When we mention the name leash, we immediately turn on the image of the puppy being taken for a walk and thinking about a leash for children at first, it can be a little scary , isn’t it?
But the idea of a children’s collar is not at all to scare or embarrass as many say, but rather to provide security for the most agitated children who have the habit of not being close to their parents during a walk.
This topic can lead to a great controversy and extensive discussions, since it divides the opinions of many parents and onlookers. After all, in the view of some, if the child is agitated and “does not know how to behave” on walks, it may be the parents’ lack of rigidity or as some risk, lack of education or limits and it will not be a collar that will solve.
What is a Child’s Collar?
But we are going to expose both sides of the vision so that everyone can understand and develop their opinions. The child’s collar actually looks nothing like the one used on domestic animals . It has the appearance of a backpack and can be found in the shape of pets or themes of characters to the liking of children.
The only similarity to the leash of animals is the guide, where the parents will hold to prevent the child from moving away from the parents and thus control that it does not get lost in very busy environments or that it disappears easily in the eyes of the guardian.
With each passing day, the leash for children reaches more space between the most updated parents . In several countries and places it is already an indispensable item as soon as the baby starts to walk , offering safety on public walks.
Where to find the Leash for Children?
It is possible to find in virtual stores, websites all over the world and in physical stores too, with several options of colors, sizes, characters and leaving with fun appearance for the children to wish to use.
Parents Who Don’t Support the Idea
Obviously, like everything that refers to the education and care of children, opinions are divided and in this case it even causes great controversy . Some parents still defend the old customs, the good conversation before leaving and the teaching of how to behave in any environment, especially the public where there are great dangers.
Parents who do not support see the leash for children as an object of embarrassment to their children and lack of “pulse” to educate their children and impose limits. Being energetic with a child and informing about the real risks and even supposing that you will be punished if you do not behave, is a way out to teach them.
But the great truth is that many parents see the leash for children as a safety for all, especially for special children that parents tend to have a certain difficulty in controlling in certain situations.
If you are afraid to use the collar for children, know that there is no contraindication in its use . The only difficulty you will face will be the curious looks or conflicting opinions of friends and family, who are sure to expose your views.
If you have no problem with that and just want to aim at your child’s safety and the comfort of your family on each outing, avoiding surprises, the child collar is certainly an option.
Child Safety on Outings
When we go out with our children, regardless of location, great caution and responsibility is required. Children are impulsive, curious and have no idea of the risks and dangers that surround them. So the ideal is to always alert, talk and expose the risks to children, even if small, always leaving them on the alert.
Some precautions are essential to avoid surprises and accidents, and always aiming at the safety of the children and obviously the comfort of the family.
Always warn your children not to talk to strangers, let alone accept objects or sweets, whatever it is. Advise that when it happens, that you immediately look for those responsible and if necessary, ask if you can accept it.
Always stay close to your children, and let them play freely as long as they are under your supervision. Do not distance yourself for 1 minute and avoid messing with your cell phone while taking care of them, this is the ideal time for major accidents.
Malicious people exist everywhere, and by noticing their parents’ lack of observation or distraction , they can find the right time to act. Kidnappings, child abuse are very recurrent in these environments and because of the parents’ distraction.
The child should also be advised when leaving the house, that in case he gets lost he should look for a local security guard or some customer service. Never ask for help from strangers or leave the environment you are in.
The best thing to do is to go hand in hand with your child or never let it get away from you or your eyes. Therefore, some families choose to use a collar on children, to avoid accidents, especially when it is a very agitated child who likes to run wherever he is.
A very valuable tip is: always put brightly colored clothes on children or a hat, mark the clothes they are wearing well, to facilitate their focus and vision and also to recognize your child among other children.
If you are more than a child and in a very busy environment, share the supervision, letting someone else take care of one and you taking care of the other. Don’t look away and always give recommendations where you will be so that your child will always see you and feel safe.
Any place, be it a market, a park or a mall, however impossible it seems to happen, it happens. All the caution in the world is little to the children outdoors.
See also: Screaming Child – Understand the Reasons
My name is Dr. Alexis Hart I am 38 years old, I am the mother of 3 beautiful children! Different ages, different phases 16 years, 12 years and 7 years. In love with motherhood since always, I found it difficult to make my dreams come true, and also some more after I was already a mother.
Since I imagined myself as a mother, in my thoughts everything seemed to be much easier and simpler than it really was, I expected to get pregnant as soon as I wished, but it wasn’t that simple. The first pregnancy was smooth, but my daughter’s birth was very troubled. Joana was born in 2002 with a weight of 2930kg and 45cm, from a very peaceful cesarean delivery but she had already been born with congenital pneumonia due to a broken bag not treated with antibiotics even before delivery.