Pain in pregnancy is an inevitable consequence! But which pains are normal and which pains are not normal in pregnancy? At the beginning of pregnancy, the pain can be a little scary. Cramping, back pain and even a pain in the belly foot in pregnancy is common. Until the 10th week of pregnancy , these pains can be hormonal and of expansion of the uterus .
Uterine Transformations
We must remember that the uterus is a super elastic organ, in fact it is a muscle and initially (normally) it is the size of a closed fist. As the pregnancy progresses, it starts to swell and then there is the reason for the cramps. In the first ultrasound report , the result is possible and is usually written as follows: enlarged uterus with a pregnant aspect .
In the beginning, progesterone and HCG maintain the pregnancy and the swollen uterus is a consequence of this. This hormonal change causes cramps, discomfort, discomfort etc. After this phase, the discomfort phase begins due to the muscles loosening and the organs moving within the body. Did you know that the organs relocate within the body, causing these pains in pregnancy?
The intestine, the stomach, the liver and even the heart will adjust differently from the original to make room for the uterus and the baby. Therefore, pain in the belly during pregnancy is common and depending on your sensitivity to them, it can become a reason for complaints to the doctor. Pains in pregnancy are transient and can come and go as the baby grows and the pregnancy progresses.
And the Strongest Pains?
Pain in the foot of the belly , pain in the belly and even in the stomach during pregnancy or more precisely in the second trimester is very common. At this stage, the muscles of the lower belly have to be able to relax to accommodate the new weight and the new condition of the woman. And if you are the skinny type, you can feel this pain stronger due to the intense relaxation of the muscles . These pains can be down, close to the groin and sides. For this, a belt to support the weight of the belly is legal. The common pains of pregnancy also include pain in the pelvic region.
Stitches in the Vagina
I had the sensation of pricks down there in my vagina! Yes in the vagina! I was scared, but I knew it was due to the weight of the pregnancy. Often, these stitches can be a sign that the baby is fitting, or even the pressure that the baby puts on his movements. It hurts, but it’s really worth it!
Sciatica Pains
Now, there are pains that are not specific to the stage, such as sciatica in pregnancy. She is not specifically pregnant, as the woman may already have a problem with the sciatic nerve even before pregnancy. But it can also be that this problem of sciatica due to the weight of the belly. Ultimately, sciatica in pregnancy is very common.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Another pain that is also super common is the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome . It affects the nerve of the arm, of the forearm more specifically. It hurts and a lot! There are women who even lose strength in the hand due to this syndrome that is unfortunately common among pregnant women. As a treatment, the gynecologist can recommend from physical therapy to specific medications for pregnant women.
Remember that pain in the belly during pregnancy in the lower abdomen is common, the abnormal in this case is to feel an excessive desire to pee, to feel pain and to leave just a little urine, drops of pee. These pains can be from a urinary tract infection. Whatever pain you are experiencing, it is best to talk to your obstetrician . He will know how to drive and if you need pain medication, he will prescribe it!
Questions from Readers:
Toothache in Pregnancy, What to Do?
Toothache in pregnancy really is a delicate moment, since most medications are restricted to pregnant women. For pain control is recommended remedies such as paracetamol or homemade tips that can provide relief as is the case with mouthwash with apple and propolis tea that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. In more extreme cases of pain, a dentist with the obstetrician should be consulted to evaluate the ideal treatment.
Sore Throat in Pregnancy, What to Take?
As with any other inflammation and infection in pregnancy, extra care is needed when using medications during this period. Sore throat during pregnancy can be controlled naturally and simply . Gargling with warm water and salt or the consumption of juices rich in vitamin C such as orange and acerola help fight infection and also help control the body’s natural defenses. Only in cases of extreme need can the doctor indicate the use of antibiotics. Remembering that any medication should only be used under medical prescription.
How to Relieve Rib Pain in Pregnancy?
Rib pains are quite common when arriving in the third trimester of pregnancy, since due to uterine expansion, the size of the baby and even the weight of the breasts that double in size cause this discomfort to occur. The best way to relieve pain in the ribs is to practice light exercises that control breathing, wear bras that provide greater support to the breasts and find suitable sleeping positions. The use of paracetamol can also be indicated to relieve discomfort.
How to Relieve Pain in the Basin during Pregnancy?
Upon reaching the third trimester the whole body of the pregnant woman begins to finish the preparation for childbirth and with that the pain in the pelvis also happens. The practice of exercises such as walking or pilates, strengthen the pelvis and are indicated to relieve these discomforts. The use of panties suitable for pregnant women with taller models and reinforced stitching can help control the pressure of the pelvis, as well as the use of belly support straps suitable for pregnant women.
A tip for our pregnant readers: Patricia Amorim with Famivita developed a complete multivitamin for pregnant women, called FamiGesta, which contains folic acid, iron, calcium and all the other essential vitamins for the baby’s development and the health control of the baby. Mommy. It still has a differential, the size of the capsule that is much smaller than the other brands, facilitating the ingestion, in this period with so many nausea and nausea. If you want, you can buy here.
See also: Gestational Diabetes – How to Diagnose and Treat
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.