Vitamins are essential at any stage of our life, but when we are trying to get pregnant or generating a being they are paramount. Studies indicate that those who take supplements of vitamins and minerals, have their fertility stimulated , which increases the chances of getting pregnant.
Vitamins For Female Fertility
Most of these vitamins for pregnancy contain antioxidant vitamins that help with female fertility. They can be found in vitamins C and E and also in folic acid. Mineral salts are also essential, as they help from having a body more prepared for a pregnancy to the implantation of the embryo. Some important mineral salts are selenium, zinc and iron.
Vitamins such as FamiFerti must be ingested continuously during preconception, also to facilitate the development and formation of the baby in early pregnancy, especially folic acid. In a single bottle it contains all the vitamins that a woman needs to improve her fertility and strengthen her reproductive system. You can find it here in our partner store .
Adequate consumption of vitamins and minerals provides the body with a balance and functioning of the body and mainly in the control of hormonal levels. This is essential to be able to get pregnant and for those who are already pregnant.
The hormonal lack of control acts directly on the maturation and quality of eggs, in the production of cervical mucus is essential to facilitate conception and especially in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Meeting these vitamin needs also reduces the chances of miscarriage !
Vitamins For Male Fertility
Experts in fertility indicate the use of vitamins to get pregnant not only for women but for the couple . This ensures that they are healthy, with a stronger body and facilitates conception.
And the question is: how would a vitamin supplement help male fertility? The answer is that often the difference between the sperm of a healthy and fertile man and that of an infertile man is the presence of high levels of free radicals. To combat, control and guarantee low levels of free radicals in the sperm, the consumption of vitamins such as vitamin C and E are indispensable, thanks to their antioxidant power.
Thinking about men, FamiVita has also developed a vitamin supplement called ViriFerti. It has the important vitamins and minerals, which guarantee the improvement of male fertility. In addition to vitamins B and C, ViriFerti contains vitamins such as B9, B12 and Vitamin E, which help to increase the number of sperm , improving male fertility. You can buy the ViriFerti vitamin here in our online store
Importance of Each Vitamin for Fertility
In addition to finding these vitamins to get pregnant in concentrated forms in capsules, we also find them in various foods . They are advised to be an intake of natural vitamins, such as:
Vitamin B9 or folic acid: Beans, chickpeas, cabbage, spinach, egg yolk, dark leafy vegetables, liver and etc. In addition to increasing fertility and preparing your body to be healthy during pregnancy, these vitamins assist in the formation from the brain to the baby’s spine, in addition to its entire nervous system.
Vitamin B12: Salmon, crab, seafood, cheese, egg, liver and etc. Vitamin usually found in foods of animal origin and is effective in fighting anemia and keeping blood cells healthy at all times.
Vitamin E: Peanut, Pistachio, Almond, Sunflower Seed, etc. Generally found in foods of plant origin, they should be eaten with caution because they are very caloric. It is an antioxidant vitamin and indicated for fertility treatments and for high-risk pregnancies, as it helps to prevent spontaneous abortions.
Vitamin C: Papaya, Kiwi, orange, cauliflower, strawberry, etc. Found in vegetables and fruits, they aid in the greater absorption of iron in the body, helping in healing and fighting infections.
- Selenium: Found in chestnuts, especially Brazil nuts, it is also a rich source of health for male and female gametes.
- Vitamin A: Found in egg yolks, liver and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, mango and papaya. It helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents diseases in the fertile period for both men and women.
- Zinc: Should be consumed daily, about 100 grams of red meat daily or beans, chickpeas and soy are enough to help the body at this time. It is essential for the health of gametes.
- Potassium: Found in foods like bananas, it helps in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus after fertilization. It is advisable to eat one to two bananas or a portion of cooked beet leaves, daily, to obtain the necessary amount for this purpose.
- Iron: It is important to prevent anemia. The increase in red blood cells contributes to the correct oxygenation of all organs and thus also facilitates the adequate blood supply to the female reproductive system.
- B2 (Riboflavin): It is essential, as it helps in fixing all other vitamins ingested in the body. It helps the metabolism in accepting and correctly processing each of them.
There are other vitamins such as omega 3, copper and niacin, which are also very important for a healthier life and for the treatment of fertility.
In addition to good nutrition and the use of vitamin supplements, healthy habits must be acquired such as exercising, avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs. Excessive consumption of caffeine should also be avoided , as this substance interferes with the absorption of iron in the body.
For Man
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is important for strengthening sperm. Some men who also have problems with low gametes or oligospermia (absence of sperm) start treatment with this vitamin. It acts as an antioxidant and, in addition to contributing to fertility, prevents the body from diseases such as prostate cancer. Vitamin E can be found in foods like whole grains, sunflower oil and wheat germ.
The daily dose for men looking to increase sperm quality is around 450 IU. If it is preferred by the man or the doctor’s recommendation, the dose can be achieved with vitamin E supplements in capsules. Vitamin E can also be used by women who want to become pregnant.
Omega 6 and 9: It also plays a fundamental role in male fertility, mainly because they reduce inflammatory processes and improve vascular health. It is important to remember that the ideal is to maintain a good balance between the amounts of omega 3, 6 and 9.
See also: Medicines in Pregnancy – Use Safely!
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.