Bursitis – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Among all the structures that make up the human body, some are small in size, but giant in...


The hectic daily life does not always allow us to focus on something essential: the body. It is...

Chemical Pregnancy – Now What?

For anyone who has been trying to conceive for some time and is starting to feel a few different...

Lubricant to get pregnant

When we talk about lubricants, we soon relate to the increased pleasure of the couple. But lubrication goes beyond sexual pleasure: cervical mucus and lubrication of arousal are essential for pregnancy.In the past, well-known lubricants were...

Cough Syrup: What It Is And How To Take It

Coughing is one of the most obvious symptoms when we have the flu or when we have some type of...

Allergy Vaccines: Everything you need to know

Do you know when your breathing seems to stop and you can't breathe right out of the blue? Or when...

Spontaneous Chronic Urticaria: Main Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and, precisely for this reason, it is also one of...

Constant cough: What can it be?

When we cough, it is always a warning sign for possible problems that we may have. Of course, it can often mean nothing, but it is still important to investigate whether we have a constant cough . In today's text we are going to talk a little more...

Is Coitus Interrupci Reliable?

As several questions about withdrawal have popped up here on the site, to make it easier for the...

Importance of Vaginal PH in Women’s Life

The female body is a true precious and delicate jewel, and for everything to work in harmony it is...

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