And which pregnant woman who never had a nightmare with her baby with a problem or something? Strange dreams in pregnancy are very common! Many women have absolutely realistic dreams during pregnancy and this fact recurs even a few days after delivery . But do you know why these strange dreams happen in pregnancy?
The strange dreams in pregnancy are the result of a considerable hormonal increase. So we can say that it is all the fault of the levels of progesterone and estrogen that are at a steady and ever-increasing peak. It is like when we were children, I remember dreaming several times that I was flying and suddenly a fall happened. The scientific explanation for this is growth hormones bouncing around the body!
It is not very different during pregnancy. The bloodstream is increased , the temperature tends to be somewhat higher for the progesterone. Not to mention all the tiredness and concern that women have with their health during pregnancy. These factors together can cause strange dreams in pregnancy.
Dreams like babies being born deformed, missing a limb and even being born dead, can be part of these strange dreams in pregnancy. Reports of strange things like dreaming about animals, accidents and even erotic dreams are also common! Some women are impressed with these dreams, because they associate the dream with a bad omen, but know that it is very common to have strange dreams during pregnancy. Know that everything is fine and no matter how scary, everything will be fine!
How to Help Reduce Strange Dreams in Pregnancy?
There is not much to do, as most dreams are due to hormonal causes, what a woman can do to help reduce the incidence of strange dreams in pregnancy is to reduce the pace at night. About two hours before bedtime, slow down by switching off electronic devices that cause stimulation such as cell phones, computers and even TV.
Eating light things can also help fight strange dreams, a salad accompanied by lean meat, as well as healthy helps prevent that woman from having nightmares. Sleeping comfortably is also a great solution, light clothes and a quiet environment, free from noise and lights on. The temperature of the room also influences good sleep and helps to avoid strange dreams and even nightmares. According to a study by Yale College, environments with temperatures below 20 degrees, considerably reduce the chances of nightmares. That’s because with a fresher body, hormonal activity would be stabilized.
Author’s note: I remember when I was pregnant with children, I always had horrible nightmares! I was sick at night afraid of dreaming again about a baby shattering out of me and look what happened a few times during the three pregnancies. When watching horror movies or a series involving science fiction, dreams became even worse. Marcos was addicted to the X-file, he always passed before we went to bed, and in one of these episodes, Mulder investigated a man who assumed his true form and devoured the women he conquered. That night I dreamed that I was devouring my baby! It was a terrible experience for me.
I even went to see my gynecologist to see what I could take to get to sleep, because I was afraid to dream again. In conversation with him, I saw that all of this was normal and little by little the fear passed. Strange dreams during pregnancy can scare many women , but they can also be funny, like the day I dreamed that I was naked on the street and that the genital organ I had was not the female, because I was pregnant with a boy, I ended up developing a penis and he proudly sported it walking naked everywhere he went. It was very funny and I woke up laughing out loud according to my husband!
Dreams are common don’t be scared or worried, we can say that it is a consequence of being pregnant.
See also: Pregnancy Anxiety – How to Deal With It?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.