafer
- Water = water
The secret is always to avoid insisting on the wrong word. Whenever the baby asks for “aua” (water), say that he wants water and emphasize the water without drawing attention. “It is not aua, it is water”. Say naturally you want water, repeat the correct word “water” a few times.
Another way to encourage the child’s speech development is to read a lot to him, stories that hold him and talk a lot whenever he has the opportunity. At feedings, at mealtime, when changing diapers and so on. The school also helps and a lot in the development of speech, not only that, but as a whole since in a group it is easier to develop. This is certainly a good resource for children with delayed speech. Children who have stimuli at an early age speak more and are great candidates for greater dynamism in adulthood.
Medical assistance should be requested if the baby does not develop speech until the 2nd year of life.
Many children are somewhat lazy to start talking, not that they are late or have some kind of problem, on the contrary. They just want things the easiest way without having to work hard to get what they want and the method used is the language of gestures , are n’t you smart? When she wants something, she simply takes her hand, father or grandmother by the hand and points to what she wants without speaking a syllable. Erroneously the person fulfills the child’s desire even without encouraging him to say what he really wants when he should ask the child to encourage him to say it.
In fact, do you know when you need to worry about the child’s or baby’s speech development? Each person evolves in his time, it would not be different with the development of speech. The time to start speaking is different for each child, myself as a mother of 3 I had 3 different experiences with the development of children’s speech. The most important thing to note is that if the child or baby does not say anything , absolutely nothing until the second year of life, help should be sought with all certainty. We must always remember that speech is linked to hearing and it is essential to do tests to see if the child hears perfectly. Problems like autism for example, they can also be detected by the absence of speech but it is not the only reason for the child not to speak, the issue goes much further.
Blogger’s Note:I had 3 different experiences with children’s speech development. Joana was always very talkative, she spoke and babbled a lot from a very early age. Dudu, on the other hand, had some difficulty in getting him to start talking. At the age of 2 he insisted on only pointing and said practically nothing, just screams. It was little by little, with patience, that we managed to make him speak and even today it is a daily job to stimulate speech correctly. Melissa talks a lot too, she is in the chatty phase. He is in a hurry to say everything and ends up fumbling with the words, such a hurry he has to say the sentences. It is still possible to understand much of what she says. Anyway, each child has their time and if you think you have a problem with your child, so just look for a speech therapist and she will direct you with what to do. Have you heard your baby’s first word? What’s up? Tell us what it was like to hear your son’s first word!
See also: Baby Growth and Its Crises
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.