When a woman gives birth, a great transformation takes over her life. This transformation that has been in preparation for 9 months, but which is taking place in this very special moment.
And in that moment when you worry about this new life that has just arrived in the world, it is quite common for some mothers to forget or try not to think about the recovery of their own body.
Having a flabby belly in the postpartum period is quite common, but it bothers most women, even though they know that there are several other concerns at that moment.
But it is possible to take care of yourself, your own body and your health while you take care of your baby in the best possible way. And that is the subject that we will address in today’s text. After all, how to deal with the changes in pregnancy in our bodies in the postpartum period?
Why is the Belly Flaccid?
First of all, we need to say that it is inevitable that the belly becomes flabby in the postpartum period, since flaccidity is nothing more than the excess skin caused by the enormous growth of the woman’s belly in a short period of time, and then decrease in that belly.
This “accordion effect” ends up making the belly of a woman who has just had a baby flabby, but the good news is that this is not something that needs to bother you and can be reversed in a healthy way.
The two main weapons to combat the flabby belly in the postpartum period are food and physical exercises, that is, having a healthy lifestyle is essential for the results to appear.
It is necessary to think about some details, especially so that this diet does not interfere in the woman’s life with regard to breastfeeding, so paying attention to her dietary routine is essential so that it does not end up having negative effects.
If this routine is followed correctly, the woman can only win, because in addition to the reduction of the flabby belly and the inevitable improvement in her health, the baby will also be fed in the best way and by a very willing mother.
Food to recover the Belly
With regard to food, the best for those who want to eliminate the flabby belly in the postpartum period are foods that contain lean proteins, in addition to those that supplement without fat. We can mention some foods like:
- Eggs
- Turkey breast
- Chicken breast
- Grains like Lentils and Black Beans
- Skimmed Natural Yogurt
- Fish
- Bell pepper
- Spinach
- Aubergine
It is important to stress that there must be a balanced diet and the woman must eat every 3 hours for both her health and so that milk production does not suffer any changes. Remember: With a good diet, your baby also wins.
Exercises to Recover Postpartum Belly
A good exercise routine is also essential for those who wish to lose their flabby belly in the postpartum period. There are several different types of exercises that can be done to achieve the goals, although there are some that are more recommended. We can mention some of them, such as:
- Sit-ups
- Running
- Rope
Each of these exercises has a different benefit and requires a different type of effort as well, so let’s talk about each one in detail so that you can understand it more clearly.
They are easy to do and you can practice almost anywhere. Exactly because of this facility, it is very common for the abdominals to be one of the most common exercises to practice at home. It is also great for the mother, who can exercise close to the baby and pay attention to it all the time.
A type of exercise that requires you to improve over time, but that brings very beneficial results that go beyond reducing the belly. Running is good for the cardiovascular system, for breathing and is a great way to keep your body always in motion.
A type of exercise that can be quite fun and that can also be done at home. Despite being heavier than the abs and running, jumping rope also has even more effects, especially when it comes to burning calories. A great option for the woman who is looking to lose her flabby belly in the postpartum period.
Moving around at Home
Finally, we have to talk about women who do not have enough time to exercise always, for several reasons. The best tip to be given to these women is that they do not stop moving even when they are at home. Some of the exercises mentioned here already help, but day-to-day activities can also help a woman to move more, although sometimes they are not enough.
Fallen Breasts After Breastfeeding
In addition to the flabby belly in the postpartum period, another common complaint of mothers about the body is the sagging breasts after breastfeeding. In this case, the woman’s routine will be somewhat different , the baby will be a little older and the way of taking care of him will change a lot.
However, the tips remain the same. A good diet and exercises being done in a correct way help a lot to solve this problem as well. The fact that the routine changes means that you have to manage your time in other ways to practice the exercises, but it also means that you can intensify them.
As you can see, it is possible to have all these cares for your body and be a great mother at the same time, one thing does not cancel out the other. In fact, exercising can even help you to be more willing to face the difficulties of being a mother to a newborn.
The most important of all of this is that you are aware that your body and your health is of great importance and that you should not leave that aside, no matter what people say. Many women have a flabby belly in the postpartum period, but this is a problem that can be solved with dedication and in a way that does not hurt you physically or in your daily life.
See Also: How to Deal with Postpartum Belly – Tips and Care
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.