A woman’s body is something very complex and it requires that we take different types of care throughout our lives. There are so many details that we have to pay attention to that many women are unaware of some of them.
Details that can make a difference in the way your body works and even indicate diseases. It is the case of the presence of liquid in the bottom of the bag of Douglas , for example, that many do not know what it is about. Do you want to know what it is, if it really hurts and whether you should worry or not? That is the subject of today’s text. But before we start, let’s clarify what Douglas’s bag is.
What is Douglas Bag?
Also called the Douglas bag or Douglas bag, it is a region of the human body that is located in the lower part of the abdomen, between the uterus and the rectum. Many imagine that it is something exclusively for women, but in men the Douglas bag also exists and is located between the bladder and the rectum.
Because it is a low area and is among some important organs, fluid accumulation can often occur , which may indicate some pathology, but not necessarily, requiring some tests to confirm or not some type of disease. The test that indicates some type of liquid in the bag of Douglas is usually the transvaginal ultrasound, which can also indicate “free bag of Douglas”, which means that there is nothing in it and that you do not have to worry.
Which liquids can be accumulated?
In general, when it comes to liquid at the bottom of Douglas’ sack, there are three possible types. They are:
- Exsudato liquid (clear liquid)
- Blood
- Pus
Often the presence of exudate fluid can be the result of hormonal changes , mainly from a woman’s menstruation cycle. At that time, it is common to have between one and five millimeters of liquid in the bottom of Douglas’ bag. This means that not always that there is liquid in the bottom of the bag of Douglas, there is the presence of some disease. However, it is necessary to be attentive especially when pus or blood is identified, as these types of liquid can indeed indicate some more dangerous alteration in a woman’s body.
Can the presence of the liquid indicate a disease?
Yes, but it does not necessarily mean that the woman is sick just because of the presence of the liquid. As we said earlier, factors like edema or hormonal changes common to women can generate exudate fluid at the bottom of Douglas’ sac, which is quite common and usually means nothing.
In fact, in the vast majority of times the presence of liquid, mainly of this type, does not mean any change in a woman’s health. However, there are exceptions and that is exactly why we have to be careful. When the presence of fluid beyond normal in the bottom of the Douglas bag is identified, it is necessary to treat what is causing this abnormality and not the liquid itself. As this can have different meanings , it is necessary to carry out different types of exams to have an accurate diagnosis.
Which Diseases Can Cause the Liquid in the Bottom of the Bag of Douglas?
As it is a region that is between different organs, an abnormal amount of liquid at the bottom of Douglas’ sac can indicate many different types of diseases. Some diseases that can cause this liquid are:
- Endometriosis
- Various types of Tumors
- Ascites
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
As we said before, for the liquid to be reduced , the cause must be treated directly , since the liquid itself does not harm the woman, it just indicates that there is a problem.
After the exams are done and the correct diagnosis is given, the woman must undergo the treatment indicated by the doctor. Some of these diseases are more common and easier to treat, while others are more dangerous and require special attention. Anyway, it is extremely important that the tests are done and, if the woman has any of these pathologies, that the treatment is done in the best way so that her health status does not worsen further.
Can Liquid in the Bottom of the Douglas Bag Interfere with Pregnancy?
A very common and very pertinent question from several women is the relationship between this type of fluid and pregnancy. There is usually no relationship between the liquid and the woman’s fertility , that is, there is no direct connection between the woman being able or not to have a child due to the presence of the liquid in the bottom of the Douglas bag.
However, if the woman is having trouble getting pregnant and has an abnormal amount of this type of fluid, it is possible that there is some change in her body that is preventing fertilization from happening, which is also causing this excess fluid.
As we can see, the presence of liquid in the bottom of Douglas’ sack is not a disease, but it can be an indication that there is some kind of normality in a woman’s body. This is one of the reasons for the importance of always having the exams up to date.
The woman’s body has several details and many of them are difficult to be perceived, especially when we do not give due attention to our health. When we treat a disease in its early stages, the chances of a cure, as well as the time to cure, are much greater. The bottom of the bag of Douglas is an example of this importance, but there are many other regions of the body and many other details that we must pay attention to.
A tip for our readers who are trying to get pregnant, did you know that Patricia Amorim in partnership with the company Famivita, developed a line of products to help couples trying to get pregnant faster? Among them, important vitamins for female and male fertility such as FamiFerti and ViriFerti, in addition to ovulation tests, fertility-friendly lubricating gel that plays the role of mucus and everything you need to give an extra boost to the positive arrive soon. You can find all the products and the option of the tempting kit here in our virtual store .
See also: Skin Cancer: Main Causes, Treatments and Preventions
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.