These things really confuse us too much! Anyone who is suspicious that she is pregnant or who is trying to conceive can be very confused when it comes to a pregnancy test . In addition to anxiety and all expectations, the result can come in two ways: only positive or only negative. But, also, a number can come and, yes, that can make the woman even more confused. But what is HCG anyway?
Well, blood tests that count the amount of HCG are called quantitative beta , and they show the amount and can also indicate how long the pregnancy is.
These quantitative tests can indicate precisely whether there is pregnancy or whether the hormone is evolving or not. It is safer than the qualitative test, as it can show a minimal amount of HCG, even close to zero. For those who have had fertilization , for those who have problems getting pregnant or even for the most anxious, this pregnancy test is efficient to find out if the pregnancy is going as expected , since the HCG doubles every 48 hours. So, if you took the quantitative beta hcg exam too early, you can repeat it after the necessary time and thus know whether or not you are going ahead and in perfect order. The unit used to count the amount of HCG is called mUI / ml, and it determines the hormonal amount per mlof blood. Thus, if it is higher than a certain value, it is considered positive.
Diagnosis of Hydatidiform Mole
Cases of hydatidiform mole can also be detected through this beta hcg exam. It shows a huge amount beyond the normal that determines the period of pregnancy, as shown in the table below:
3-4 weeks | 9 – 130 |
4-5 weeks | 75 – 2600 |
5-6 weeks | 850 – 20.800 |
6-7 weeks | 4.000 – 100.200 |
7-12 weeks | 11.500 – 289.000 |
12-16 weeks | 18.300 – 137.000 |
16-29 weeks | 1.400 – 53.000 |
In fact, there are several tables. They are diverse, as each laboratory has a reference for the positive and a parameter for the weeks of pregnancy . Lavoisier and Delboni, for example, have a positive parameter above 25mUi / ml in their table , while others use a parameter above 50mUI / ml. Below that, the result is considered indeterminate, and the suggestion is that it be repeated after 2 to 5 days . The variation between the values of the laboratories can be confusing, but I, in particular, consider from 25 mUI.
The qualitative HCG beta pregnancy test is very similar to the pharmacy pregnancy test . While this homemade is made with urine, the laboratory one uses the serum in the blood , which is processed to detect HCG in the blood. Super simple and with the result released in a short time, this exam can be done in any laboratory in your city.
If you are in a hurry and want to know the result on the same day, the option is the high sensitivity pharmacy pregnancy tests, such as the Famivita pregnancy test , which has a sensitivity of 10 mUi and can detect HCG levels up to 2 days before the menstrual delay. You can purchase it here in our online store.
When to Take a Pregnancy Exam?
In order not to be in doubt when to take the pregnancy exam , consider some factors:
- Menstrual delay : there must be at least 2 days without menstruation . If you do it too early, it may have a false negative result.
- If you have had fertility treatment with HCG medications, it is advisable to wait longer for a pregnancy test.
- Irregular cycles : it is best to monitor the cycle to know which days you were fertile, and to be more sure of this period and your ovulation, ovulation tests are a great option. You can find Famivita ovulation tests here in our online store.
Fasting is not necessary to take the quantitative beta exam, nor for the qualitative beta. They can even be done at any time of the day and safely, as both are very safe and only use the hormone present in the body to detect pregnancy. If you can, order the quantitative HCG beta pregnancy test . It is more effective and as good as the qualitative one. Hope this helps!
Recurring Questions from Readers!
Currently, I have received several very similar questions. So, I decided to put answers to some questions that always appear here. If the doubt is not cleared, then feel free to leave your comment and get it out here.
Can the HCG Beta Test Give False Results?
He can; however, the HCG beta test is very safe. He can only give a false negative if he has been beta tested too soon . For this reason, I often advise you to take the test after a considerably safe delay of 7 days. After fertilization, the beta HCG test can identify the hormone within 48 hours and in a very low quantity. However, the sensitivity and method that the laboratory uses may interfere with the result and it is suggested to repeat it if the suspicion of pregnancy persists.
Video explaining whether the beta is positive or negative
Can the Amount of Hormones in the Blood Determine Gestational Age?
Not always, but most of the time the amount of HCG hormone in the blood can give you an idea of how long a woman is pregnant. However, it is not a safe way to verify the time of pregnancy. As the woman does not always remember the date of the last menstruation, then, one can more efficiently know the gestational age by ultrasound or even the date of the last menstruation – the LMP. But, as we can see in the post of late ovulation , it is not always possible to take for sure the last menstruation and the hormonal quantity. The woman may have ovulated later or earlier than she thought and this interferes with the time of pregnancy.
Can the HCG Examination be Substituted by Pharmacy Examinations?
No. As much as you have done some pharmacy tests, it would be much better to confirm your pregnancy with an HCG blood test. In addition to being much safer, there is also the issue of the hormonal amount and the reliability of the pharmacy test that the woman used. Some pharmacy tests are equivalent or even surpass the efficiency in terms of sensitivity to detect pregnancy, such as the Famivita pregnancy tests , but it is also safe for a laboratory to carry out the test so that there are no doubts.
What can be the low amount of HCG in the blood?
In some cases, the hormone may be lower than necessary for a positive for two reasons: it may be a very recent pregnancy and therefore a low hormonal amount, or it may be a case of chemical pregnancy . However, before having any concern or fanfare, it would be essential to repeat the test to see if the hormone has evolved. Normally, it doubles every 48 hours and you can thus check the progression of the hormone in your blood.
Should I take the quantitative or qualitative exam?
Who will indicate which type of test should be done is the doctor and may depend on the real need and each case. The qualitative examination is clear and objective, and will provide only the positive or negative result, different from the quantitative one that will indicate the value and quantity of the hormone that it serves assists in monitoring the evolution of pregnancy.
Are the quantitative and qualitative tests reliable?
Yes, all tests performed using the woman’s blood collection are reliable. However, the result can be different if it is performed too early and fails to detect the amount of HCG hormone.
See Also: Chemical Pregnancy and Now?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.