Getting pregnant is the great dream of many women, but many also know that it is not an easy process, since it demands a lot from their body and for a considerable time. That is why it has become more and more frequent among the temptants to prepare the body so that they can get pregnant with the body prepared for the changes that will happen in the coming months.
However, there are those women who have bariatric surgery, either out of necessity or to speed up this process. But does pregnancy after bariatric bring risks? Can it be a normal pregnancy? Are there any special precautions that should be taken? These and other questions will be answered in today’s text, but first, it is necessary to give a brief introduction of what this surgery is.
What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is one of the best known methods for dealing with obesity . Problem that affects an increasing number of people in the world. There are many myths and legends that circulate about this type of surgery and it suffers from its effects and that is why it is necessary to explain more clearly how it really works.
This type of surgery, also called gastroplasty, can be divided into three types . The first reduces the person’s stomach size, the second reduces the intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients, and the third is a mixture of the other two types.
This type of surgery can be indicated for both aesthetic and health reasons. However, this is not a simple process, as it often involves a psychological issue that can be the most difficult part for many.
Are There Risks in Pregnancy After Bariatric?
The main risks involving bariatric surgery are derived from problems that obesity brings. Because of this, it is recommended that women do not become pregnant soon after having surgery . This is because it is quite common that, during the period of adaptation of the surgery, there are cases of deficiency of several vitamins and nutrients, anemia and even malnutrition in more severe cases.
Getting pregnant with a vitamin deficiency or illness is definitely not a good idea and can bring several complications for women during pregnancy. Therefore, the most recommended is that there is a medical monitoring of the woman’s recovery after surgery until the moment she is fully prepared to become pregnant.
The Importance of Psychological Support
One of the main issues for those who have bariatric surgery, is to deal with the psychological issue, since they must adapt to a new dietary routine, new life habits and a new body.
Many people end up putting on weight again for not being able to deal with all this, and of these, many end up going into depression because they believe they have failed to keep their bodies slimmer.
When a pregnancy after bariatric occurs, there must be very strong psychological support because a woman can be very affected to see her body grow again, even if that growth is because of the pregnancy.
It is necessary to understand that pregnancy causes many changes , but that does not mean that the woman will put on weight, since there are several ways to maintain physical fitness even when pregnant, with specific exercises and activities such as yoga, for example, that help both physically and psychologically.
Pregnancy Care After Bariatric
Many of the precautions a woman must take to recover from bariatric surgery also serve to prepare her to become pregnant. In many cases it is necessary to take vitamin supplements, for example, in order not to harm the formation of the fetus in any way.
Another important thing is to know what symptoms like low glucose levels are common in pregnant women. They may be even more frequent and more intense in women who have had bariatric surgery. Then, you should eat more times a day, but always a healthy diet, which is good for both the mother and the baby.
Even after childbirth , it is necessary that care for the woman continues, as her health status can directly interfere with the baby’s breastfeeding . In all these phases, from before you get pregnant to after delivery, it is necessary to have a strict medical monitoring to make sure that the baby will be born healthy and without any problem.
Bariatric After Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a transformation process that requires a lot of a woman’s body, so it is not recommended to have bariatric surgery after pregnancy in order to reverse weight gain during this period.
The most recommended is that the woman maintain healthy habits throughout the pregnancy and even afterwards. The body usually loses the extra pounds of pregnancy in the first few weeks after giving birth.
However, there are cases in which a doctor may recommend that surgery be performed even after pregnancy, which usually occurs in severe cases where there is a very heavy weight gain and that may interfere with the woman’s health in the short term. Each case is analyzed to find out what is best for the woman at that moment in her life.
It is quite natural for a woman to want to feel as comfortable with her body as possible before becoming pregnant. It is an internal as well as an external process, of acceptance of the body, transformation and generation of a new life.
For this reason, bariatric surgery has become an option for many women, but there are certain precautions that need to be taken. A pregnancy after bariatric will not be just any pregnancy, since it is necessary to double the care that you must have with your own body.
And although this does not make a difference for the baby’s generation, the woman’s health greatly influences how the child will be generated and, therefore, the surgery ends up having an indirect relationship with the baby’s health.
So, if you want to have a pregnancy after bariatric, remember that care must be even greater. A safe pregnancy produces healthy babies ready to start their lives.
See Also: Research Indicates Bariatric Can Help Increase Fertility
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.