With hormonal changes, pimples and changes in the body start to happen
Adolescence is a complicated phase for every human being. It is a phase of discovery, confusion and pure transition of the body and with that it can generate many problems and also psychological confusions especially if the parents and guardians do not know how to deal with the situation. Is there any way or how to improve self-esteem in adolescence and manage to overcome this phase so full of emotions?
Some young people end up rebelling in this phase, others take this new life out of hand, while others end up closing themselves in their world, isolating themselves more and more and remaining with their internal confusions. And even though it is difficult to deal with certain situations and dramas at this age, it is possible to help them face this new stage and collaborate so that this stage is more peaceful and the water self-esteem in adolescence is not affected. In this period where hormones are bubbling up , the body starts to change overnight, pimples start to appear and the voice starts to thicken. Girls start to leave their child’s body aside and curves start to appear, coming to the feeling that everyone is looking and commenting.
The feeling of inferiority that may affect the adolescent’s self-esteem usually comes from the group of young people who live together. It is common in this phase to be dictated rules of conviviality, fashion, how to act and even behave in the midst of others and for those who do not follow the rules, they end up getting a little out of place. One thing that every parent should know is that self-esteem is not given at the time you want, but is built daily. To have a more confident teenager it is necessary to plant the seed of trust every day. Children raised with positive phrases, congratulated for their actions and encouraged to achieve their goals are given an extremely important basis to feel safe in certain circumstances.
Tips to Help a Teenager and his Self Esteem
Who said being a parent is easy? And who said they work when they are babies or when they learn to walk and move around and make fun of? Children give us life-long work and love in the same proportion and as they grow, it requires even more care, especially with the emotional, leaving us with the hair standing on end.
Do not criticize – This is a difficult task, but extremely important since teenagers are very sensitive. Children do not always have the same taste as their parents and vice versa, whether in the way of dressing, the haircut or even what to eat and criticize what they like to do will not make them stop, but make them feel upset even more neglected. Since the parents themselves criticize them, imagine what the world says about them.
Praise – Always try to praise your child’s actions, congratulating them on fulfilling their responsibility and even for having managed to do what they set out to do. This serves as a daily stimulus to develop good self-esteem and making the teenager even more willing to “get it right” more often and do the best.
Encourage – It is very difficult for teenagers to be able to express themselves mainly with their parents. The encouragement and strength that parents can give their children are to defend their ideals, to achieve what they aspire for even though it is so commonplace for you .
Don’t underestimate him – Never underestimate a teenager, they have their way of expressing themselves, speaking and acting and are able to do everything they want much more than their parents imagine. Learning to listen to them is very important to be able to understand what they expect, desire, are living and looking for their future.
Don’t compare it with others- Never, under any circumstances, compare it with the behavior and actions of another teenager. The way he is should be respected and valued the way he acts and does his things, show your child how special he is for the things he does well. Nothing worse for a teenager’s self-esteem than feeling worse than others.
Encourage – Encouraging your child to do what they want is a way for them to find themselves and do what they like. Maybe learn a musical instrument, or start playing a sport you admire. In good conversations you can capture his most intimate desires and work and evolve on top of that.
The crucial point to help you in this stage that we have all lived and know how terrible it is, is to show them how important and special they are . Use as few negative phrases as possible to refer to their attitude and correct them. Show that they can be better, valuing the positive points and thus we can show that we cannot be 100% at all, but that we can be 100% in what we dedicate ourselves to doing.
Adolescence is a phase like any other in our life, but longer and more intense. It is here that adults , future parents and guardians will blossom , who will fill us with pride in the future. With this focus, we are able to face this phase that will be fleeting as everything in our life and for parents, will pass as quickly and will miss as everything we live with them. With love, affection and a lot of patience, we will be able to overcome this stage of life that is our responsibility as parents, help them in this fight, making them stronger to face the great battle that is life.
See also: Teen Dating – How to Deal With This Phase?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.