Then the fertile period has barely passed and the symptoms of pregnancy appear before the delay … Is it possible? How to know how to differentiate the symptoms of post-ovulation with the real symptoms of pregnancy? Well, the symptoms before the delay are quite common and it can rather confuse the woman right after the fertile period, usually the symptoms can start from the second day after ovulation and all this because of the hormones.
Ovulation is surrounded by two specific hormones, estrogen and LH. These two, when tall, promote mucus and a feeling of abdominal discomfort by ovarian stimulation. However, the hormone that can cause a greater sensation of pregnancy , progesterone rises immediately after ovulation in order to preserve the endometrium for implantation .
IMPORTANT: Many women driven by the anxiety of getting positive can experience psychological symptoms. So don’t go out celebrating a pregnancy without being sure!
Progesterone can be recognized by women, through that whitish secretion with a milky, cream or ointment aspect that appears right after ovulation. This elevation is responsible for the symptoms that are common among pregnant women, but it is not always exactly a pregnancy.
How Can You Feel Pregnancy Symptoms Before Menstrual Delay?
Symptoms of pregnancy before the delay may indeed appear, but of course a certain delay parameter must be taken into account in order to detect a pregnancy and not be in doubt with PMS and have a dreaded false negative with the pregnancy test , and then continue In doubt. The reader Gessiane, 28 years old, went through this, she had pregnancy symptoms before menstrual delay and had tests since the 7th day after sexual intercourse, always clinging to the symptoms, see:
“I was sure that I was pregnant because of the symptoms that I started to experience. I felt some things since the 17th day of the cycle. As I have a short cycle, more or less 22, 23 days, I thought I could have the positive soon after. I thought a week would be enough. But I was wrong I went in the pipe! rs I had been trying to get pregnant for over a year and I was sure I don’t know where it came from. Because I waited another week and continued with negative tests, I did one a day and didn’t get the hormone. I decided to wait and relax , I realized that I was 8 days late and with the same symptoms that I had before and even stronger. It was on February 23, 2012, that I decided to take the test in that cycle for the last time and it was not positive ?! Amanda is almost 2 years old and it is my life. ”
What Symptoms of Pregnancy Before Delay Should I Consider?
The symptoms are the same as are common in a pregnancy:
- Sickness
- Fome
- I’m
- Mood swings
- Urinary frequency
- Swelling (heaviness in the lower abdomen and larger belly)
That is why it is very important to know how your cycle is going and to monitor fertile days. You can follow changes in your cycle and confirm ovulation through a mobile app or even a basal thermometer to check the temperature. However, the most effective method for confirming ovulation is through an ovulation test that provides a safe result telling you whether ovulation is close or happening. It does not give a result by means of an estimate, but by collecting your urine that day. You can buy Famivita ovulation tests here in our online store.
If you want to get pregnant, you must learn to know your body right after you ovulate. Also remember that not every symptom is pregnancy and not every pregnancy has symptoms. It is very important to say that too, there are women who really do not have any symptoms and do not have the slightest hint of pregnancy other than menstrual delay. Knowing your body well, the phrase “I am pregnant” will only happen when you really have signs.
How do I know if I am pregnant before the delay?
Is it possible to discover pregnancy before the delay? Yes, symptoms are common before the delay. The cat’s leap is to know when to take the pregnancy test so as not to be disappointed like Gessiane. Of course, it is not impossible to get the HCG in the test before the delay and the symptoms are really of pregnancy, but there are some points to be taken into account when doing the test before the delay, such as:
- Cycle days you have (if it is a short cycle the probability of ovulating very early and catching the positive before ending the cycle is greater)
- Blood test sensitivity or (quantitative beta tests are accurate and take a minimal amount of blood)
- Baseline temperature high
Pre-Delay Alert
The first symptoms of pregnancy before the delay, can become a prank so be careful when you get excited before the time and be disappointed afterwards. It is very important to know that the pregnancy test must be done at least after the delay and if you are too anxious, it is worth remembering that false negatives can frustrate you and take away hope in a cycle that has finally achieved your positive dream.
In short: if it is really pregnancy, the symptoms may intensify after a few days of delay and it is always important to let the delay happen because if it is a sign that you have just ovulated, menstruation will appear in a few days. In other cases if it is really pregnancy, the nausea , sleep and swollen and sore breasts may only get stronger. When in doubt, consult your sixth sense, a good doctor and take a pregnancy test to confirm! You can find Famivita pregnancy test here in our online store.
See also: First Symptoms of Pregnancy
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.