The fertile period is one of the most important times for couples who wish to become pregnant. Unlike a man who is fertile all the time, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, a woman has her fertile time only once every menstrual cycle . Therefore, changes in the vagina are so important, the more signs of fertility, the more easily she will be able to conceive.
It is important that the woman is able to perceive the changes to conceive or even avoid unwanted pregnancies. Are we going to know the possible changes of the vagina during the fertile period?
The Vagina Outside the Fertile Period
When menstruation comes, the vagina will become wet with menstrual blood, it may become swollen, but above all, a very significant blood supply in the region. As soon as menstruation ends, the vagina becomes drier , it is as if all the moisture that I had during menstruation was suddenly gone suddenly.
Many women notice this change in the appearance of the vagina through sexual intercourse. Penetration becomes more difficult, even with lubrication , the woman feels dry and sometimes, she even feels some difference in the depth of penetration , the discomfort begins even without her being total. It is as if the vagina is shallow, a rough explanation but very close to what actually happens. This event is possible due to the mobility of the uterus, which becomes lower after menstruation. In these cases we recommend the use of fertility-friendly lubricating gels to improve the pleasure during the courtship and if you are trying to get pregnant it will be an extra boost for fertility, like FamiGel.In addition to improving lubrication, it plays the role of fertile mucus and helps sperm to reach the egg more easily. You can purchase it here in our online store.
It is not a rule, but it happens a lot with several women. Post-menstrual cervical mucus is often whitish, an appearance of moisturizing cream or white matter . This cream is made up of progesterone, the hormone that takes care of the post menstruation period.
How is it after the fertile period?
As soon as the fertile period ends, the vagina may become more swollen as well as during menstruation, but much less due to less blood circulation, and it is quite possible that the moisturizing mucus cream mentioned above, becomes much more abundant and intense.
The volume of moisturizing mucus is much higher than normal after menstruation, because, if the woman ovulates, she has an extra stimulus, the corpus luteum.
A Vagina not Fertile Period
The fertile period is a milestone in the woman’s cycle, because it provides as many changes as in pregnancy, did you know? It is really a matter of perception over time. Observing your body is essential to be able to identify these changes, even though they are quite evident for some organisms.
There is an effective method called Billings , which consists of observing the vaginal secretion, that is, observing its cycle completely and not only for a certain period, such as the fertile one for example. Returning to the subject of the vagina in the fertile period, it will become more moist and swollen. The woman may have great sexual stimulation and is evident by the size of the clitoris. The excitement at this stage becomes much easier, and certainly the woman will feel it, a very significant change in libido , it is the hormonal and reproductive instinct speaking louder!
The mucus in the fertile phase is much more elastic and moist . Contrary to the post-ovulation period, the woman, even if she does not see the mucus, will feel that there is greater humidity in the region. In addition, some women are able to check the egg white mucus a few days before the most fertile day.
The woman’s most fertile day is the day when the mucus becomes more malleable, that is, when captured and pressed on two fingers, it follows the distance between the fingers quite easily. It won’t break easily! When this mucus is visualized, and you want to get pregnant, it’s time to date!
If you have trouble identifying your mucus or believe you don’t, one way to help get pregnant during this period is to use appropriate lubricating gels for those who want to get pregnant, as is the case with what will play the role of mucus faithfully including controlling vaginal pH .
Ways to Feel Vagina Changes in the Fertile Period
Some women have a visual change in the vagina during the fertile period. It becomes more reddish and sometimes darker due to blood circulation. When touching, the woman will feel the change of the big and small lips , it is also possible to see with a hand mirror , and place between the legs aiming at the intimate region.
There are women who have the habit of doing the self-examination of touch, and this allows, besides feeling the vagina from the outside, to perceive the internal changes, such as the cervix that opens in the fertile period. During the entire cycle, with the exception of menstruation, the cervix is closed, its central hole becomes more wrinkled, and during the ovulation period the same hole becomes more open and smooth.
This method is a very cool trick, but it must be done with extreme care. Preferably wearing gloves or with nails well trimmed so as not to risk scratching the cervix or the inner part of the vagina and causing an infection.
See also: Changes in the Vagina in Pregnancy
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.