IMPORTANT: Physical activity during pregnancy is recommended not only to control weight gain, but also to control anxiety, strengthen muscles to support the transformations of pregnancy and prepare for the day of delivery. Yoga is one of the activities indicated!
- The baby at 21 weeks of gestation is able to hear the sound of your voice and can even recognize it.
- Another thing that is familiar to the baby after birth is the sound of Mom’s heartbeat .
- With 21 weeks of pregnancy we have already entered the 5th month of pregnancy and its main development this week is that of bones.
- The baby swallows the amniotic fluid all the time and is what is accumulating for the meconium to be produced.
- Your appetite is going very well and with that the control of what you eat and contain in your food menu is of utmost importance since everything you eat serves to nourish you and your baby.
The baby at 21 weeks of gestation (it may sound crazy but it’s true) is able to hear the sound of your voice and can even recognize it. Babies love to hear the voice of dads when they are inside their tummy! The male voice passes more easily through all the layers that surround the baby (uterus and amniotic fluid ) and, thus, makes him recognize the voice of dad, grandpa or uncle more quickly after birth.
Another thing that is familiar to the baby after birth is the sound of Mom’s heartbeat, a sound from heaven for them. Now 21 weeks old, he can now weigh about 360 grams and measure approximately 26 cm! How did it grow?
21 week pregnancy is how many months? We are entering the 5th month of gestation and its main development this week is that of the bones and the beginning of the production of red blood cells in the blood. Your blood vessels are totally clear under the skin that is still pink and transparent.
Your small body does not have much fat yet, which will change in the coming weeks where it will be necessary to accumulate fat to use it as an energy source and also to support the temperature after birth.
At 21 weeks of pregnancy the baby swallows the amniotic fluid all the time and is what is accumulating for the meconium to be produced. Meconium begins to accumulate when the baby is 12 weeks pregnant and should not come out until the baby is born. In some cases it is necessary to do it beforehand and an emergency intervention and delivery is necessary so that the baby does not suck up the feces.
How is Mom Feeling …
Now the most complicated phase of adaptation has passed completely, with 21 weeks of pregnancy the mother feels full to see her tummy growing and feeling her baby moving as a lifeline inside her womb. The doctor who accompanies prenatal care will probably order blood tests in the second trimester of pregnancy, know that it is very good to see how your health is going.
IMPORTANT: always ask him to do urine tests, avoiding urinary infection during pregnancy is very important.
By this stage your uterus has grown a lot compared to normal size. At 21 weeks of gestation her belly is already rounded and pointed, but it is quite common to hear the woman this week asking about the size of her belly and if it is not too small. Each pregnancy has a different development and also the size of the belly does not define the baby’s health, much less the size and weight of the baby .
Lumps and Swelling
In this week of the 21 weeks of pregnancy it is common to have vaginal discharge , but as long as that discharge does not have a strong odor or a different color, you should not worry. Some women tend to start to swell at this stage and the practice of physical activities help to control swelling and fluid retention. Talk to your obstetrician and see if she is free to do any sport suitable for pregnant women.
With 21 weeks your appetite is going very well and with that the control of what you eat and contain in your food menu is extremely important since everything you eat serves to nourish you and your baby. Foods full of sugar and fat do not provide any beneficial action, on the contrary they help in the accumulation of body fat in addition to excessive weight gain, this when it does not change the level of cholesterol. So be careful what you eat at this stage !!
External factors…
At 21 weeks of gestation, anxiety should be disturbing the nights of sleep this week. It is natural to be concerned with every detail, with childbirth , with the layette and with everything related to the baby happening. Pregnant women are already more sensitive than usual and worries are doubling in size even with very insignificant things. Try to relax, enjoy the moment and do one thing at a time, after all you are living a unique and magical moment!
Questions from Readers:
How is the baby at 21 Weeks?
Your baby already has practically the appearance that will be born but still very small. Its size is similar to a banana and from this stage its weight will increase very fast until the day of birth.
How long is 21 Weeks Gestation?
At 21 weeks the pregnant woman is entering the fifth month, we are practically in the middle of gestational time.
How heavy is the baby at 21 Weeks?
The baby’s weight can vary from one to the other, but it is usually between 280 to 370 grams and measures an average of 23 centimeters.
Photos: Week by Week, Women’s Bag
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.