Homemade Artificial Insemination Does It Work?


Walking around and researching about pregnancy, I came across a very controversial subject: homemade artificial insemination. But then, how do you guys? So many girls pay a considerable amount to do a clinical procedure like this and suddenly I am faced with this “novelty”. But does home-made artificial insemination really work?

Artificial insemination is a method used to get semen into the uterus without sexual intercourse . This procedure shortens the space between the treated sperm and the egg, making it easier for a pregnancy to happen. It is indicated for women who have a problem getting pregnant or have hostile mucus. For this procedure to happen, the woman goes to a fertility specialist and uses the correct medication to stimulate ovulation and then on the right day perform insemination. But what about home insemination?

Home insemination would theoretically work more or less in the same way, with the difference that sperm would not be treated as in the laboratory and insemination would be done in a more coarse way, without anesthetics or appropriate instruments. This method is widely used by women who wish to have children but find it difficult for several reasons. Some because the husband has a problem with infertility or even sterility, others that the partner / partner does not want to have children and always ejaculates outside or on the condom and even by same-sex couples who wish to have a child and resort to a semen donor. .

How do you make homemade artificial insemination?

First of all, women must be fertile to make artificial insemination at home. She must calculate her fertile period and on the day of the ovulatory peak perform the procedure. Women with regular cycles find it easier to discover that day of greater fertility, while those who are unregulated will have greater difficulty, but it is not an impossible mission.

Just ask the Billings method for help or even calculate the fertile period on an ovulation calculator . Homemade artificial insemination works as long as care is taken with the material to be injected into the uterus and the woman is in the fertile period.

If you are trying to get pregnant and want to do a more detailed monitoring of your cycle and your ovulation, a great way to give a little extra strength is to use a cell cycle monitoring APP like the APP Paula and use ovulation tests that will indicate if ovulation is approaching, if it is happening or has already ended, indicating when is the right time to date and get your positive faster. You can buy your ovulation test here in our online store.

It is also necessary to have the semen to make homemade artificial insemination. If a donor is possible, he must deposit the material in a plastic collection pot, such as those used for laboratory tests. It is important that the sperm is protected from the external environment , as any contact with the air can kill the sperm in a few seconds . The semen can be stored at room temperature for up to two hours, but the sooner it is used, the better the results of homemade artificial insemination.

Environments such as condoms also protect semen from outside air and they can also live in an environment of a container such as the collecting cup. Material provided (or almost) it is time to think how to do it. For homemade artificial insemination, a regular syringe is enough, usually those thinner 10ml syringes will do the job without hurting the woman and if you have a lubricating gel that helps sperm better, like FamiGel, which plays the role of fertile mucus and it also makes it easier for sperm to reach the egg faster. You can purchase it here in our online store.

This procedure can be done only once, but it can also be done for the entire fertile period and a test with at least 5 days of menstrual delay or 20 days of homemade artificial insemination. Does it look like a movie? Yea! The film coincidences of love portrays exactly that episode, a single woman who wants to be a mother and buys a sperm from a donor in a sperm bank.

She throws a party to celebrate the moment and then her best friend accidentally drops her sperm all over the sink. To get around the situation, he leaves his material there himself. Insemination works and seven years later he comes face to face with a mini copy, his son. In Brazil there is a bank of donated and frozen sperm, the Pro Seed, however sperm is not freely sold as abroad, by chance the United States is a pioneer in this type of trade.

This bank is widely used by fertility specialists who see a couple’s willingness to be parents, but find a patient with serious fertility problems and even sterile ones. Outside, couples with infertility problems turn to a sperm bank without any request or authorization being issued. In Brazil there is no specific law on this type of practice, what is known is that the donor is not paid for the material.

See, homemade artificial insemination is not a 100% method but it does work ! It must also be thought out very well to perform, as the ideal is to do everything with medical monitoring, from a fertility specialist.

Each one knows their conditions and history to carry out this small intervention, the greatest care to be taken is the hygiene of the process, of course it is advisable to look for a doctor to carry out exams and check the health of the candidate for homemade artificial insemination.

Nothing substitutes for a good doctor, look for a gynecologist and make him your best friend and who knows, make an insemination in a safe clinic.

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See also: How Long Does Ovulation Last?

Dr. Alexis Hart
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My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.

Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

Dr. Alexis Hart

My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.

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