Just the first teeth give the air of grace for the baby to transform from a calm creature to a first-rate bib! The first teeth can be a small inconvenience for the baby, as they cause significant changes in the baby’s body and also the discomforts that are not few can change a lot and his mood. The first teeth can give the air of grace around the 6th month of life of the baby but in some cases the teething can start early, some cases with 3, 4 months of age and premature dentition is not uncommon. The signs that the first teeth are coming are:
- Gum enlargement: it gets swollen, red and a little whitish
- Excessive drooling: The baby begins to salivate in abundance and visibly
- Need to bite hands and objects: due to the itchiness that this phase brings
- Lack of appetite: If your baby already eats food or baby food, you may experience discomfort
A very pronounced feature of babies is, in fact, irritability when the first teeth show that they are coming. Babies tend to be nervous and cry all the time. Of course, not all crying for no apparent reason is because of the teething appearing, it may be a peak of growth , but most of the time it is yes due to the bursting teeth.
Usually the teeth that appear first are the lower ones, it is not uncommon to see photos of babies with the first teeth pointing, after all moms who are proud of having an older baby at home brings the need to record this moment. Teething continues with the appearance of the upper frontal teeth, these are the most painful in the growth process, just like canine teeth that are also painful. The incisor appears around one year of age, followed by the posterior teeth that also itch a lot during the eruption.
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What can the appearance of the first teeth cause?
In addition to everything already mentioned above, the first teeth can also result in fever . Teething babies may suddenly experience low to moderate fever. From 37.9 to 38.5! It is not a cause for concern, because the process of appearance of the first teeth can be inflammatory, saw Mom, so don’t worry. If the low or high fever persists for more than 3 days, then it is advisable to see a doctor for evaluation.
In addition to fever, the first teeth may also present a change in the flora of the baby’s intestine and thus cause him to have mild diarrhea. At this stage, the baby may have a loose or more tight intestine , this is a characteristic of teething. To help relieve these symptoms that make you so irritated are simple tips that make all the difference. A gauze wrapped around the finger can help a lot in the itch. In addition, rougher and rubberized toys can relieve and a lot too. I recently discovered the thermal bite, this bite can be placed inside the refrigerator and the cold bite does a kind of anesthesia in the irritated region.
There are medications that can help and make the appearance of the first teeth less painful. Topical anesthetic medication that is applied directly to the gums can help. This medication is based on benzocaine associated with other topical tranquilizers, they are efficient, but should be recommended by the baby’s pediatrician. The commercial name of the medications are Nenê dent N and Gingilone which cost around R $ 20.
A very efficient trick is to let the baby bite a brush appropriate for his age, usually the best brands have a rubberized brush for small babies, in addition to calming them also makes the mouth hygiene. In fact, talking about hygiene of the first teeth, we must not forget that the teeth must be taken care of as soon as the baby is born . You know how? With a gauze dipped in filtered water, clean the baby’s mouth lightly with your fingers, this at each feeding or at least 2 times a day. There are also silicone thimble brushes, they sell in any pharmacy and are super soft for this task.
Babies who are still breastfeeding and already have their first teeth tend to bite the mother’s breast! Anyone who has gone through knows how it hurts and it is not a little! How to deal with it? Try not to scream, no matter how much it hurts the baby, it doesn’t make you want to, often this bite is the result of a poorly made grip that results in the “bite”. Some experts say that explaining is the best solution, although it seems that they do not understand anything, say No with all certainty and close the countenance also remove the breast immediately, certainly he will understand and connect this attitude that is related to the previous act. With smaller babies the tactic of sticking the baby to the breast is very efficient, if he bit and did not let go, he will have to open his mouth anyway.
Author’s note: Joana was very precocious! since the belly, by the way, she was born ahead of time and at 3 months she was already showing signs that the teeth wanted to come out! At the age of four and a half months, her first teeth appeared and at the end of her first year of life she already had a real piano, as my mother would say. Dudu, on the other hand, was different, it took a long time for the first teeth to appear, around 8 months ago. With Melissa it was strange, she had only 4 teeth with 1 year of life and suddenly they all decided to appear at once! she suffered and very poor.I had a fever and I didn’t eat well … What I resolved at all times during this phase was to scratch my gums when they were very irritated, used teether with textures and they calmed down. At the time of fevers, warm bath and depending on the temperature, an anti-thermal painkiller. I used Camomilina C for medical advice but I recently learned that Anvisa banned it, a pity because it is great. Chamomile tea can be used in its place, which has the same effect.
Understand your baby, the first teeth can be a pain for the whole family and helping him to go through this phase will make a lot of difference, a lot of love, love and patience always.
See also: Babies and Children Speech Development
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.