When we discover pregnancy, we must already be prepared to face the changes in the body, weight gain and very recurrent symptoms such as nausea, the urge to urinate several times a day and the swelling in pregnancy, which is so common especially in the last months of pregnancy.
When they occur
The swelling or edema as it is known by doctors, usually occurs from the end of the second trimester causing the feeling of heaviness in the legs, discomfort to cause shoes and even to use wedding rings, rings and bracelets.
The edema or swelling in pregnancy as it is popularly called occurs due to the retention of fluids caused mainly in the lower limbs, which to the baby to evolve growing ends up compressing the blood vessels located in the pelvic region, which prevents the correct circulation of blood in the legs that must return to the heart. Due to this resistance in the circulation the walls of the blood vessels overflow causing a swelling in the place.
It is not a hopeless fact, since 98% of women suffer from bloating during pregnancy, but the chances can be reduced and the discomfort reduced so that the woman can go through this phase having a normal life.
What causes
Another factor that can help increase swelling in pregnancy is excessive heat . Women who have their last gestational trimester in very hot seasons such as summer, end up suffering even more from the swelling of the legs, feet and hands.
A swelling in pregnancy that deserves attention when it occurs is in the face and hands. When it occurs suddenly or very sharply, it must be informed to the obstetrician for verification, as this swelling can be a sign of pre-eclampsia and requiring more special care to ensure that the pregnancy reaches the end in a healthy way for both mother and baby.
How to Reduce Bloating in Pregnancy?
Some precautions, even before becoming pregnant, are recommended so that the swelling in pregnancy is not such an aggravating factor and that it does not preclude the normal routine of the future mother.
Care for the body and health during the training phase is extremely important, as overweight women, smokers and with inadequate nutrition tend to suffer even more from swelling during this phase, greatly reducing blood circulation and often requiring care. special to the case, besides obviously the discomfort being even greater than normal.
A tip for pregnant women: do you want to improve the pleasure of sex during the gestational phase? Use water-based lubricating gels that play the role of cervical mucus and still control vaginal pH, reducing the chances of proliferation of fungi and bacteria responsible for infections. Famivita has developed the perfect lubricant for pregnant women and pregnant women, the FamiGel . You can buy it here in our online store.
Reduction of Salt in Food
During pregnancy, the most recommended by specialists is that during meals the salt is reduced or removed completely from meals. After all, salt is responsible for the retention of liquid in the body, where swelling of the legs and feet increases.
The practice of physical exercises , obviously to be indicated and advised by the obstetrician, are also ways to prevent and reduce swelling. Water aerobics or light walks are one of the main options for pregnant women to maintain good health, prepare for the time of delivery and even better to keep weight gain during pregnancy well controlled.
Comfortable Clothes and Shoes
The use of more comfortable clothes and shoes will also help control discomfort, since tight clothing can further increase the swelling by further decreasing blood flow.
Rest breaks are necessary mainly in the third trimester where the weight of the belly is already very large. Resting with your legs elevated or even with the support of pillows helps circulation work better, reducing swelling.
Drinking plenty of fluids and eating healthy will provide a better quality of life during pregnancy. Of course, swelling is normal during this phase, but it is indicated that the obstetrician is informed about what has happened so that an adequate assessment can be carried out, and if necessary, additional tests are performed. Take advantage of prenatal consultations and show the regions most affected by swelling in pregnancy and follow medical recommendations.
A novelty for our readers who are trying to conceive, did you know that Patricia Amorim in partnership with the company Famivita, developed a line of products to help couples trying to get pregnant faster? Among them, important vitamins for female and male fertility such as FamiFerti and ViriFerti, in addition to ovulation tests, fertility-friendly lubricating gel that plays the role of mucus and everything you need to give an extra boost to the positive arrive soon. You can find all the products and the option of the tempting kit here in our virtual store .
See also: High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy – How to Control?
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.