As an ex-tentant, I remember many accessories that were true consumer dreams! They ranged from specific thermometers for basal temperature , to the coveted digital pregnancy test. These digital pregnancy tests are very common abroad. In my time of temptation, I saw several videos with some tests of various brands sold in Brazil, but of these specifically, I had never found the sale in pharmacies like the other common ones to be sold. So, I once asked the husband of a friend who was traveling to the USA to bring some digital pregnancy tests so that I could “test” them.
I got two kits, which went away in two cycles and of course, I couldn’t see my positive in one of them, unfortunately… The digital pregnancy test has the same principle as the strip test , the difference between the two is that a small mechanism contained inside the test pen is able to read the result line if any and in some cases give up to the indicated week of gestation. The HCG is captured on the line where there is an antibody that captures the substance to be detected in the urine, in this case the sole hormone of pregnancy. In this experience that I had, I could see the most essential aspects of this brand that I used, but in general, I can give an opinion on these digital tests.
Pros and Cons of Digital Pregnancy Tests
Pros: In the digital test the possibility of failure still exists, but it is more rare to happen . Some brands have insurance that if something unexpected happens, just go to a pharmacy carrying the test box to get another one. The evaporation line in these tests also exists, but as you read before 10 minutes, it is unlikely to give any doubtful results. With him there is no half pregnant, either positive or negative! They are also very sensitive, capable of detecting up to 10mUi of HCG present in the urine.
Cons: Unfortunately digital pregnancy tests are somewhat inaccessible … In Brazil it is rare to find a place to buy. Another cons is the price, if you find one of these tests in the country to buy, certainly the price will be exorbitant. I remember that the tests cost around R $ 12.00 while in Brazil it reached more than R $ 100.00!
To have one of these only if you have an international credit card to buy the test on e-Bay or Amazon, and hope it arrives intact. Another way is to use a friend or relative who goes abroad to place the order. The problem is the question of privacy, it will certainly become evident that you want to get pregnant. I found only one place that sells the Clear Blue digital test online, a package with two units, for R $ 60.00 plus shipping. Another package with 10 units of the same Clear Blue for R $ 360.00. The problem with these stores is the extended delivery time of up to 40 days and you need to have money left over to compare because it is expensive!
The most common brands of digital pregnancy test that are easily found on e-Bay are the most reliable ones too: Clear Blue, First Response, ept. Prices vary by version, however they cost around U $ 11 (the most complex, which says the weeks of gestation) up to U $ 7 to U $ 15 with two units of Clear Blue. Anyway, the pregnancy test is useful, but can be replaced by the quantitative HCG beta . If you really want to do it, they are worth it for the experience, but you could only care about a trusted person! Have you ever used the digital pregnancy test? Tell us your experience here in the comments.
See also: How to Use the Pregnancy Test?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.