The Montessori method is an educational method created by a doctor named Maria Montessori , it is used in schools around the world with children from nursery to high school. The method encourages development, independence and values respect for the limits of each child , allowing everything to happen in due time. They believe that in this way the natural physical, psychological and social development of each child occurs.
There are some points that are determined to be essential to contain in a school with Montessori method, which are:
- Total freedom for the student to choose which activity he wants to do, among the proposals placed in the room.
- Classroom with students from different age groups from 3 to 6 years old
- Total freedom to move around the classroom
Teachers trained and prepared to develop the Montessori method are fundamental to achieve the focus of the method by applying together the educational materials and activities developed by Maria Montessori and her Montessori collaborators.
The pillars of the Montessori method are self-education, science education, cosmic education, a prepared environment and a balanced child . Each of these points aiming to assist and develop children in a natural way, working in a unique way with their own effort and in a way that the child has an interest in discovering more and more about that subject that most caught your attention, giving freedom and autonomy to learn, research all subjects of interest.
The Montessori method goes against all conventional and traditional teaching methods, as it believes that they are methods that push the limits of children’s learning and development . For this reason, they apply a liberal form of education, so that the child may show spontaneous interest and be more successful in the activities that they perform without imposing rules, deadlines for completion and no charges, all in the child’s time.
Some of the Teachings of the Montessori Method
Sensory – In the Montessori method the word feel is a fundamental part of the method, as according to Maria Montessori the child discovered the world feeling the shapes, textures, sizes, smells, tastes and noises. Boxes, walls and baskets with different objects of different shapes and textures are used and allow children to discover, touch, feel each one of them. With this sensory method it is believed to assist in the development of motor coordination, creativity and memory of the child , within other more benefits.
Montessori Room – Following Montessori pedagogy, this method has been applied in homes in general and has grown more and more every day. The method is applied to easily accessible objects in the child’s room, making the room not the parents’ dream room, but the CHILD’s room with easy access to everything and with objects that will stimulate the child’s development.
Childrens bookshelves, educational and interactive toys , puzzles, musical instruments , assembling cubes, cloth dolls and wooden toys are great options too. As for bedtime, the method places the conventional crib as a limiter for children, because to go out or get something you need to climb it or cry to be removed.
Therefore, in the Montessori method, it is advisable to use mattresses on the floor or even a low bed where the child can get up easily and have total freedom to get up and lie down whenever he wants and wants. Another point is about television, the method is not recommended for use in the children’s room, since the use of stereos for access to music is very welcome .
Montessori Class – In Montessori class various subjects will be addressed as animals, fruits, numbers, arts, musical instruments and a multitude of things, obviously subjects related to the age group of students in class.
They do activities with physical movements, work on the children’s concentration and develop skills through music in addition to teaching them about the importance of silence, encouraging children to listen to the sounds around them , such as songs, birdsong and even noise of cars passing on the street.
Nowadays the Montessori method is being applied and used in several points besides schools around the world, as in psychopedagogy clinics, nursing homes and even psychiatric clinics, taking advantage of certain methods for the treatment of dementias and even Alzheimer’s.
The Montessori method goes much further than what we mentioned above, it addresses many other teachings and methods for the development of children, some much more complex, but which are worth knowing and who knows how to adapt to the method. Today we find several schools that apply the Montessori method, in all regions of Brazil. Some public schools are already beginning to adapt to some characteristics and functionalities of the method that are proven to assist the development of children in a unique way.
See also: Educational Games – Playing and Learning all at once
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.