Yes, pain in the belly foot can be pregnancy. However, the famous pains in the “foot” of the belly or lower abdomen , may have other reasons besides being one of the indications that a pregnancy is in progress. Pains or even cramps can appear after ovulation and also in other situations such as PMS for example.
However, pain in the bottom of the belly may also mean that something is wrong with the body . See when to worry when the pains appear and when they can be a sign of an ongoing pregnancy.
Pain in the Foot of the Belly what can it be?
Pain in the belly and back can be pregnancy when they happen after menstrual delay and after the fertile period . Sometimes it may seem like a fine pain is present on one side of the lower abdomen, sometimes on both sides. The belly may also have a small swelling. These pains may come from the corpus luteum , the scar that remains when a woman ovulates. The progesterone secreted by him would bring about the swelling and irrigation of blood so that it produces this hormone, it brings pain.
It is very common for women who ovulate and have an active function of the corpus luteum to feel cramping and even more intense pain in the belly and back. She may come to think that there is a bigger problem behind these pains, but they are functional pains of the body. To alleviate these symptoms, there are suitable medications, and if there is a real pregnancy, there are no risks if used.
IMPORTANT: It is important for the woman to pay attention to the other symptoms that the body gives before suspecting a possible pregnancy.
However, not all pain in the bottom of the belly is pregnancy. As said, the pains are ovulation and so, that egg may have been fertilized or not. Even if it is fertilized, there is a risk of not implanting and then the pregnancy does not happen. Therefore, the recommended thing is to wait and, if the pain persists in the period after the menstrual delay, then yes, there are indications that there may be pregnancy.
If the pain intensifies and there is minimal bleeding without flow, brownish or pinkish in color , it may be the famous nesting . However, not every nesting has apparent bleeding and the pain just gets a little stronger overnight. It is worth remembering that pain in the belly can be pregnancy, but also problems with this pregnancy . The ectopic pregnancy or tubal gives the woman a growing pain, so it is best to investigate a doctor because of these pains now unsure of pregnancy.
When Are These Pains Signs of Problems?
Most women of childbearing age automatically relate pain in the belly of the belly to pregnancy, but not all are caused by it. There are cases where the woman has some kind of intimate problem like a uterine infection for example. This infection is common in all women who maintain an active sex life. These infections are treatable in the vast majority of cases, as they are simple. Other cases of pain in the bottom of the belly may indicate the presence of venereal diseases such as chlamydia for example. That is why keeping the Pap smear up to date will make an adequate and early diagnosis so that the doctor can treat it with the best medicine for each case.
Pain from Urinary Tract Infection
Pain in the bottom of the belly can also be a sign of urinary tract infection . Not all women take this hypothesis into consideration, but even if there is no pain in the urethral canal, the bladder will warn the body that something is wrong. Therefore, if the pain is constant, it is also advisable for the woman to have type 1 urine tests to find out if there is an infection in progress.
PMS pain
Another reason that would bring pain in the belly foot is PMS . When the woman is about to menstruate, she will have discomfort typical of this phase, such as severe cramps and also in the back accompanied by abdominal swelling. These pains in the bottom of the belly tend to disappear when menstruation goes down or when it goes away.
In fact, we should consider every pain in the bottom of the belly as an alert. One probability that few speak of is the presence of cervical cancer . This will bring more severe pain than normal for women, but these are isolated cases. As much as these cases are in the minority, the hypothesis must be considered and investigated by the doctor. Even if the pain is caused by the woman’s physiological cycle such as ovulation, for example, it is recommended to talk to a doctor about the condition to clarify and research possible problems in this area. Don’t be afraid to investigate and make your gynecologist your best friend!
Questions from Readers:
How to know if the pain in the belly is pregnancy?
Unfortunately, just because of the pain, it is not possible to confirm a pregnancy. To know if the pain in the belly is pregnancy, it is necessary to combine it with other symptoms and confirm it through a pregnancy test , be it from a pharmacy or a beta HCG. You can buy your Famivita pregnancy test here in our online store.
How is the pain in the belly of the belly in early pregnancy?
Pain in the bottom of the belly in early pregnancy is easily confused with premenstrual colic pains or even in the ovulatory phase, which is very common for this pain to occur, which is why they are mistaken by many women as PMS symptoms. If you are tempting, the best way to keep track of your period and get pregnant soon is to be sure when you are ovulating. With the help of a menstrual cycle APP on your cell phone and the performance of ovulation tests to confirm when ovulation is approaching, happening and even when it is over, it will be easier for your positive to arrive. You can find Famivita ovulation tests here in our online store .
I feel pain in my belly when I have sex, what can it be?
Pain in the belly of the belly during sex can be recurrent to several factors such as: low cervix, wounds on the cervix, urinary tract infection or even other types of vaginal infections. In order to diagnose it is necessary to look for a gynecologist, make evaluative exams and be able to treat properly.
A tip for our readers and tempters, Patricia Amorim in partnership with the company Famivita developed a line of fertility enhancing products , including vitamins for men and women and fertility-friendly lubricating gels. You can purchase them here in our online store.
See also: Can White Discharge Be Pregnancy? How to identify?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.