One of the main difficulties for mothers, especially those on their first trip, is making the baby sleep alone . In the first cry they give, the first thing they do next is to pick them up, and sometimes it really is necessary for you to calm the baby in your lap. But at other times it is not so necessary, and at those times it is even better to leave them in the cradle until they fall asleep.
The baby feels unprotected when he is not in the mother’s lap so he cries, and also has that whole issue of separation anxiety , because he thinks he will be abandoned if left in the crib and if he no longer sees the mother in his field of vision.
It is a phase that requires patience from both mother and baby, a phase that for some is very difficult. Below are tips on how to get you used to sleeping alone.
IMPORTANT: These tips are just to help moms who are having trouble getting their babies to sleep alone. But it is important that you see a pediatrician for follow-up.
Make Him Realize When It’s Day and Night
It is important to make the baby notice the difference between day and night . For that, we need to help you know how to make this distinction. During the day you get used to the common noises of the day such as the sound of the television, the radio, the washing machine, the blender on, or even the dog’s bark, if you have one.
House Sounds and Lighting
These sounds are important, as they will be able to differentiate the environment of the house during the day and at night, because alone the baby will not make this distinction. It is important that he notice that at night everything is calmer and slower than the hustle and bustle of the house routine.
During the night, keep the sound of the television very low, the house lights dimmed and even the games with babies should be slowed down more. When taking it to the bedroom to sleep it is also recommended that you reduce the light and leave only the lamp on. By doing this, the baby will no longer change the day for the night, that is, staying more awake at night and sleeping more during the day.
Follow a Routine with the Baby
When putting the baby to sleep it is important to repeat the same routine every day , as if it were a ritual, so he will begin to realize when it is time to go to sleep and will not be so reluctant against sleep.
The sleep ritual can be a relaxing bath, suckling, having a massage and singing lullabies or telling stories , respectively. This ritual will make him understand that he must rest, and remember to always do it at the same time .
Don’t Let Baby Fall Asleep on Your Lap
It is not recommended to let him sleep on your lap, only do it when it is really necessary and the baby does not stop crying at all. However, getting him to sleep in the crib alone is a gradual process that requires patience. So keep doing it little by little and showing him that he can, should and can sleep alone in his crib.
Sleeping Place is in the Cradle
Remember the ritual? Then, when you see that the baby is already very sleepy, place him in the crib. Don’t let him fall asleep in your arms. He needs to realize that the place to sleep is in the crib . If he complains, calm him down, show him you’re still there, but you don’t need to pick him up. Put your hand on it, shake it a little if it is a little agitated, or even sing a lullaby.
Another interesting tip is to sit in a chair next to the crib and gradually move away. If the baby grumbles or gives the first sign of crying, make him hear your voice.
Upon hearing it he will calm down, as he realizes that he is still in the room, but if he still cries, approach the crib again so that he can see her, and move away again. Take a moment and leave the room with him still awake, it is important that he is alone to get used to and understand that this is normal.
Leave the Cradle Empty
It is important that when placing it in the cradle remove all toys, as they will serve as a distraction and may leave the baby agitated. If he has a favorite toy he can leave it, but never leave more than one toy. Babies tend to get distracted easily , as everything catches their attention.
Following these tips you will see that the baby will begin to understand that it is normal to be alone in his room to sleep, as he will come to realize that that room is his resting place. At first it can be difficult, but soon you will get the hang of it and everything will be easier.
However, if you find that not following all these tips or others that you know, your baby is still reluctant and cries a lot to sleep, talk to your trusted pediatrician. He will be able to advise you better on what to do so that your baby can rest, and so will you.
See Also: Why Do You Need To Worry About Your Baby’s Sleep?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.