When a child goes to a school, he begins to learn not only the content he is taught in the classroom, but also to live with other people. This second point is, above all, an indication of why it is healthy for children to go to school and not study alone at home, for example.
The school is an environment for interaction, learning and social development . It is where you learn that not all people are the same, that there are different opinions, different ways of looking at life and many other cultures.
Diversity in schools is fundamental for a child to grow up without prejudice , with an open mind and, consequently, with a healthier social life.
Many may think that issues such as prejudice and racism do not affect children and that they should stay away from it, but the truth is that all types of discriminatory thinking are largely built in childhood and the influence of the school so that this type of thinking do not turn into something worse in the future, it’s huge.
For this reason we are going to address today the theme of diversity in schools, its importance and how it affects children today.
Diversity Must Be Valued
The sooner a child learns that different people live in the same places every day, the healthier it will be for them. When a child is deprived of this coexistence with what is different, he may end up wondering about it in the future, which can cause him social problems.
Within classrooms and from a very young age, children must learn to deal with these differences , both in what they are taught and in practice, doing work with different children, playing at recess with children from other rooms, etc.
Racism and Prejudice
Racism is a reality that exists in our country, unfortunately. But for this to change our attitude towards this problem, it also needs to change. This does not mean that you should try to force your children’s friendship with children of another color or something, just that your child should grow up with the idea that the color of their skin does not influence the person in any other aspect of their life. .
How to Deal with Diversity in Schools?
When we talk about diversity in the school, we also talk about stimulating the integration of students of all colors, religions and social classes that exist there. In Brazil, this can vary a lot depending on the school where the child studies or even on the region of the country. However, the idea that needs to be planted in everyone’s head is the same.
At school, children should also learn that discrimination is a negative thing. One of the best ways to do this is to prevent “cliques”, which are very common, from trying to disparage other students for whatever reason.
It may seem trivial, but it is essential for both the attacking and the attacked child, to stop this type of behavior as soon as possible. As we have already said, the sooner the child learns to deal with differences, the healthier it will be for him.
All of these points are part of the role of an educator and an educator. Be it a primary school teacher or a teacher of a specific elementary school subject.
It is of utmost importance that all professionals involved in the education of children are aware of how they deal with diversity in schools. It is the duty of all these professionals to correct mistakes that are common to children, but that should not be taken into adulthood.
Parental Monitoring is Essential
The figure of the parents will make a total difference and is fundamental for the social formation of the child. Knowing this, accompanying the child and knowing how he deals with diversity in schools is an obligation that must be fulfilled.
Remember that children learn a lot more by the example that their parents set and not by what they say, in other words, demonstrating acts of good coexistence with differences is an important attitude so that they can reproduce this type of behavior at school.
The opposite is also true: When parents have racist or discriminatory attitudes in front of their children, even if they do not want to, they end up letting the child assimilate it as something normal or correct, which can impair their understanding of diversity.
It is clear that there is a generation gap between what many parents learned in childhood and what is happening today, but it is necessary to understand that diversity is an important issue and that certain attitudes that were socially accepted in the past are no longer seen with good eyes nowadays.
Unfortunately, we live in a society in which racism, prejudice and discrimination are real things and do not affect only adults. And the biggest problem is not that these attitudes simply affect children, but that they can end up being affected and transmit different attitudes like this because of their upbringing.
That is why dealing with diversity in schools is one of the most powerful weapons to prevent this type of problem from surviving in the future. Of course, it is not a job that will bring results overnight, and no school alone can transform the world into a better place. But every little thing we do is one more step that we take towards a better place for children to live.
See also: Controversial Topic: Children of Gay Parents
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.