Question that does not want to shut up, in the midst of temptants and women who intend to get pregnant: What better day to get pregnant? In fact, it is not a simple matter to be understood, but it is also not that complicated. It is enough to understand how YOUR cycle works , because based on it we will discover the best time to get pregnant.
The best day to get pregnant is the one closest to ovulation . The day of ovulation is also a great day to get pregnant, but did you know that the best design is to have sex a few hours before you ovulate? That’s because sperm can take three to seven hours to reach the uterus . So the best day to get pregnant because it is not the most fertile day, depends a lot on your partner’s body and yours too, but in general it works like this.
So let’s see, in theoretically regulated cycles it would be much easier to calculate which day is the best to get pregnant, as it would show us exactly the date of the most fertile day. In cycles that the woman has 30 days the most fertile day would be the 16th day of the cycle . In shorter cycles of 21 days the most fertile day would be the 7th day of the cycle ! This is because, according to doctors, we must do the count of 14 days before the next menstruation to find the day of ovulation . For example:
28-day cycles = 14th day of the cycle (most fertile day)
35-day cycles = 21st day of the cycle (most fertile day)
40-day cycle = 26th day of the cycle (most fertile day)
For irregular cycles the bill is also valid, the problem is that you never know the exact day that would be the scheduled date for menstruation to come again. So you should monitor the mucus, the temperature and also use ways to discover ovulatory peaks. Ovulation happens after the peak of the LH hormone, about 12 to 24 hours, so it is a good idea to use ovulation tests to help discover the most fertile day. You can purchase your Famivita ovulation test here in our online store.
How to find the best day to get pregnant in irregular cycles?
The basal temperature is also an ally of irregular cycle, she would know exactly the peak of LH and estrogen, so would date time and has to leave the sperm stored there waiting for the egg. For those who do not know, if the mucus favors and the health of the gamete is the best, the sperm can survive up to 72 hours in the tube waiting for the egg!
Of course, it will be necessary to be in good health and take care of your partner’s food and mucus. Usually ovulation bleeding can appear after the fertile period has passed and this is normal for it to happen. If it does, you will already know that you have a better chance of getting pregnant.
We can say that the best day to get pregnant is the one that precedes ovulation (the best chance of conceiving a girl) and the day of ovulation (the best chance to conceive a boy). Some say that the day after the most fertile day is also a good option for dating and it is! However, dating after ovulation will give you less chance of getting pregnant than dating on the most fertile or pre-ovulation day. The ideal is to do the calculation correctly, check the mucus and send a bullet!
If you are trying to get pregnant and want to do a more detailed monitoring of your cycle and your ovulation, a great way to give a little extra strength is to use a cell cycle monitoring APP like the APP Paula and use ovulation tests that will indicate if ovulation is approaching, if it is happening or has already ended, indicating when is the right time to date and get your positive faster. You can buy your ovulation test here in our online store.
IMPORTANT TIPS: We must not forget that the fertile period has 7 days and that in all of them pregnancy can happen, as you can ovulate at any time, just the egg is ripe for this and according to some current studies, the fertile period can change from cycle to cycle in the same organism, not necessarily 14, 15 or 21 days before menstruation, the important thing is to optimize your cycle with the use of ovulation tests . It will help to identify the right time of ovulation and help pregnancy to happen more quickly. In addition, the ideal is to date every other day so as not to miss the chance of becoming pregnant. Strength in the wig and neatness in training chicks!
If you want to increase the chances of getting pregnant, we recommend the use of some extra aids such as the female fertility vitamin FamiFerti and male ViriFerti and the powerful fertility-friendly lubricating gel FamiGel , which plays the faithful role of the fertile mucus creating a healthy environment for the sperm to arrive with greater ease to the egg. You can purchase it here in our online store.
See also: Female Fertile Period – How to Calculate the Right Ovulation Day
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.