Pregnancy without symptoms exists? A controversial question! Even because we keep talking about pregnancy symptoms, don’t we? But does every woman necessarily have to have any symptoms or feel anything to be pregnant?
No, the woman does not always have symptoms there at the beginning of pregnancy did you know? While some women start having symptoms in the first few days of pregnancy, others may feel nothing at all during pregnancy ! But after all, why does this “phenomenon” happen? Is it normal to feel nothing at the beginning of pregnancy and throughout the gestational period?
Why Do Symptoms Occur?
Symptoms are usually caused by a significant increase in hormones such as progesterone and estrogen. Pain in the breasts, morning nausea, nausea during the day and back pain. What happens is that these women have a greater tolerance for hormones and therefore may not experience normal effects with their increase. Women who, even before becoming pregnant, have high hormonal doses throughout their lives tend to be less susceptible to the strongest symptoms due to the hormonal peak. The truth is that the first symptoms can appear later, too, after the 12th gestational week only.
What More Factors Lead to a Symptom-Free Pregnancy?
The psychological can also contribute to a pregnancy without symptoms. A woman who is very calm with her pregnancy, if it is desired, may have fewer symptoms than a woman who experiences pregnancy under pressure for fear of family members, of the situation itself. The psychological influence in these cases beneficially in favor of the pregnant woman in the first three months, which is when the signs of pregnancy are most accentuated, however, a clinical analysis of the case of pregnancy without symptoms should be made to check if there is a low hormonal production on the part of the mother. woman.
Is the lack of symptoms dangerous?
The absence of symptoms can be a good sign but the doctor should investigate if everything is going well , some women may not have symptoms and bleeding that will certainly come as a warning sign. In these cases, a progesterone hormone replacement may be advised by the physician responsible for prenatal care . A classic absent pregnancy is perfectly normal and the vast majority of them go on until the end as a pregnancy full of discomfort typical of the body accustoming to its initial elevation of hormones.
Author’s note: There are several reports from readers concerned about a pregnancy without symptoms, some even doubting the pregnancy. The danger in reality of a pregnancy without symptoms is the anxiety it causes in women. As soon as the positive arrives, the youngest pregnant woman runs to an ultrasound clinic to ensure the pregnancy and then things can become worse.
The truth is that as long as the baby is not seen, the peace of a symptom-free pregnancy goes down the drain. Usually the baby or gestational sac is only seen from the sixth week of pregnancy or with beta HCG from three thousand. So it is important to calm down and enjoy this pregnancy even if it is free of symptoms. Lucky one who doesn’t wake up in the morning with the taste of an umbrella handle in her mouth and feeling disgusted by any smell that comes from the kitchen or perfume. Enjoy your pregnancy and only worry if there is a stagnant amount of HCG or vaginal bleeding. A pregnancy without symptoms is a pregnancy like any other.
A tip for women who are suffering a lot from the nausea and nausea of this phase and feel very difficult to swallow the prenatal vitamin, there is a great option, the FamiGesta vitamin . It consists of all the important vitamins for this phase with the difference in the size of the capsule, which is much easier to swallow. You can buy it here in our online store .
Questions from Readers:
How do I know I’m pregnant if I have no symptoms?
It is possible to discover pregnancy through menstrual delay, which is not always accompanied by alarming symptoms of pregnancy. If in doubt, just take a pregnancy test and confirm. Opt for high sensitivity tests like the Famivita pregnancy test , which has a sensitivity of 10 mUI and can detect HCG levels up to 5 days before menstrual delay. You can buy it here.
Is it normal not to feel sick in pregnancy?
Yes, not all women suffer from motion sickness, as not all suffer from the same symptoms. In each pregnancy the body can react in a way so it is always a surprise.
Is pregnant after tubal ligation possible?
Yes, it is possible but the chances are minimal, practically 1 out of every 2 thousand women can happen naturally. So if there are any alarming signs it is best to take a pregnancy test for confirmation.
Is too much gas a sign of pregnancy?
Many women report and question about this symptom so uncomfortable that it is the excess gas. But the gases are not indicated as a gestational symptom but it is also normal to occur during pregnancy throughout the transformation in the female body. If you are unsure the best thing to do is to carry out a pharmacy pregnancy test or a beta HCG test to confirm.
I’m not late but my breasts hurt a lot, could it be pregnancy?
This is one of the most alarming signs of temptation, the tenderness in the breasts. If this pain or tenderness in the breasts occurs along with the menstrual delay and other symptoms such as nausea and dizziness it may be pregnancy, but only the sensitivity without the other signs can be some hormonal variation or even the menstruation that is about to happen, since it is it also deals with a TPM signal.
See also: Pregnancy Symptoms Before Delay – Is It Really Pregnancy?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.