Many tempting doubts are about the fertile period. Can a pregnancy happen on different days in different cycles or can it happen only in a certain period? The answer to these doubts is as complex as the human body itself. Several women may suffer when they are trying to conceive precisely because they are unable to distinguish their fertile period .
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All the changes that can happen from cycle to cycle and from body to body, can tie the head of the tentant, but we can say that the ovulation period is never the same for all. There is only one similarity in the cycles: There are 7 days of fertile window in which the eggs can be fertilized at any time. It all depends on how long it will take for it to be mature enough to be released. What can change then is the period of ovulation from cycle to cycle and from woman to woman, but not in the amount of days, but when it will happen. So let’s understand better:
An irregular cycle , for example, can have a variation of days because the period that ovulation takes place is never the same as the previous cycle. Usually what varies in a cycle is the follicular phase and not the ovulatory phase and also the luteal phase .
That is why it is important to keep an eye out for signs that the body is reaching the fertile period. Some women may have a follicular phase (in which the egg is developing) greater than that of the previous cycle, and less than that of the next cycle. In theory, you should take 14 days out of the total number of days in the cycle to obtain the correct size of the follicular phase:
A cycle of 37 days would have an average of 23 days of follicular phase – 37-14 = 23
A cycle of 21 days would have an average of 7 days of follicular phase – 21-14 = 7
A cycle of 28 days would have an average of 14 days of follicular phase – 28-14 = 14
In irregular cycles the follicular phase can oscillate a lot and that is why it becomes complicated to get pregnant based on your cycle on a calendar of these ovulation period applications . The best even for those who have cycles in which the fertile period changes constantly is to look for alternatives such as getting to know your body and also ovulation test , basal temperature and billing method .
The ovulation period of regular cycles or with little variation, is easier to be identified, because it does not change the period of the cycle and also because it fits in tables and calendars and applications. The reason that causes all these changes is certainly hormonal. The time that FSH, estrogen and LH take to be produced and the alert that the brain gains from the ovaries to release certain essential hormones in this period of ovulation. An organism can have constant hormonal changes, so for those who want to get pregnant, the ideal is whenever there are delays, seek a doctor to check the hormonal condition.
Is it possible to get pregnant outside the fertile period?
No! A woman may become pregnant outside the day which could be her fertile period as usual, but she will only become fertile during the period of ovulation. What happens is that the fertile period changes dates and increases or shortens the cycle.
The ovulation period can vary more or less. While you can have immense cycles of up to 70 days and super late ovulation , the opposite can also happen, the woman having short cycles due to the anticipation of ovulation. As stated above, the days leading up to ovulation vary from woman to woman and can also happen to change from cycle to cycle. The ideal for regulated and deregulated women is still to check ovulation through their body so that there are no disagreements with ovulation. The table and apps help a lot, but can make you miss your fertile days too. Keep an eye on the signals your body gives.
Some posts are interesting for those looking for exactly their fertile period:
How to calculate the right ovulation day
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.