Which woman never caught herself suspecting she was pregnant? Have you ever thought if there was only one way to discover this pregnancy? It is not always possible to make a HCG beta and that is where the pharmaceutical industry comes into action! The pregnancy test is one of the safest ways to detect pregnancy. In addition to being quick, easy to find, they are simple to handle and use. The values are also a great attraction, in addition to being very effective.
- How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
- How to Buy and Choose a Pregnancy Test?
- When to Take Pregnancy Tests?
- How to Interpret the Test?
How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
The woman’s body produces many hormones, but none of them are produced exclusively in pregnancy like HCG. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone (like an enzyme) that is produced exclusively in cases of fertilization and implantation of an embryo. From the moment the zygote attaches to the endometrium, the body begins to release this hormone to ensure the maintenance of pregnancy. So, we can say that HCG is the hormone that maintains pregnancy, in conjunction with progesterone.
Pharmacy pregnancy tests play a very important role. It will detect HCG as well as beta. The difference between the two is the way the hormone is detected in the body. Beta HCG is detected directly in the woman’s blood. This harvested in the laboratory. The pharmacy pregnancy exam, however, plays this role with the urine collected at home. After dipping the test strip in a sample of pee collected in a clean, dry container, a reagent will block the HCG hormone in the test strip that has a reagent. The more HCG in the body, the stronger the line will become!
How to Buy and Choose a Pregnancy Test?
Pharmacy pregnancy tests are easy to find. Any pharmacy has at least two brands to be chosen by the woman who wants to use this method. However, what differentiates it is the reliability of the test and the sensitivity they have. The vast majority of tests have a minimum sensitivity of 25mUI. This is also the minimum sensitivity of several laboratories that make beta HCG. But fortunately, some laboratories do much more sensitive tests. Some trusted brands do the test with 10mUi sensitivity! This is certainly the most efficient way to detect pregnancy early.
To choose a good pregnancy test, we have to take into account a few factors: sensitivity, reliability, price and of course, reputation. The 25mUI sensitivity is not a bad sensitivity, but if it is lower, the better. The 10mUI tests are more difficult to find, but they pay off much more. The values are practically the same so, if you find a 10mUI one choose it. The reliability of the test is also very important. See with some friends if they had problems with this particular brand. Most tempting women have tips on which brands are better than others. The national ones are very efficient, but almost all are manufactured outside Brazil. The price of the tests can reach up to R $ 45, 50 reais, this due to its reliability. Brands like Clear Blue, for example, has tests with 10 mUI of sensitivity like the One Step. The difference between these two marks is the size of the strip and also the case. In reliability the two brands tie.
When to Take Pregnancy Tests?
The pregnancy test should be done at least 15 days from the likely most fertile day. If the sensitivity of this test is 10mUI, they are more likely to detect HCG and give a weak positive. However, if done well ahead of time, they are liable to give false negatives, as there is not enough material in the woman’s body for detection. We must remember that the longer you wait after implantation, the more amount of HCG the woman will have in the body and then, the pregnancy test will be easier to detect the pregnancy. Therefore, the ideal is to really wait for the menstrual delay to perform the pregnancy test. The ideal period is 15 to 20 days of the most fertile day, or at least 5 days of menstrual delay.
How to Interpret the Test?
The interpretation of the pharmacy pregnancy test is simple. One line is only considered negative, two lines, the test is considered positive. However, some variations between these two options can happen. Sometimes the second line, the test line, may not be so obvious! It may be less intense in color and cause doubts for those who are taking the test. However, if the line is weak, but still exists, it is a fact that the test gave a positive result. Other times the second line appears, but not pink or bluish in color as usual. If it is not the color of the dye that the test has, this gray line can be considered an evaporation line. Usually these lines happen with less reputable brands, or with tests of lesser quality.
This happens due to the reading time exceeded. To be considered valid, the test result must be read in a maximum of 10 minutes! Other than that, any line that appears in the test must be disregarded. So in summary: look for a test whose value fits in your pocket. About R $ 5 to 20 reais is a good price in pharmacies and if you have doubts about its quality, ask your friends and also the pharmacist on duty. The pregnancy test is a good help when it comes to safe home diagnosis!
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.