Every vain woman has a point where she offers the greatest concern and is usually the hair. Usually it is hours on end taking care of the locks, painting, moisturizing, smoothing or curling until it leaves the way you want. But when motherhood knocks on the door some of the care considered so normal in female life must be left aside because some products offer risk to fetal development, then the drama begins! When the day of the baby’s birth arrives and the woman believes that she will soon be able to return to her care, another situation may start, postpartum hair loss.
It is very common to hear women complaining about postpartum hair loss, especially those who have had a caesarean section . But is there any connection with the procedure? Can hair loss be started due to anesthesia? And we came to unravel this myth and say NO. This story that after receiving anesthesia during cesarean delivery the hair started to fall is totally false, since hair loss at this stage is totally related to female hormone levels .
We can observe the connection between hormones and hair since pregnancy, where it is natural to hear the evident change that occurs in this period in the locks. The fall that is considered normal of the hair reduces in this phase and the hair becomes more silky, thick and stronger. After the baby is born, in the first three months are where hormone levels will be normalized and it is at this stage that postpartum hair loss begins and gives the feeling that the woman will be bald soon, since all hair that does not fell during pregnancy decides to fall in this period.
Hair loss is very common at any stage of our life and there are around 100 to 120 hairs per day in a phase considered normal, since postpartum hair loss can be lost around 500 hairs a day . Not too much? But it’s still not enough for you to go bald, so you can calm down! You may be frightened by the amount of hair that came out when washing your hair, or when combing and especially when drying with a hairdryer, but it is only a matter of time for everything to normalize or else you can take some precautions.
How to Control Postpartum Hair Loss
Unfortunately there is no formula to end postpartum hair loss, but some strategies are possible to control this fall or at least not be scared by the amount and intensity that the strands come loose. One of the first tips that makes a big difference not only in the appearance of the hair but also in health in general, will also help in breastfeeding is adequate nutrition. The consumption of balanced, nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals helps to keep hair looking good, making them stronger and firmer.
Another good tip is to avoid daily hair washing especially with the use of very hot water that further increases the fall. The use of shampoos and creams appropriate for the fall can be used as well, but first see the recommendations if you are breastfeeding. Do not use dyes, straighteners and chemicals at this stage , as hair is already sensitive any product can further increase postpartum hair loss. You may notice and end up bothering with some strands that tend to stick on top of the head and on the fringe, but they are new hair that start to grow, so there is nothing to do but moisturize and wait for the hair to grow. wires to make everything normal. Some repairing oils can help to control the volume and lower these flat wires.
Some women have the habit of brushing their hair several times a day and this is one of the most desperate moments when hair loss is occurring, since many strands are attached to the brush at this time. Therefore, reduce the number of brushings and avoid touching the scalp as much as possible, do the least possible and the least number of times. The last tip that your own doctor may prescribe is the use of dietary supplements, as is the case with Pantogar, which helps a lot women in this phase of postpartum hair loss.
In general, the business is to have patience to adjust to new habits, including using combs with teeth wider than normal and hoping to normalize. Normally hair loss stops occurring after 6 months of childbirth, where hormone levels are also normalized while abusing juices and vitamins that help keep hair health balanced like orange and carrot juice and banana and chestnut smoothie from Pará that give a visual up.
See also: Postpartum Care After Maternity
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.