Food is an important issue at any stage of life and even more in childhood. Children need extra care and a healthy diet that will guarantee good health in order to grow and develop correctly, in addition to supplying all the energy they need. But within the great diversity of foods, there are contraindicated foods for children, do you know what they are and why they should not be offered?
From the age of 6 months, it is recommended to insert new foods in the baby’s menu and be careful with what they offer and the reactions of each food should be extended for many years.
Even for the biggest ones who already eat everything, caution is necessary, especially when it comes to treats, snacks and sweets full of dye . Some “harmless” foods for adults can cause a great deal of inconvenience for little ones. We will list the main contraindicated foods for children.
What to Avoid Offering to Children
- Packaged snacks : Packaged snacks contain a large amount of salt, coloring and some are totally greasy when fried. They offer no nutritional value and even increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure and cholesterol even in childhood.
TIP: Instead of offering industrialized snacks, opt for homemade ones. It is possible to make savory chips using fruits or vegetables that can be dehydrated in the oven or in the microwave, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes or apples. - Sweeteners: Even when recommended not to use sugar in children’s food, it should not be substituted by the sweetener, unless recommended by a doctor. In some isolated cases, such as diabetes, it may be necessary to replace it with a specific sweetener.
- Peanut: It is very easy to find peanut-based snacks and sweets. They are very tasty and delight the taste of children, but offer a high risk of allergies, as well as chestnuts and nuts that are allergenic foods. Many children develop severe allergies and in some cases more serious ones can trigger difficulty in breathing and swelling in the tongue and mouth, offering great risk to life.
- Canned: Like sausages, canned foods contain a lot of salt, compromise digestion and offer low nutritional value, in addition to all the preservatives necessary to maintain their validity. Totally contraindicated for feeding children.
- Gelatine: Contrary to what many mothers think, gelatine is not a healthy food for children. Contains preservatives and dyes and can trigger atopic allergic conditions in children’s skin. Replace fruit gelatin with chopped fruit.
- Embutidos: Embutidos are rich in preservatives and fats and without any nutritional value. Therefore, sausage, bologna, ham and others, should be left out of the children’s food menu.
- Chocolate: Food with a high sugar content should be avoided as much as possible. It is recommended not to add milk to babies and especially not to add sugar.
- Sweets: It is difficult to find a child who rejects these foods, but candies, lollipops and cakes are contraindicated for children . In addition to the high sugar content, it does not add anything to the child’s health, the addictive candy, spoils the teeth and is a major contributor to childhood obesity.
The foods mentioned are the “most attractive” for children and those who should be cautious. If possible, avoid consumption as much as possible and if offered in controlled dosages and always observing signs of allergies.
In the case of children who accompany their parents on “culinary adventures”, it is necessary to observe each ingredient consumed, as is the case with Japanese foods. Most of the dishes of Japanese cuisine go raw fish and therefore they should be avoided. Opt for cooked dishes or other varieties on the menu that are very pleasing to children.
Food Allergy
When we talk about allergy, we imagine spots and even itchy skin. But allergic conditions can be much more dangerous than just such discomfort and offer great risk to life if not rescued in time.
Even natural foods that look so harmless can cause fatal allergic reactions. Some cases appear as symptoms of a simple food intolerance or even an intestinal infection, when in fact it is indicating a reaction to the food consumed.
The cause of food allergies is related to the production of a type of substance by the body, called immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, which reacts by causing allergies to a certain food.
Although many people are food intolerant, food allergies are not common. In a real food allergy, the immune system produces antibodies and histamine in response to that food consumed.
Main Foods to Cause Allergy
Any food can cause an allergic reaction , but some are identified as the main and most dangerous villains of allergenic conditions, both in children and adults. They are eggs, milk, peanuts, seafood (shrimp, fish, crab, lobster), soy, dried fruits and gluten.
Some people only discover food allergies after experiencing reactions, but it is possible to find out in advance through allergy tests. Symptoms usually occur immediately or within two hours of eating. The main symptoms are:
- Urticaria;
- Hoarseness;
- Breathing difficult or noisy;
- Abdominal pain;
- Diarrhea;
- Difficulty swallowing
Other symptoms to watch for are dizziness, fainting, nasal congestion, nausea and vomiting, itchy scaly patches (atopic dermatitis), blisters and swelling (angioedema), especially on the eyelids, face, lips and tongue.
Allergies are more dangerous in children and babies, as we age, the digestive system matures and the body is less likely to absorb food or components that cause allergies. But at any age we must be aware of allergic reactions.
See also: Food to Loosen the Intestine
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.