What is Pap smear and how is it done?

Pap smear is a very important test for all women. It allows you to find any bacteria or alteration...

When Does the Ovulation Period Happen?

Many tempting doubts are about the fertile period. Can a pregnancy happen on different days in...

Non Roto Follicle Syndrome – LUF

Many women try to conceive for years, and as they fail to start the exhausting exam marathon,...

PMS – Myth or Truth?

Premenstrual tension or PMS as it is popularly known, are the symptoms that precede...

Early Menopause – How To Find Out?

Early menopause! This term can scare many women and even more those who have not had children...

What is Menstruation? Clarifying Doubts

The beginning of female reproductive life occurs with the onset of menstruation . But do you...

Does Early Menstruation Hinder Fertility?

For those who menstruate early, one of the questions that arise throughout reproductive life is...

Pregnant Woman in Menopause?

Female fertility is a relatively short period in a woman's life. It begins when you menstruate and...