Pregnancy is a moment of total transformation in a woman’s life, both physical, emotional and psychological. But care goes beyond prenatal care and with the concerns of fetal development, after all, how is the life of women at this stage if they are not cared for? Many people associate physical therapy only as a treatment after a trauma or accident and do not even imagine the other benefits that it can bring to human life, including physical therapy during pregnancy.
The woman’s body during the gestational phase deserves special attention and this does not include only good nutrition and the tests requested by the obstetrician. The preparation of the body for the day of delivery as well as ways to ease the pain and discomfort caused by the change is also necessary.
IMPORTANT: For women who wish to have a normal or natural birth, physical therapy during pregnancy has a fundamental role in preparation. Assisting in strengthening the pelvis, in breathing learning and body control.
Some physical exercises are recommended to assist the woman in this phase and within this list is physical therapy. However, it should only be done with the authorization of the obstetrician and if the woman is in full health condition to perform.
Before starting it is necessary to carry out an assessment where information such as family health history, history of previous pregnancies and the woman’s physical condition will be noted and analyzed to indicate the correct exercises for what you need.
What Benefits of Physiotherapy in Pregnancy?
Physiotherapy during pregnancy or obstetric physiotherapy as it is also named by specialists, aim to help pregnant women to go through moments of body transformation without suffering so much from these changes, especially those that affect the pregnant woman’s posture.
Among the benefits of physiotherapy at this stage are methods of relaxation, posture correction, breathing exercises and stretching designed to prepare the body for childbirth. All the work focuses on stimulating the strength of the lower limbs, lumbar and abdomen, strengthening the entire pelvic floor.
The practice of physical therapy in pregnancy can be started from the second trimester after the obstetrician’s release. It is necessary to look for a professional able to meet the needs of a pregnant woman and to trace each exercise to the particularities and needs of the woman.
Main Indications
- Improved posture – During pregnancy due to the weight of the belly and all changes in the body, it is natural for women to “bend” the body, which causes severe pain in the legs, lower back and spine.
- Reduces swelling – Especially in the second and third trimester, pregnant women suffer from intense swelling throughout the body, especially legs and feet.
- Reduces pain in the joints, lower back, feet and legs – Due to the weight of the body that only tends to increase it is very common to feel discomfort throughout the body. The physical preparation to support these changes brings relief and that the changes are less abrupt.
- Reduces cramps – cramps are very common at any stage of pregnancy and occurs due to the effort that the body needs to make to support all changes, especially the weight that increases more and more.
- Improves Blood Circulation – Right at the beginning of pregnancy the blood circulation is already changed due to uterine changes. With the pressure of the uterus on the veins, the venous return is compromised and some care is needed to activate the circulation.
- Strengthening the Pelvic Floor – Physical therapy in pregnancy strengthens the body and the pelvic part to support the extra weight received during pregnancy. It also prevents urinary incontinence and strengthens the region in preparation for childbirth.
In addition to all these benefits, it also minimizes the chances of gestational hypertension , diabetes , stress, controls weight gain, offers mental well-being and improves self-esteem.
A major problem during pregnancy is the quality of sleep. Many pregnant women suffer from sleepless nights due to body discomfort or lack of position. With physical therapy during pregnancy, women are able to have more peaceful nights by preparing their bodies at this stage.
Even though pregnancy is a phase of care and a lot of caution, it is not the time for sedentary lifestyle and much less excuses to escape from physical activities and body care. So nothing to say that you can’t take care of yourself now and that you just need to rest ok? Unless you have a risky pregnancy and on medical advice you have to really save yourself efforts.
Postpartum Physiotherapy
In postpartum recovery , the woman’s body takes an average of 6 months to return to what it was before, in some cases a little longer. However, with the help of physiotherapy, this transformation occurs more quickly and safely. Physical therapy activities offer comfort and tranquility for recovery, in addition to improving the posture with stretching.
Some techniques of lymphatic drainage and perineal exercises can also be performed, reducing postpartum swelling and strengthening the perineum in the case of normal delivery , facilitating the return of previous activities including sexual life . It assists in the prevention of postpartum depression and also increases the woman’s self-esteem through confidence in her body.
See Also: Pregnancy Pains – What is Normal?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.